Thursday, March 31, 2011

Michael Heart - "Freedom" - EXCLUSIVE OFFICIAL VIDEO

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion explained (1/2)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

CODEPINK Women for Peace

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya

Wow That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established A New Central Bank Of Libya

Ban canvasses Latin American support for solution to Middle East conflict

Ban canvasses Latin American support for solution to Middle East conflict

Ban canvasses Latin American support for solution to Middle East conflict

Ban canvasses Latin American support for solution to Middle East conflict

Breaking the Silence- rooftops

Liberated Libya Rejects US Intervention - TRNN EXCLUSIVE

Group: Investigate Muslim cab driver assault as a hate crime

Group: Investigate Muslim cab driver assault as a hate crime

Monday, March 28, 2011

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? (Must Watch) | Sabbah Report

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? (Must Watch) | Sabbah Report

Countdown to March 29 | Showdown in America

Countdown to March 29 | Showdown in America

Yahweh Good Allah Bad [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Yahweh Good Allah Bad [Satire] | Sabbah Report

JFK telling us the 911 truth

Who is Who in Palestine

Ring of Power: Empire of the City-Full Length Documentary

The end of Palestine, Israel celebrate occupation after ethic cleansing

Obama: Man in the middle

Obama: Man in the middle

Farrakhan Blasts Obama On Libya Bombing

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Great rebuttal by CNN anchor against a Israel Spokeswomen

BBC News - Dramatic footage of police charging protesters with horses HD

Ray McGovern on the Corruption of U.S Intelligence

Anonymous targets American Israel PAC: Operation Palestine - National Anonymous |

Anonymous targets American Israel PAC: Operation Palestine - National Anonymous |

what famous actor & actress have said about Arabs & Israel

The UN: An Instrument of Western Aggression | Libya |

The UN: An Instrument of Western Aggression | Libya |

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

[Eng] الثورة البحرين يرد على عباد السلاطين- United Bahrain Revolution

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Starchild - The Renaissance

The Democracy Revolutions and the Israel-Palestine Conflict | Sabbah Report

The Democracy Revolutions and the Israel-Palestine Conflict | Sabbah Report

Rabbi exposing Zionism, even after being tortured by them!

Israel now to ethnically cleanse children- 400 selected on ethnic DNA to...

General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran ne...

First death in Jordan since protests began

Liberated Libya Rejects US Intervention - TRNN EXCLUSIVE

Cathleen Falsani: It's not illegal to be Muslim ... yet

Cathleen Falsani: It's not illegal to be Muslim ... yet

General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran ne...

Friday, March 25, 2011

No Spring in Palestine - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

No Spring in Palestine - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

TSA, Airlines Tread Carefully on Religious Expression

TSA, Airlines Tread Carefully on Religious Expression

Crackdown in Bahrain: Notes from the field - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Crackdown in Bahrain: Notes from the field - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

U.S. Defends Bahrain Dictatorship

Yemen revolution & Libya war- News Analysis- 03-24-2011 (Part 1)

BREAKING Nerve Gas used in Yemen on innocent protesters.flv

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The United States of Israel?

Radiation and Jet Stream forecast UPDATE - March 23, 2011 - ALL LINKS BELOW

Wayseer Manifesto - V Edition

Experts Track Fallout from Fukushima

All You Fascists (Billy Bragg)

Sout Al Horeya صوت الحريه Amir Eid - Hany Adel - Hawary On Guitar & Sher...

Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?

Chinese Warship On Libya Coast WTF??

:: Islam Channel :: One World - One Ummah - One Channel :: Islam Channel ::

:: Islam Channel :: One World - One Ummah - One Channel :: Islam Channel ::

Killing Civilians in Afghanistan is Terrorism | War Is A Crime .org

Killing Civilians in Afghanistan is Terrorism | War Is A Crime .org

Palestinians escalate war on Israeli civilians; IAF strikes Gaza | Washington Times Communities

Palestinians escalate war on Israeli civilians; IAF strikes Gaza | Washington Times Communities

Opinion: Don't Discredit Israel and Its Goods; Instead, Do Work to Help Them Both | The Jewish Exponent

Opinion: Don't Discredit Israel and Its Goods; Instead, Do Work to Help Them Both | The Jewish Exponent

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Japan fights the NWO! Other countries are following! Wake up the world! ...

Salem-News promo

The First And The Second Massacre In Bahrain

Video: Californians Protest Hate Speech Against Muslims (CAIR)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

America Has Lost So Much Credibility No One Believes Action In Libya Is ...

Viva la Arab Revolution

أغنية قادم ياغزة الممنوعة في جميع القنوات العربية

Gaza, Palestine and revolution in the Middle East : Alex Callinico Part ...

Today In History - Taiwan News Online

Today In History - Taiwan News Online

F-15 fighter jet crashed in Libya

The majority of Britons oppose UK action against Gaddafi - Press TV News


U.N. Investigator Accuses Israel of “Ethnic Cleansing”

UN expert highlights worsening human rights situation in East Jerusalem

UN expert highlights worsening human rights situation in East Jerusalem

The Quest to Dominate the Arab World

The Quest to Dominate the Arab World

Israel Bombs Residential Area of Gaza City - March 22, 2011 - Ken O'Keefe

Arabs Winning their Freedom—Americans, Rise Up for Your Freedom from Israel

I've written this letter in 12-05-2005. Now it makes more sense of what's going on the Middle East!!!

What if Wilson had lived? 12-05-2005

How different the world might have been if that one brief shining moment of American history in the Middle East had not been eclipsed by isolationism.

In defiance of the racist policies of Britain and France, Woodrow Wilson actually cared what the people of Palestine felt about Lord Balfour’s determination to give their country to another people. He wanted them consulted, not treated with imperialist contempt as non-Christians, children of a lesser god.

How different the world would have been if the Arab’s desire for unity had not been ignored in favor of establishment of myriad states under myriad rulers, all to please Britain and France.

When the United Stated opted out of the League of Nations, it became a puppet of imperial nations, just as the United Nations has become a puppet of the United States and United Kingdom. The rest of the world looks on with anger and impotence.

What if President Wilson had lived or had triumphed over what was even then a corrupt Congress?

Nadia Sindi

Air Force strikes in Gaza; 'children hurt' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Air Force strikes in Gaza; 'children hurt' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Monday, March 21, 2011

Libya’s Rebellion « Previous 1 of 13 Next »

The United States Navy destroyer Barry fired Tomahawk missiles from the Mediterranean Sea on Saturday. The Pentagon said more than 100 missiles were targeted at Libya's air-defense systems.

Reuters Cameraman killed by an Israeli Tank while filming the Tank

No apology is due from innocent Muslims

"There's also the idea, vigorously promoted by people who've never read the Quran, that Islam urges its adherents to attack and murder those of other faiths. I am not now, nor have I ever been, a Muslim, but I honor the various paths to God, and I found out that this, too, is a myth." Joan Bugbee

Stop Bombing Libya | War Is A Crime .org

Stop Bombing Libya | War Is A Crime .org

Members Take Cash, Check or Fine Wine : Roll Call

Members Take Cash, Check or Fine Wine : Roll Call

Women United in the Intifada []

Reuters Cameraman killed by an Israeli Tank while filming the Tank

OPT: Council holds interactive dialogue with Committee of independent experts on follow-up to recommendations in the Goldstone report

OPT: Council holds interactive dialogue with Committee of independent experts on follow-up to recommendations in the Goldstone report

The Libyan conundrum


France, Racist Butcher Of Haiti, Vietnam, Syria, Algeria, First To Bomb Libya By Jay Janson

France, Racist Butcher Of Haiti, Vietnam, Syria, Algeria, First To Bomb Libya By Jay Janson

الثورة السورية ورسالة من بشار الاسد للشعب السوري

إذا الشعب أراد الحياة سوريا

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Creed- What if? (With Lyrics)

Bahrain and Yemen Declare War on Their Protesters | Common Dreams

Bahrain and Yemen Declare War on Their Protesters | Common Dreams

Manufacturing the Muslim Menace [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Manufacturing the Muslim Menace [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Manufacturing the Muslim Menace [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Manufacturing the Muslim Menace [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Village of Awarta faced mass arrests, violence and massive destruction during five days of curfew

Village of Awarta faced mass arrests, violence and massive destruction during five days of curfew

فيديو مطول للثورة السورية 18- 3-2011 درعا

Saturday, March 19, 2011

David Horowitz spreading hatred of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims @ Bro...

At Least Six Dead in Syria Protest Attacks -- News from

At Least Six Dead in Syria Protest Attacks -- News from

Libya Egypt Bahrain Yemen North Africa Solidarity Demonstration in Glasgow

GRAPHIC Moment Yemen snipers started killing innocent protesters on the ...

Every American and her Allies should listen to this.

USA TAX $ pay for Israel's Child -Civilian Massacres concealed by 96% Je...

Why Is Israel So Blind?

Why Is Israel So Blind?

Bahrain police killing people by drive by shootings


The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like)

The Must See Chart (This Is What Class War Looks Like)

Friday, March 18, 2011



Play reveals truths about Israel

Is it anti-American to be critical of our government’s policy? It is the joy of freedom. Lord Leebrick’s Theatre Co.’s production of “My Name Is Rachel Corrie” is a voice of a truth that many do not want to hear. Because it is ugly.

Craig Weinerman’s March 9 guest viewpoint is an attempt to crush the voice of freedom. I do not believe that was his intent. However, it is not anti-Semitic to criticize a country that flagrantly violates humanitarian law; it does not delegitimize Israel’s right to exist.

The play simply tells a story of a peace activist who died standing up for what she believed.

Israelis do suffer; many have been killed without provocation. Are the Palestinians right in doing so?

Violence begets violence; hatred begets hatred. Yet Israeli suffering is a direct result of its governmental policy. Israel has occupied Palestine for years, establishing settlements on occupied lands.

Does this not create rage? Should the Palestinians be submissive and smile as their homes are torn down to make way for more settlements?

Did David Ben-Gurion suddenly become a self-hating Jew when he said late in his life, “If I have to choose between a small Israel, but with peace, and a greater Israel without peace, I prefer a small Israel”?

Thanks to Lord Leebrick for addressing the facts that we all have the same right to live in peace and dignity, that occupation is a violation of human rights, and that only suffering can come from it.

Roberta Roth


Column One: Israel’s indivisible legitimacy

Beyond Mandate: The UNSC Resolution on No-Fly-Zone against Libya

Beyond Mandate: The UNSC Resolution on No-Fly-Zone against Libya

ei: Boycott roundup: Canada campuses mobilize to divest

ei: Boycott roundup: Canada campuses mobilize to divest

Palestinians rally for unity - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Palestinians rally for unity - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Thursday, March 17, 2011

مظاهرة طنطاوى 1- 16 ما.رس 2011

مظاهرة طنطاوى 1- 16 ما.رس 2011

التدخل السعودي في البحرين: لعب قذر بالنار المذهبية

التدخل السعودي في البحرين: لعب قذر بالنار المذهبية

#Mar15 - Woman assaulted for carrying Palestinian flag - #Gaza

Palestine March 15th 2011

Palestine and the Lottery Ticket -

Palestine and the Lottery Ticket -

Students skate through Thursday afternoon

Students skate through Thursday afternoon

U.S. Love Affair with Murderous Dictators and Hate for Democracy | Featured |

U.S. Love Affair with Murderous Dictators and Hate for Democracy | Featured |

تحت المجهر - الطريق الى 25 يناير

Massacre of Bahraini People while USA & Europe silent (March 18, 2011)

Woman denied flight cites anti-Muslim bias -

Woman denied flight cites anti-Muslim bias -

Video: Outrage After Calif. Muslim Removed From Plane (CAIR)

Libya: We will hit civilian targets in response to foreign attack - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Libya: We will hit civilian targets in response to foreign attack - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

WAMC: Bahrain arrests 6 opposition leaders after crackdown (2011-03-17)

WAMC: Bahrain arrests 6 opposition leaders after crackdown (2011-03-17)

On the 8th Anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s Stand in Gaza

On the 8th Anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s Stand in Gaza

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vote No - قول لأ

Bahrain Revolution: Peace vs. Injustice ثورة البحرين: السلام مقابل الظلم

For Rachel Corrie-1979-2003-Dahlia Wasfi @ Winter Soldiers Testimonies


Left Forum 2011: Towards a Politics of Solidarity

Left Forum 2011: Towards a Politics of Solidarity

Left Forum 2011: Towards a Politics of Solidarity

Full List of VoteGlobal Twitter accounts

Full List of VoteGlobal Twitter accounts

Support Palestinian Refugees by Funding UNRWA - AAPER

Support Palestinian Refugees by Funding UNRWA - AAPER

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Special Coverage of Bahrain Uprising - Press TV News

Juiced: Sugar in a bottle

Juiced: Sugar in a bottle

PM Netanyahu's remarks during visit to the western border fence 15-Mar-2011

PM Netanyahu's remarks during visit to the western border fence 15-Mar-2011

Frank Gaffney: Muslims Practicing Sharia Should Be Prosecuted for Sedition

Frank Gaffney: Muslims Practicing Sharia Should Be Prosecuted for Sedition

Israel-Firsters: The Greatest Danger

What is Kick Butts Day?

MAKE VIRAL ASAP: Japan Tells BUSH to SHOVE it and gets HAARPED

Monday, March 14, 2011

pro-government group attacks doctors at university of Bahrain

Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) - Israeli Mossad & IDF & ADL CyberT...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

'Libya air attack footage looks fake, no facts in West media'

HRW: Saudi Arabia Must Release 27 Shia Detainees and Allow Peaceful Demonstrations

Slaughter of the Fogels: After the West Bank Killings

Slaughter of the Fogels: After the West Bank Killings

Bill O'Reilly Compares the Koran to Mein Kampf and then tries to deny it and then re-compares it again. | Crooks and Liars

Bill O'Reilly Compares the Koran to Mein Kampf and then tries to deny it and then re-compares it again. | Crooks and Liars

Hydrogen Explosion at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 3 Reactor

Hydrogen Explosion at Japan's Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 3 Reactor

World-Herald editorial: Respect for Muslim citizens -

World-Herald editorial: Respect for Muslim citizens -

Gordon Sturrock testimony at GNEP EIS hearings

Five Israelis killed in West Bank - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Five Israelis killed in West Bank - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

"Marine Le Pen financée par Israel"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Video: King Hearings May Serve to Demonize Islam (CAIR)

Video: CNN Host Slams Anti-Islam Bigot Brigitte Gabriel (CAIR)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why is Hillary Not Defending the Rights of Saudi Protesters?  :      Information Clearing House: ICH

Why is Hillary Not Defending the Rights of Saudi Protesters? : Information Clearing House: ICH

Water Boarding Scene From "The Last War Crime" rev. 2

Old Fat Naked Women for Peace



Monday, March 7, 2011

Former 9/11 Commissioner admits missile hit the Pentagon

Video shows Libya army 'executions'

Quotable Quotes From the Chosen Ones

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Our Shadow War On Shadow Enemies | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

Our Shadow War On Shadow Enemies | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

Egyptian Protests Force PM Removal

Egyptian Protests Force PM Removal

Beware Constitutional Convention! (part 1 of 3)

Israel: The Promised Land for Organized Crime - 1

Israeli officials attacking anti Zionist synagogue in Jerusalem

Obama Prays with Muslims White House He Cancels National Day of Prayer

Anti-Muslim Protestor Throws Crosses At Feet Of Man Praying By White House

Video: FBI Breach of Muslims' Constitutional Rights a Consistent Pattern...

زنقة زنقة - أغنية معمر القذافي.

Supporters of 'Irvine 11' issue call to action

Supporters of 'Irvine 11' issue call to action

زنقة زنقة - أغنية معمر القذافي.

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! (Why Is This Not A ...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Occupation 101 new trailer

Anti-Jihadism and Unholy Alliances

Anti-Jihadism and Unholy Alliances

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Iraq Veterans Against the War in Occupied Capitol, Madison, WI

Jews Exposing Zionist Grip On America - Moderate Jewish Voices

Hate Comes to Orange County

بوابة البيتين ... يا خادم الحرمين


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel,7340,L-4036889,00.html

Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel,7340,L-4036889,00.html

Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

Diplomat: I can no longer represent Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews

Video: Calif. Muslim Sues FBI Over Secret GPS Surveillance (CAIR)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Scott Horton to Obama Butt Out of Libya!

YouTube Banned video Egyptian Revolution Jan 25th 2011 Take what s Y...

Arab unrest alters power balance in as yet unseen ways
