Friday, September 30, 2011

Richard Forer, Author, Breakthrough

Tea Party UP!! Join Pam Geller in Fort Lauderdale for Tea Party!

Wissam Nassar / Maan Images International star Natacha Atlas announces Israel boycott

The Due-Process-Free Assassination of US Citizens is Now Reality | Common Dreams

The Due-Process-Free Assassination of US Citizens is Now Reality | Common Dreams

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vets for Peace and Code Pink Disrupt Rumsfeld in Boston

Dylan Ratigan's Epic Rant on the International Banking Cartel and Polit...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We Didn't Start The Fire - Parts 1 & 2

Laura Armstrong: Parents must band together and say no to the ‘Islamizing’ of public schools

Laura Armstrong: Parents must band together and say no to the ‘Islamizing’ of public schools: When I wrote last week about sheltering my young children from the twisted ideology behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, I never imagined less than a week later our own relatively conser...

Anti-Sharia law reflects American intolerance - Opinions - The Highlander - University of California Riverside

Anti-Sharia law reflects American intolerance - Opinions - The Highlander - University of California Riverside

‘Irvine 11's' speech infringed because they're Muslim

Targeting Muslims: Does Anyone Care?

Three Weeks After Frank Gaffney Released New Anti-Sharia Pledge, Zero Presidential Candidates Have Signed On

Three Weeks After Frank Gaffney Released New Anti-Sharia Pledge, Zero Presidential Candidates Have Signed On: pThree weeks ago, Frank Gaffney released a new pledge asking presidential candidates to swear they will fight the non-existent threat of Sharia if elected president. Yet, as of publication time, none of the 10 major Republican presidential candidates have signed Gaffney’s anti-Sharia pledge. (Gaffney’s spokesman told us they are “still in touch with the campaigns.”) [...]/p

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Protests

US itching for a black eye

US itching for a black eye


Guilt by association: Zionist smear-media specialty

Congressman’s Remarks Stir the Blogosphere By JAMES WARREN

Full text of "State of Palestine" UN application letter and documents

When I See You Smile

Full text of "State of Palestine" UN application letter and documents

Tell me Why ? | palestinian version

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Shabab Vs.The Jesh at Qalandia Checkpoint 21-9-2011.wmv

Video: CAIR Rep Discusses Palestinian Bid for Statehood

Monday, September 19, 2011

TheStar Israel faces crisis as Palestinian vote nears

TheStar Israel faces crisis as Palestinian vote nears

Friday, September 16, 2011

Artist Guest On Fox: “ I Was Going To Do A Sign That Said 'Fox News Lies,' “ But “ It Got Bumped“

Artist Guest On Fox: “ I Was Going To Do A Sign That Said 'Fox News Lies,' “ But “ It Got Bumped“

Artist Guest On Fox: “ I Was Going To Do A Sign That Said 'Fox News Lies,' “ But “ It Got Bumped“

Artist Guest On Fox: “ I Was Going To Do A Sign That Said 'Fox News Lies,' “ But “ It Got Bumped“

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Israel’s Tenured Extremists

Beyond The Sixteen Words That Lead to War | Politics & Media |

Beyond The Sixteen Words That Lead to War | Politics & Media |

Protest in yemen turns deadly army opens fire against demonstrators

Protest in yemen turns deadly army opens fire against demonstrators

At Last the Truth About Sabra and Chatila Massacres » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

At Last the Truth About Sabra and Chatila Massacres » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Attica Is All of Us: Cornel West on 40th Anniversary of Attica Prison Re...

Attica Is All of Us: Cornel West on 40th Anniversary of Attica Prison Re...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Video: NY Mosque's Sign Smashed on 9/11 Anniversary

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

At U.K. terror inquiry, Rep. King defends I.R.A. terror



Dear Friends,

If you live in the Chicago area or know people who do I strongly recommend you consider attending the American Friends Service Committee’s Middle East Program Annual Benefit on October 2nd to be held in the great city of Chicago. This year’s program, “Creating Connections, Renewing Commitments,” will honor three individuals for their commitment to justice: Pulitzer prize winning author Alice Walker; Palestinian-American Sami Kishawi, who is head of the University of Chicago’s Students for Justice in Palestine organization and serves on the executive committee of American Muslims for Palestine; and someone who is very dear to me and who is a true beacon of Compassion, Hope, Inspiration and a committed advocate of human rights: author and award-winning film producer Anna Baltzer. The details are below. I wish I could attend. Don’t miss out! This will be a wonderful evening with great food and wise and heart-felt messages of our higher nature as human beings. Please forward to your email lists. Salaam, Shalom, Rich

AFSC Middle East Program Annual Benefit

Creating Connections, Renewing Commitments

WHEN: Sunday, October 2, 1:00-4:00pm

WHERE: New location! Columbus Park Refectory

5701 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL

**Lunch will be provided by Hel’s Kitchen**

Embassy attack in Egypt stokes Israeli fears of new Egypt

Israeli/Turkish/Palestinian Tensions : Indybay

MinnPost - Who does Michele Bachmann think she is?

MinnPost - Who does Michele Bachmann think she is?

Fire Fighters commemorate 9/11 with N.Y.-to-D.C. memorial ride

Jimmy Carter: 'We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet. We never went to war'

Fire Fighters commemorate 9/11 with N.Y.-to-D.C. memorial ride » peoplesworld

Fire Fighters commemorate 9/11 with N.Y.-to-D.C. memorial ride » peoplesworld

Monday, September 12, 2011

"The End of America" Full Length HQ Film

انشوده من اليمن اب عن غزه وين الملايين

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms"

Pentagon memorial pays tribute to 184 lives lost in 9/11 attack

Local News | FBI ends up offending Muslims at outreach workshop | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | FBI ends up offending Muslims at outreach workshop | Seattle Times Newspaper

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New York Police Reportedly Spy on American Muslims

New York Police Reportedly Spy on American Muslims

Islamic-American Group: Link Between 9/11, Muslim Religion Must Stop

Islamic-American Group: Link Between 9/11, Muslim Religion Must Stop

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

CAIR-MI: New reality TV show All-American Muslim courts controversy

Under Suspicion: Muslims in America Obama’s outreach toward Muslims is limited at home

Islamophobia: The Network that Hates

Monday, September 5, 2011

American terrorism in 3 min

9/11 is No Excuse for Bashing Muslims Violent jihadists don't represent Islam any more than the Anders Breiviks of the world represent Christianity.

ADL attacks me, how desperate and pathetic they must be

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Local News | Islamic school in Seattle opens door to non-Muslim leader, teachers | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Islamic school in Seattle opens door to non-Muslim leader, teachers | Seattle Times Newspaper

Video: Muslim Worker Alleges Discrimination by D.C. Hotel (CAIR)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dear 16-Year-Old Me Posted on June 23, 2011 by Brandon

Anonymous - November Protest 2011.flv

انشودة حيو الكتائب روووعه الانطلاقة

Amnesty International Decries Assad Regime’s "Brutal" Crackdown on Syrian Protesters

Report: Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Report: Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Justice Department reaches settlement over Ga. mosque

Noose Found Hanging at OC Labor Office

Noose Found Hanging at OC Labor Office

Case Study: How One New Yorker Got Texas And Other States To Push Anti-Sharia Legislation

Case Study: How One New Yorker Got Texas And Other States To Push Anti-Sharia Legislation: pIn the last few years, we’ve seen a rash of “anti-Sharia” bills pop up in state legislatures across the country. Lawmakers from Alaska to Texas to South Carolina have introduced legislation to combat the fictitious threat of Sharia law taking over the American judicial system. This trend has been propagated by a small handful of [...]/p

Friday, September 2, 2011

9/11: Balancing security and freedom

Meet An Islamophobia Network Funder: The Varet And Rosenwald Family

Israel ‘Excessive’ in ‘Legal’ Block of Gaza Flotilla, UN Says

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

FP Explainer: Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army? - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Is It Legal for Americans to Fight in Another Country's Army?

Principal player - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Principal player - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Thursday, September 1, 2011

DC Influencer: Ibrahim Hooper, Council on American-Islamic Relations

The X Factor 2011 Auditions Emmanuel Kelly FULL

"Settlers" Hate Tour in Hebron 20-08-2011

"Settlers" Hate Tour in Hebron 20-08-2011

The FBI Goes Rogue – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

E-News: Remembering September 11, 2001