Friday, May 27, 2011

The Zionist Matrix of Power | Full_Edition | HD 720p

Dennis Kucinich - Israel is Killing Children With Your American Tax Dollars

Why Does Congress Love Israel SO Much?

Israeli military kills a Palestinian Youth in the Gaza Strip and kidnaps dozens in the West Bank, meanwhile, France welcomes the unity deal between Fa

British PM Cameron drops Israel ‘racist’ charity the Jewish national Fund (JNF) 27May11

British PM Cameron drops Israel ‘racist’ charity the Jewish national Fund (JNF) 27May11

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Netanyahu, Hamas and the Threat of War

Netanyahu, Hamas and the Threat of War

ايها المارون...

Obama's car gets stuck at US Embassy

The First Casualty of War

Queen humilitates President Obama at Buckingham Palace by refusing toast...

Wael Ghoneim @ Time Magazine 100 Event

Ahmed Zack:"There is a lot of hope. Our American revolution is a vision that will come to reality once we work hard enough to make it happen. It is almost the time for it. In Egypt it all started online. The revolution was a virtual event that turned into one of the most civilised revolutions in history. The peaceful protesters were shot at and they still triumphed. The revolt is our vision, it will become a reality once we work hard to make it happen. Watch Wael Ghoneim the guy who published the event on FB, an event that turned into an inspirational revolution. The most noble of revolutions. The revolution of Egypt.

ביבי פרו אמריקנו (Bi Bi Pro Americano (Noy Alooshe Remix

He reveals the Truth about Zionists

Islam the Misunderstood Religion!!

The price of return - Features - Al Jazeera English

The price of return - Features - Al Jazeera English

BBC is 'confusing cause and effect' in its Israeli coverage

GOP lawmaker: I saw TSA pat down 'little old lady,' child, but not Arab man - The Hill's Transportation Report

GOP lawmaker: I saw TSA pat down 'little old lady,' child, but not Arab man - The Hill's Transportation Report

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Parallel Injustices: American Indians and Palestinians

Israeli Thugs in Uniform Beating up Women – انظرو كيف تعامل النسا


Democrats attack a stance on Israel that Obama doesn’t hold

Key Facts About Israel’s Borders
By Bob Ellis on May 25th, 2011

Herald News: Letters, May 25, 2011

Russia ready to recognize Palestine: Lavrov Tehran Times International Desk

The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Netanyahu interrupted by protester, calls it "real democracy"

The Arab Revolutions are Heading to Palestine - Ken O'Keefe Press TV

Video: Pro-Israel Activist Knocks Camera Out of Hands of Alison Weir

Video: Pro-Israel Activist Knocks Camera Out of Hands of Alison Weir

The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain: Full documentary (PBS)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Netanyahu: Israel cannot return to 1967 borders  |

Netanyahu: Israel cannot return to 1967 borders  |

Occupation 101 (Parte 1-Sub español)

Palestinian UN bid enters unknown territory  |

Palestinian UN bid enters unknown territory  |

Mixed Message: Right Attacks Obama For Both “ Flip-Flop[ping]“ And “ Doubl[ing] Down“ On Israel

Mixed Message: Right Attacks Obama For Both “ Flip-Flop[ping]“ And “ Doubl[ing] Down“ On Israel

Norman Finkelstein on Obama's Middle East Speech 2011

Hotel Maids Say Sexual Harassment Is Part of the Job - IPS

Hotel Maids Say Sexual Harassment Is Part of the Job - IPS

Sunday, May 22, 2011

'Three wars, millions suffering not 9/11 justice'



Video: Florida Mosques Targeted by Hate (CAIR)

Palestinians plan large-scale march, border protest on June 5

Palestinians plan large-scale march, border protest on June 5

President Obama gives speech to AIPAC today 5-22-2011

President Obama gives speech to AIPAC today 5-22-2011

Obama emulates lying Bush

Obama: US support for Israel 'ironclad' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Obama: US support for Israel 'ironclad' - Americas - Al Jazeera English

High Plains Pundit: PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let's take Israel back to 1967

High Plains Pundit: PRESIDENT OBAMA: Let's take Israel back to 1967: "'While the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, a secure Israel. We..."


Strauss-Kahn Screws Africa

Strauss-Kahn Screws Africa

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Move Over AIPAC Flashmob (D.C. Union Station)

THE REVOLUTION HAS STARTED - SPAIN (hits counter interfered with by yout...

How to deal with the JIDF

Friday, May 20, 2011

Putting Obama's Irish Visit Into Context - Salem-News.Com

Putting Obama's Irish Visit Into Context - Salem-News.Com

Anonymous | Palestine (Arabic version)

Galway Alliance Against War protests against British Queen's visit to Ir...

PressTV - Gazans pay tribute to Nakba Day victims

Lowkey: ME Speech 'People will not be fooled'

George Carlin Speaking the Truth

Judgment Day, May 21, 2011

Palestine’s Hidden History of Non-violence

Obama Gives Israel to Hamas

Obama Gives Israel to Hamas

Israel was attacked back in 1967 so what makes people think ...

Can you name all of the nations that attacked with WAR Israel in 1967? Who won? Suggest Pin Quote [+]

Face to face, Netanyahu rejects Obama on borders  |

Face to face, Netanyahu rejects Obama on borders  |

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Israeli TV airs telephone call to father after children killed -English

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chuck Todd suggests Obama wants to raise debt ceiling for the sake of his personal fortune | Video Cafe

Chuck Todd suggests Obama wants to raise debt ceiling for the sake of his personal fortune | Video Cafe

Split board taps top county official | Rob Handy, who has clashed with Liane Richardson, and Pete Sorenson vote against her appointment

Split board taps top county official | Rob Handy, who has clashed with Liane Richardson, and Pete Sorenson vote against her appointment

Israel's secret cemeteries

Israel should not even exist, says Rabbi Yisroel Weiss on Fox News

63 Years of Nakba

Finkelstein in March on Israel's Cairo Embassy - Salem-News.Com

Finkelstein in March on Israel's Cairo Embassy - Salem-News.Com

If you’ve been trying lately to contact Dr. Norman Finkelstein via email only you kept getting this reply “I will be out of town until 20 May 2011. I will not have access to internet so I will not be able to check my email” .. Then you must have wondered where Dr. Finkelstein was and what could that seemingly urgent matter, that kept him from checking his email, be?

Well, to spare you the time and a wrong guess, Dr. Finkelstein was not on some Caribbean island vacation, he was in Egypt joining some youth activists in their most daring and adventurous attempt to breach the heavy security cordon around the Israeli embassy in Cairo, break into the embassy and take down the Israeli flag.

Nevertheless and before he left Egypt he somehow managed to keep his prefixed schedule and gave a memorable lecture at the American university in Cairo – AUC.

63 years of Nakba

Every year and on May 15, the Palestinians and the whole Arabs mark the Nakba day - the day Israel was established and declared a state by a controversial UN decree back in 1948.

Paper should not have published anti-Muslim letter

Paper should not have published anti-Muslim letter

Could Strauss-Kahn case be a hate crime?

Could Strauss-Kahn case be a hate crime?

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest in NYC on charges of sexual assault has generated a lot of controversy even before all the facts are in. As head of the International Monetary Fund, and a possible candidate for the French Presidency, this is assuredly a high-profile case.

The WSJ has reported that already there are all sorts of speculative allegations and counter-allegations being made. The article also discusses previous incidents involving DSK that had been met with only a “wrist slap”.

The AP lays out the known facts about the alleged victim. She is an immigrant from Guinea. She is a widow with a child, and has political asylum in the U.S.

The Goldstone Report

The Goldstone Report

"In the spring of 2009, South African judge Richard Goldstone set out on a mission to the Gaza Strip on assignment from the United Nations Human Rights Council to investigate possible war crimes committed by both Israel and Hamas during "Operation Cast Lead", Israel's invasion of Gaza a few months earlier. Many other reports on the Israel-Palestinian conflict had come and gone, but the account Goldstone's mission produced later that year was different—it became the report heard round the world."

Saudi Arabia's Degenerate New Law: Don't Criticize the Leaders

Saudi Arabia's Degenerate New Law: Don't Criticize the Leaders

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thousands march in NY to mark "Nakba Day"

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Sorenson, Handy continue their same deceitful behavior

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Sorenson, Handy continue their same deceitful behavior

Monday, May 16, 2011

Israeli violence on Nakba commemoration, Qalandiya

Israeli violence on Nakba commemoration, Qalandiya

Israeli violence on Nakba commemoration, Qalandiya

HISTORICAL Event: 50,000 Palestinians gate crash border!

Pamela Geller: American patriot or extremist firebrand?

Feds seek trust of Muslim community - Miami-Dade -

Feds seek trust of Muslim community - Miami-Dade -

Press Conference For American Child Trapped in Syria Part 1

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Veteran Astronauts Look Beyond Space Shuttle Program

Deadly shootings along Israeli borders draw condemnation | Home Other Sections Breaking News

Deadly shootings along Israeli borders draw condemnation | Home Other Sections Breaking News

Famous Palestinian People

Palestine Forever - Sami Yusuf (Genuine Version)

Interactive map of Palestine villages destroyed in Nakba

Egypt National Anthem 1960-1979 - Walla zaman ya selahi

Gaza Interpreter Noor Ahmed Shot At by Israelis - Salem-News.Com

Gaza Interpreter Noor Ahmed Shot At by Israelis - Salem-News.Com

Palestine: Today I Stand Up

Demand the Release of Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Others; Call your Government to Stop Supporting Apartheid Regime - Salem-News.Com

Demand the Release of Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Others; Call your Gov ernment to Stop Supporting Apartheid Regime - Salem-News.Com

أعلام فلسطين ترفرف في سماء تل أبيب لأول مرة منذ 1948

فيديو عبور الفلسطينيين الى مجدل شمس

Palestinian Original Posters - Farhat Art Museum - أناديكم أحمد قعبور

Occupation 101 | Full Documentary

Third Intifada - Gaza, Palestine - May 15, 2011 - Ken O'Keefe

Nakba 63 Day At Qalandia

Sovereign Citizens Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center

Sovereign Citizens Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center

Thousands gather at Capitol to ‘keep the pressure on’ Walker


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Guiliani, Bloomberg, And Tom Ridge At The 9/11 Commision Hearings - Some...

9/11 Tons Of Explosives In A Van On The George Washington Bridge, Suspec...

Guiliani, Bloomberg, And Tom Ridge At The 9/11 Commision Hearings - Some...

How To Kill Goyim And Influence People -- Torat Ha'melech

Ron Paul on Hardball - May 13th

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Wanted 18

NABI SALEH 13-5-2011 النبي صالح.wmv

Into The Fire - Dan Dicks on The Corbett Report

2 000 000 Egyptians in Tahrir Square singing Free Palestine!

What Do We Mean by ‘Militancy’?

Protesters return to Tahrir Square

IMEU: The Nakba: Marking 63 Years After a Catastrophe

IMEU: The Nakba: Marking 63 Years After a Catastrophe

Protesters return to Tahrir Square

3rd Intifada(Tahrir Square)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Verify My Account Spam Runs Rampant On Facebook

Verify My Account Spam Runs Rampant On Facebook

Israel admits it covertly canceled residency status of 140,000 Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel admits it covertly canceled residency status of 140,000 Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Onadekom ( Calling You ) - DARG Team (Official Video)

Onadekom ( Calling You ) - DARG Team (Official Video)

Onadekom ( Calling You ) - DARG Team (Official Video)

Onadekom ( Calling You ) - DARG Team (Official Video) The Home of Ethnically Cleansed & Occupied Palestinians Satellite View Search Donate Contact Us النسخة العربية Home Pict

The Unholy Alliance between The United States and Israel

The Unholy Alliance between The United States and Israel

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cocaine Economy

The Wanted 18

Fatah & Hamas Commit to End the Division - Palestine Celebrates - Gaza -...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zionism, Jewishness and Israel - Alan Hart

Zionism, Jewishness and Israel - Alan Hart

SETTLEMENT FREEZE ISSUE SETTLED DAYS BEFORE NETANYAHU'S DEPARTURE TO US desertpeace | May 10, 2011 at 18:10 | Categories: Collective Punishment, C

BROADCAST EXCLUSIVE: Playwright Tony Kushner Speaks Out on CUNY Controversy, Academic Freedom and Israel

BROADCAST EXCLUSIVE: Playwright Tony Kushner Speaks Out on CUNY Controversy, Academic Freedom and Israel

Video: Louisiana Mosque Vandalized with Pork

Youth empowered through history | The Japan Times Online

Youth empowered through history | The Japan Times Online

Monday, May 9, 2011

.:Middle East Online:.Rebuilding Gaza: O’Keefe and Survivors of Cast Lead ‘Massacre’ Join Forces in Safe-Trade Project

.:Middle East Online:.Rebuilding Gaza: O’Keefe and Survivors of Cast Lead ‘Massacre’ Join Forces in Safe-Trade Project

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear Mama Happy Mothers Day to my Mama ;-)

أسماء المساجد لصلاة الفجر المليونية - أنشر الفيديو

Popular Resistance: May 15, 2011: the beginning of the end

Popular Resistance: May 15, 2011: the beginning of the end: "I teased a friend the other day: Do you feel safer in the new world order? We discussed the fact that there is a “new world order” whereby t..."

Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death

Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death

Classic review: A World of Trouble

Classic review: A World of Trouble

Video: Conference on 'Fear of Islam' Reacts to Plane Incident (CAIR)

Video: Conference on 'Fear of Islam' Reacts to Plane Incident (CAIR)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Forced Exodus - Nakba - PALESTINE

Palestinians document settler violence - 08 Jun 08

Israeli bill to give settler group authority in Silwan


yfrog Photo : Shared by justimage

yfrog Photo : Shared by justimage

Slouching Toward Palestine

Slouching Toward Palestine

Mahmoud Abbas: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Mahmoud Abbas: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Licence to kill

How come people call Muslims as aggressive?

Jonathan Kay: Bin Laden’s killing shows us the irrelevance of “international law”

TRANSLATED Knesset Members Attack Haneen Zoabi After Gaza Flotilla

[Info-Palestine] -  L’unité palestinienne et le nouveau Moyen-Orient script identifiant_article = 10582; /script

[Info-Palestine] - L’unité palestinienne et le nouveau Moyen-Orient script identifiant_article = 10582; /script

Shrinking Palestine Map Cards

Shrinking Palestine Map Cards

Friday, May 6, 2011

Slouching Toward Palestine

Slouching Toward Palestine

Popular Resistance: Vittorio and a lecture

Popular Resistance: Vittorio and a lecture: "Below are tributes to Vittorio and an announcement of a Lecture Tuesday May 10 th . [Reminder: if you emailed me at , p..."

reaction to the death of bobby sands

reaction to the death of bobby sands

reaction to the death of bobby sands

وزير خارجية البحرين يزور إسرائيل

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead -Again!  :      Information Clearing House: ICH

Osama Bin Laden Is Dead -Again! : Information Clearing House: ICH - Officials React to Rochester Hate Crime

Graffiti found on Somali-American family's Rochester home | Minnesota Public Radio News

Graffiti found on Somali-American family's Rochester home | Minnesota Public Radio News

Video: CAIR-MN Asks FBI to Probe Hate Graffiti Targeting Muslim Family

The Grapes of Wrath (1940) - I'll Be There

Lone Star Watchdog: Osama's Death Turned America into the Laughing Sto...

Lone Star Watchdog: Osama's Death Turned America into the Laughing Sto...: " Does anyone know how much President Obama has made America the laughing stock of the world?Osama Bin Laden has been dead for ye..."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Southern-Fried Jihadists? - HUMAN EVENTS

Southern-Fried Jihadists? - HUMAN EVENTS

Southern-Fried Jihadists? - HUMAN EVENTS

Southern-Fried Jihadists? - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama at Ground Zero

Obama at Ground Zero

Fatah & Hamas Commit to End the Division - Palestine Celebrates - Gaza -...

SOUTH LEBANON: US-led attack kills Afghan woman

SOUTH LEBANON: US-led attack kills Afghan woman: "A NATO raid in Afghanistan has killed an Afghan woman and injured eleven others amid growing public discontent over such attacks. Afgha..."

Osama Bin Lynched | War Is A Crime .org

Osama Bin Lynched | War Is A Crime .org

Palestinian youth: New movement, new borders - Features - Al Jazeera English

Palestinian youth: New movement, new borders - Features - Al Jazeera English

9/11 dead listed on memorial to emphasize ties  |

9/11 dead listed on memorial to emphasize ties |

Do a deal on Palestine this time around, or don’t try

Do a deal on Palestine this time around, or don’t try

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Your Letters |

Your Letters |

Bin Laden killing one more government lie

I woke up Monday morning, turned on the computer, went to the Post Independent website, read the headline “Obama: Osama bin Laden Killed,” and the accompanying article written by the Associated Press. The message I kept hearing from my inner self told me this was as though written by the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's novel “1984.”

For the benefit of those not familiar with this novel, here is Wikipedia's description:

“1984 is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party's propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of seeking rebellion against Big Brother, eventually leading to his arrest, torture, and reconversion.”

Most of you who were around in 2006 may remember when there was a lengthy battle of words in the letters to the editor concerning the events of Sept. 11, 2001, after I wrote a letter saying that I was forming a group called Citizens for 9/11 Truth and that I would be showing videos on the subject locally. Here it is five years later, plenty of time for those interested in the most important event in recent history to study the matter further.

Is there still anyone out there who honestly believes the official government story of what happened that day? By the way, Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years now.

Steve Campbell

Glenwood Springs

Your Letters |

Your Letters |

Bin Laden killing one more government lie

I woke up Monday morning, turned on the computer, went to the Post Independent website, read the headline “Obama: Osama bin Laden Killed,” and the accompanying article written by the Associated Press. The message I kept hearing from my inner self told me this was as though written by the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's novel “1984.”

For the benefit of those not familiar with this novel, here is Wikipedia's description:

“1984 is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party's propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of seeking rebellion against Big Brother, eventually leading to his arrest, torture, and reconversion.”

Most of you who were around in 2006 may remember when there was a lengthy battle of words in the letters to the editor concerning the events of Sept. 11, 2001, after I wrote a letter saying that I was forming a group called Citizens for 9/11 Truth and that I would be showing videos on the subject locally. Here it is five years later, plenty of time for those interested in the most important event in recent history to study the matter further.

Is there still anyone out there who honestly believes the official government story of what happened that day? By the way, Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years now.

Steve Campbell

Glenwood Springs

Your Letters |

Your Letters |

Bin Laden killing one more government lie

I woke up Monday morning, turned on the computer, went to the Post Independent website, read the headline “Obama: Osama bin Laden Killed,” and the accompanying article written by the Associated Press. The message I kept hearing from my inner self told me this was as though written by the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's novel “1984.”

For the benefit of those not familiar with this novel, here is Wikipedia's description:

“1984 is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party's propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of seeking rebellion against Big Brother, eventually leading to his arrest, torture, and reconversion.”

Most of you who were around in 2006 may remember when there was a lengthy battle of words in the letters to the editor concerning the events of Sept. 11, 2001, after I wrote a letter saying that I was forming a group called Citizens for 9/11 Truth and that I would be showing videos on the subject locally. Here it is five years later, plenty of time for those interested in the most important event in recent history to study the matter further.

Is there still anyone out there who honestly believes the official government story of what happened that day? By the way, Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years now.

Steve Campbell

Glenwood Springs

Your Letters |

Your Letters |

Bin Laden killing one more government lie

I woke up Monday morning, turned on the computer, went to the Post Independent website, read the headline “Obama: Osama bin Laden Killed,” and the accompanying article written by the Associated Press. The message I kept hearing from my inner self told me this was as though written by the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's novel “1984.”

For the benefit of those not familiar with this novel, here is Wikipedia's description:

“1984 is a 1948 dystopian novel written by George Orwell about an oligarchical, collectivist society. Life in the Oceanian province of Airstrip One is a world of perpetual war, pervasive government surveillance and incessant public mind control. The individual is always subordinated to the state, and it is in part this philosophy which allows the Party to manipulate and control humanity. In the Ministry of Truth, protagonist Winston Smith is a civil servant responsible for perpetuating the Party's propaganda by revising historical records to render the Party omniscient and always correct, yet his meager existence disillusions him to the point of seeking rebellion against Big Brother, eventually leading to his arrest, torture, and reconversion.”

Most of you who were around in 2006 may remember when there was a lengthy battle of words in the letters to the editor concerning the events of Sept. 11, 2001, after I wrote a letter saying that I was forming a group called Citizens for 9/11 Truth and that I would be showing videos on the subject locally. Here it is five years later, plenty of time for those interested in the most important event in recent history to study the matter further.

Is there still anyone out there who honestly believes the official government story of what happened that day? By the way, Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years now.

Steve Campbell

Glenwood Springs

Your Letters |

Your Letters |

Video: CAIR Rep Discusses Death of Osama Bin Laden

Video: Teacher on Leave for Teasing Muslim Student (CAIR-TX)

رجل دين يهودى يعلنها صراحة فى أهم محطة تليفزيون أمريكية قائلا يجب ألا ت...

RT Interview with Alan Hart on Current Developments - Alan Hart

RT Interview with Alan Hart on Current Developments - Alan Hart

Panetta: Obama Couldn't Watch Bin Laden's Death but Heard 'Geronimo' Signal

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

This typical behavior of Lane County, City officials, Progressive/Peace Movement Community lynching us Muslims/Arabs; specially treating me as Sand N. every time I ran for public offices!!

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

This typical behavior of Lane County, City officials, Progressive/Peace Movement Community lynching us Muslims/Arabs; specially treating me as Sand N. every time I ran for public offices!!

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

Orange County Republican Party Member Circulates Racist E-mail Targeted At President Obama | Video Cafe

WBFO: bin Laden's death brings back pain for some WNY 9-11 families (2011-05-03)

WBFO: bin Laden's death brings back pain for some WNY 9-11 families (2011-05-03)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

BOLTON: Israel's increasing vulnerability - Washington Times

BOLTON: Israel's increasing vulnerability - Washington Times

Video: Osama Bin Laden Damaged Image of Islam (CAIR-Chicago)

Bin Laden’s Online Fan Club Fumes at Death Reports

Bin Laden’s Online Fan Club Fumes at Death Reports

Popular Resistance: Email account closed, Bin Laden, and Nakba

Popular Resistance: Email account closed, Bin Laden, and Nakba: "Note: If you email me at in the past few weeks, please resend your message here as I have lost access to that account. ..."

The Power of Words

Monday, May 2, 2011

Corbett: 'Osama Bin Laden a CIA asset'

Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Video: CAIR Rep Discusses Impact of Osama Bin Laden's Death

Official: Bin Laden buried at sea - The Denver Post

Official: Bin Laden buried at sea - The Denver Post

Osama bin Laden: 9/11 author who defied Bush, Obama

'Obama Bin Laden Dead': FOX News affiliate defends itself for typo - Pop2it - Zap2it

'Obama Bin Laden Dead': FOX News affiliate defends itself for typo - Pop2it - Zap2it

Sunday, May 1, 2011

1st of May - International Workers Day - Chicago 2011

Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Major Issues Missing in Canadian Election

Major Issues Missing in Canadian Election

Who Gave The G-20 Commander His Commands?

Who Gave The G-20 Commander His Commands?

Egyptian Protesters Demand Public Trial For Former Interior Minister

Egyptian Protesters Demand Public Trial For Former Interior Minister

9/11 Lessons From Star Trek

The decline of the Arabs