Friday, November 30, 2012


Merkley on Maddow: It Is Time To End This War

War is A Crime

Occupy Walls Video

Israel Call For Social Media Censorship In Gaza Holocaust

The Osama bin Laden Myth

The Osama bin Laden Myth

Drone kills likened to murder

Drone kills likened to murder


Israel’s Holy War: Triggering the Palestinian Exodus?

Israel’s Holy War: Triggering the Palestinian Exodus?

Video: CAIR News Update, November 30, 2012


Full Speech: Mahmoud Abbas addresses the UN

Full Speech: Mahmoud Abbas addresses the UN

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects

UN vote recognizes state of Palestine; US objects

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

Obama Fiscal Cliff Budget Deal Bush Tax Cut

Former US diplomat speaks on Palestinian UN status

Netanyahu: Palestine Vote at UN ‘Meaningless’ -- News from

Netanyahu: Palestine Vote at UN ‘Meaningless’ -- News from

Mahmoud Abbas Addressing the UN 11-29-12

Netanyahu's War Crime?

Salem News: Congratulations to all Palestinians and their supporters...

US and Israel Complain Over Historic UN Vote on Palestine

Congratulations to all Palestinians and their supporters...

US: Resolution did not create Palestinian state,7340,L-4313701,00.html


Senators threaten to cut Palestinian aid in retaliation for U.N. action

Anna O'Leary "USA fcuked by Israel.

A bipartisan group of senators said Thursday they’ll push for a vote in Congress to kick the Palestinian Liberation Organization out of its Washington offices and threaten to withhold U.S. financial assistance if the Palestinians seek to use enhanced U...

Senators threaten to cut Palestinian aid in retaliation for U.N. action - Washington Times

Senators threaten to cut Palestinian aid in retaliation for U.N. action - Washington Times

Israel Jewish Laws And The Kingdom of Evil

Israel Jewish Laws and the Kingdom of Evil


"Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men"

What Really Happened in Gaza

What Really Happened in Gaza
What you don't see in media
Must watch - (2) Video.

Blog Secrecy

US Overseeing Mysterious Construction Project in Israel

How Chrsitian and Jewish Zionists and terrorists undermined the US

Privacy And Civil Liberties Oversight Board Still Struggling To Get Off The Ground

Muslim Women News

ISPU Policy Brief "The Muslim “Veil” Post-9/11: Rethinking Women’s Rights and Leadership" by ISPU Fellow Sahar Aziz

ISPU Policy Brief "The Muslim “Veil” Post-9/11: Rethinking Women’s Rights and Leadership" by ISPU Fellow Sahar Aziz

ISPU Policy Brief "The Muslim “Veil” Post-9/11: Rethinking Women’s Rights and Leadership" by ISPU Fellow Sahar Aziz

ISPU Policy Brief "The Muslim “Veil” Post-9/11: Rethinking Women’s Rights and Leadership" by ISPU Fellow Sahar Aziz

Chemical 'Switches' Discovered For Neurodegenerative Diseases

Chemical 'Switches' Discovered For Neurodegenerative Diseases

Blog/Gaza Report/ How To Get To Gaza

Army mom: Military suicides ‘out of control’ - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Army mom: Military suicides ‘out of control’ - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

The Location of FEMA Concentration Camps in America

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Big Think TV/Henry Rollins Education Wants To Be Free

College Students Learn Of Obama's Secret Pell Grant Cuts

Tell Speaker Boehner: We Need Women Committee Chairs

Tell Speaker Boehner: We Need Women Committee Chairs

9/11 Building 7 - Martin Noakes

Bill O Reilly Tells David Silverman Christianity is Not a Religion


FCPA - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

FCPA - Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

James Corbett presents to the 9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth conferen...

Stevie Wonder Pulls out of IDF Fundraiser

"Congratulations everyone – the petition worked! Stevie Wonder has just pulled out of the IDF fundraiser!

Thank you for signing the petition. We are making a difference……
Meanwhile, here is a great song about it all:

Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA)

Hi, All: 

"We will be having an important fundraising event on Saturday December 8th for the Muslim Legal Fund of America. We are currently funding cases that include the Holy Land Foundation, Irvine 11, Dr. Sami Al-Arian etc. Please come out and support and spread the word. We will also be at the Berkeley Mosque and Shia Association on separate days. For details about these two events or to volunteer to host a private benefit event please email me directly:

Direct Link:
Facebook Event:

Benefit Dinner with Lauren Booth at the Muslim Community Association
Tony Blair's sister-in-law shares her journey to Islam: come hear an amazing story of faith and conversion while supporting the cause of justice in America.
Benefit Dinner with Lauren Booth
at the Muslim Community Association
Tony Blair's Sister-in-Law Shares Her Journey to Islam Come hear an amazing story of faith and conversion
while supporting the cause of justice in America.
Saturday, December 8, 2012 @ 5:30 p.m.
Muslim Community Association
Khadija Banquet Hall
3003 Scott St
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Free and Open to the Public
Limited Seating • Arrive Early

Lauren Booth, who announced her conversion to Islam in October 2010, is the sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. She was married to actor Craig Darby and the couple has two children, Alexandra and Holly. As a journalist, Booth has written for the New Statesmen, the Mail on Sunday, the Sunday Times and the Daily Mail. She is a vocal peace activist and a supporter of the Stop the War Coalition; a member of Woodcraft Folk, Media Workers Against the War and the National Union of Journalists. She has been a panelist on the BBC's Have I Got News For You, and a broadcaster on radio and television.
MLFA is 100% donor funded. We rely on your generosity to continue the struggle for fairness in the American court system. With your help, we are meeting these challenges. Donations to MLFA are tax-deductible and zakat-eligible.

Summer K. Hararah, Regional Director
Greater San Francisco Area
Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA)
Toll-Free: 866-MLFA-USA (866-653-2872)
Phone: 415-529-5422
Mobile: 510-861-7573



The GOP tries to Eat Rice for Lunch and Gets an Upset Tummy


Watchdog: US should explain probe of halal company

Watchdog: US should explain probe of halal company

Operation Pillar of Death: Naming Gaza's Dead - a film by Harry Fear for...

Top CIA Official: Obama Changed Virtually None of Bush's Controversial Programs- Top Secret

Brian Lee John Rizzo, a 34-year agency veteran described as “the most influential lawyer in CIA history,” tells FRONTLINE:
I was part of the transition briefings of the incoming Obama team, and they signaled fairly early on that the incoming president believed i
n a vigorous, aggressive, continuing counter-terrorism effort. Although they never said it exactly, it was clear that the interrogation program was going away. We all knew that.
In his first televised interview, John Rizzo, a 34-year agency veteran described
 as "the most influential lawyer in CIA history," tells FRONTLINE that even before Obama became president, his team signaled "they were going to be just as tough, if not tougher, than the Bush people."

Robertson tells Christians: Radiocarbon dating proves no dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark | The Raw Story

Robertson tells Christians: Radiocarbon dating proves no dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark | The Raw Story

Israel Palestine Mission Network

What Causes Sleep Paralysis

What causes Sleep Paralysis? - Yahoo! Answers
I have experienced it 3 times - it's a very scary experience and can even interfere with dreams. 1 minute ago; - 4 days left to answer. Report Abuse ...

Pamela Geller's War

Pamela Geller's War

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Halal-certified foods should be labeled as such

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Halal-certified foods should be labeled as such

Would someone respond to the BLATANT RACISM, of Lane County Oregon!

Eugene is the Capital City of LYNCHING Arab/Muslim Americans!

Quran authority, Michael Sells, will talk about his controversial book

Quran authority, Michael Sells, will talk about his controversial book



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Active Lifestyles Slow Progression Of Alzheimer's

Active Lifestyles Slow Progression Of Alzheimer's

Brayer: The Absolute Right of Palestinian Resistance

Brayer: The Absolute Right of Palestinian Resistance


Kurdish Human Rights Association


The Shit is about to hit the Fan

Army Sticks ‘War on Islam’ Teacher in Bureaucratic Depths

Army Sticks ‘War on Islam’ Teacher in Bureaucratic Depths



Glenn Greenwald: Norway Attacks Expose U.S. Media's Double Standard On "...

Stand Still For the Apocalypse by Chris Hedges

Mossad vs Assad? 'CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath'

One-state, sole solution for Palestine: Analyst

One-state, sole solution for Palestine: Analyst

Did you know that Sandy was Occupied

Pillar of Impotence

Research: smoking “rots” the brain

Research: smoking “rots” the brain

Lies and Misdemeanors Of Zionism

Netanyahu Plans More War by Stephen Lendman

Monday, November 26, 2012



الذي لا تراه عن غزة في الأعلام - What you don't see in media about Gaza

Video is some thing we will never see in the US Media!!

This video is something we will never see in US media, and is a reminder of what our Congress does with our taxes:

Please share widely.

Sleep Paralysis (playlist)

Sleep Paralysis - How to Stop it - Treatment - Help - Causes

Hypnocampic States (Sleep Paralysis, Hallucinations)


America's Failed Palestinian Policy By Yousef Nunayyer

Please write letter of up to 150 words to:

in support of this article. Include name, address, and telephone number.

Jane Jewell

The New York Times

November 23, 2012
America's Failed Palestinian Policy

MORE than 160 Palestinians and 5 Israelis are dead, and as the smoke clears over Gaza, the Israelis will not be more secure and Palestinians' hopes for self-determination remain dashed. It is time for a significant re-evaluation of the American policies that have contributed to this morass. 

The failure of America's approach toward the Israelis and the Palestinians, much like its flawed policies toward the region in general, is founded on the assumption that American hard power, through support for Israel and other Middle Eastern governments, can keep the legitimate grievances of the people under wraps. 

But events in Gaza, like those in Egypt and elsewhere, have proved once again that the use of force is incapable of providing security forIsrael, when the underlying causes of a people's discontent go unaddressed. 

The United States government must ask: what message do America's policies send to Israelis and Palestinians? 

Washington's policies have sent counterproductive messages to the Palestinians that have only increased the incentives for using violence. 

American policy initially signaled to Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah, a Palestinian party committed to the idea of negotiations, that talks would yield a Palestinian state on 22 percent of the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. At the same time the United States, which has monopolized the role of mediator for itself, failed to do anything to change Israel's policies of settlement expansion in the West Bank

Palestinians' patience grew thin as the number of Israeli settlers tripled between the beginning of the "peace process" in 1991 and today. Palestinians learned that the message they initially got about a peace process' leading to statehood was either made in bad faith or an outright lie. 

The message they ultimately understood from observing America's reflexively pro-Israel policy was that the peace process was merely a cover for endless Israeli colonialism. 

America's policy toward Hamas also sent the wrong message; rather than promoting peace, it only created incentives for the use of arms. Sanctions imposed after Hamas's 2006 electoral victory told the party that Israel and the United States would marginalize it unless it accepted the same principles put forth by the so-called quartet of Middle East peacemakers that Fatah accepted — namely, recognizingIsrael's right to exist and renouncing violence. Having seen what that path yielded for Fatah — nothing but continued Israeli colonization — Hamas was not persuaded and chose instead to reject those principles. In return, the Gaza Strip was put under a brutal siege. 

Hamas has used armed struggle to achieve certain objectives, albeit at significant cost. Its leaders saw the removal of Israeli settlers from Gaza in 2005 as a victory for their methods, as well as the return of thousands of prisoners last year, in exchange for a single captured Israeli soldier. The returns may be limited and the costs significant, but when the other options are either subjugation or the path their compatriots in Fatah face, Hamas is likely to make the same calculation — and choose violence every time. 

The cease-fire announced Wednesday will only perpetuate the same incentive structure. Through the use of force, Hamas gained favorable terms. The Israelis agreed to ease collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza and end extrajudicial assassinations. While both of these are against international law to begin with and long-term Israeli adherence to these terms is not guaranteed, these are nonetheless commitments that Hamas believes could only have been extracted through armed struggle. 

Further, the fighting brought attention to the open wound of Gaza, which the world had forgotten. Foreign ministers and dignitaries visited the strip and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton flew to the region for the cease-fire announcement. The real danger is if the underlying causes of discontent in Gaza — the denial of human rights and dignity for Palestinians — continue to go ignored once rockets stop targeting Israel. This has been the case each time in the past. 

What message is sent to Palestinians when the only time we pay attention to their plight, and the only time they make gains, is through the use of arms? 

Likewise, our policy toward Israel has also sent counterproductive messages. As the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority came into the West Bank, many of the costs of being responsible for occupied Palestinians were transferred from Israel to the authority while the entrenchment of occupation continued unabated. This not only reduced the costs of occupation for Israel; it continues to be rewarding as Israel has been able to reap political and economic benefits from exploiting Palestinian land and natural resources. 

Moreover, Washington has economically, diplomatically and militarily supported Israel as it continues with its settlement project and thus it is no wonder that some in Israel continue to believe that perpetual occupation, or de facto apartheid, is a viable policy option. 

By constantly condemning Palestinian armed resistance, and failing to condemn Israeli settlement expansion and repression of nonviolent Palestinian dissent, the message the United States is sending the Palestinian people is this: All resistance to occupation is illegitimate. 

No nation on earth would accept that, nor is it realistic to expect it to. 

The disastrous results of the incentive structure we've created have been on full display in recent days. Moving forward, Washington must fundamentally re-evaluate the messages it sends to all parties because we've currently set them on the path to even greater — and potentially unmanageable — escalations in the future. 

Yousef Munayyer is executive director of the Jerusalem Fund. 

End the Blockade of Gaza!
Tear down the Apartheid Walls!
End the Israeli collective punishment on the Palestinian people!
End the illegal Israeli Occupation of all of Palestine!
Right to Return to Palestine for all Palestinians!
Free Palestine!

Support Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Campaign!
Support Gaza's Ark

Support and follow the Estelle to Gaza:

Support the Free Gaza Movement
Support ISM volunteers in West Bank and Gaza Strip!

Sunday, November 25, 2012



Bloodthirsty Israeli Soliders Going Viral On The Net

Subliminal Zionism

What really happened in Gaza 14-22 November 2012 by Owen Jones

Saudi Women driving/Manal Al Sharif

Black Africans Come Under fire Libya

USA Cancels the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit

USA Cancels the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit


"... Together with Pakistan, India and North Korea, Israel is a nuclear country which is not a signatory to this treaty.…Since the 1970’s, the US has become the most frequent user of the veto, mainly against resolutions criticizing Israel, and this is the crux of the matter..."

Gaza ceasefire will be short lived until the military occupation ends

Gaza ceasefire will be short lived until the military occupation ends

Criminal Wars in the MIddle East

Gaza Redux Analysis By Dr. Mazin Qumisyeh

Gaza Redux Analysis: In wars, everybody loses but to variable degrees.  But
certain parties can claim achieving certain goals they set for themselves.
 Taking stock of the attack on Gaza, the players in this game come out
differently ….. by Prof. Mazin Qumsiyeh

What you don't see in the western mainstream media about Gaza
Actual footage of what happened
Footage of what Israeli Zionists (the vast majority) actually believe:

Palestinian Paraolympic Committee Headquarters destroyed by Israeli
occupation forces

Jewish Professor Sara Roy of Harvard University who studied Gaza closely
writes: Where is our humanity for Gaza

On the Use and Abuse of Hatred and Violence; Why Israel Desires to be Hated
by Palestinians by OREN BEN-DOR

East Jerusalem: Annexed and Divided

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

Howard Zinns Echoes

In Preparation for the Next Round, the Next Israeli Massacre of Palestinians

In Preparation for the Next Round, the Next Israeli Massacre of Palestinians,%20the%20Next%20Israeli%20Massacre%20of%20Palestinians%20By%20Khalid%20Amayreh.htm

Facebook 9-11

The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming Read more:

The End Of The Smartphone Era Is Coming

Read more:



30 Years of Breast Screening: 1.3 Million Wrongly Treated

As Gaza Is Savaged Again Understanding The BBCS Historical Role Is Vital By John Pilger

Facebook, imperialist tool 2.0

Facebook, imperialist tool 2.0

The Dream of Greater Israel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in Sinai next week?

Israel and Palestine are momentarily at a ceasefire, but the potential reasoning behind the recess could have some real international implications. Israel’s Debka reports that the pause in fighting comes after the US promised to send troops to Sinai.
According to Debka, US troops will soon be en route to the Sinai peninsula, Egyptian territory in North Africa that’s framed by the Suez Canal on the West and Israel on the East. In its northeast most point, Sinai is but a stone’s throw from Palestinian-controlled Gaza, and according to Debka, Hamas fighters there have been relying on Iranian arms smugglers to supply them with weaponry by way of Egypt.
Debka reports this week that Sinai will soon be occupied by US troops, who were promised by President Barack Obama to Israel’s leaders as a condition that a ceasefire be called. Once deployed, the Americans will intervene with the rumored arms trade orchestrated by Iranians, ideally cutting off supplies for Hamas while at the same time serving as a thorn in the side of Iran.
“Once the missile and arms consignments depart Iranian ports or Libyan arms bazaars, Tehran has no direct control of their transit from point to point through Egypt until they reach Sinai and their Gaza destination,” Debka reports. “All the same, a US special forces operation against the Sinai segment of the Iranian smuggling route would count as the first overt American military strike against an Iranian military interest.”
The decision to send US troops to Sinai in exchange for a ceasefire was reportedly arranged early Wednesday morning after Pres. Obama made a deal over the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the days prior, Israel was relentless in targeting Gaza, killing more than 100 persons — including civilians — during a renewed assault on Hamas. A ceasefire has since been called after a week of fight, but more military action could soon occur, claims Israel, if the flow of weapons to Gaza is not stopped. Netanyahu has been adamant with his pleas for the United States to strike Iran in an effort to disrupt its nuclear enrichment facilities, a demand which up until now has been brushed aside by Pres. Obama. The White House has up until now insisted on diplomatic measures in order to make an impact on any Iranian output, but Debka’s sources suggest that US troops may now have to intervene in Sinai if any smugglers should attempt to move weapons into Gaza.
“By opening the Sinai door to an American troop deployment for Israel’s defense, recognizes that the US force also insures Israel against Cairo revoking or failing to honor the peace treaty Egypt signed with Israel in 1979,” adds Debka.
According to their sources, US troops are expected in Egypt early next week. Meanwhile, American forces have all but surrounded Iran and are stationed in countless bases across the Middle East.

Gaza confrontation showcases... JPost - Features - Week in review

Gaza confrontation showcases... JPost - Features - Week in review

Gazans were ostracized as an appendage of Iran even though the Gazans are SUNNIES.
In this Global confrontations what is at stake is not the Shias nor the Sunnies - But ISLAM.
There was a time when western imperialism successfully divided a
nd ruled. But the game
has changed as much as the rules. Now it is divide and KILL. If we fail to breach this
Sunni - Shia divide it will be Islam that will be victim.
Gaza confrontation showcases new Sunni bloc.

ed note–readers of this website will recall that since the beginning of the ‘Arab Spring’ we here at TUT predicted that one of the long-term goals in the various ‘regime change’ scenarios in the region was removing Iran’s central role in opposing Israel and replacing her with players such as Turkey and Egypt, which are nothing but controlled opposition and therefore not opposition at all.

Operation Pillar of Defense and the means by which it was concluded have showcased the arrival of a new player in Middle East strategy and diplomacy: an alliance of Sunni Islamist states and movements, including Hamas, in which Egypt plays the central role. The birth of this Sunni Islamist bloc is the main product of the changes that swept the Arab world in 2011.

If the details which have leaked from the Egyptian- brokered cease-fire agreement that ended the current operation are correct, then the deal settles nothing. It appears, in essence, to be a cease-fire in place. An Israeli agreement to cease incursions into Gaza and assassinations will be predicated on a 100-percent Hamas application of an end to rocket fire. This, it may be said with near certainty, will not happen.

Hence, the agreement is a starting pistol for a recommencement of the low-intensity conflict that has existed between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza since the latter came into being in 2007.

It will remain to be seen whether Israel’s military actions over the past week have constituted a sufficiently harsh learning experience for the movement to adopt a more cautious policy regarding allowing rocket fire into Israel, of the type that immediately followed Cast Lead in 2008 to 2009.

Relations between Israel and the two Islamist-controlled entities that have emerged on its borders (Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon and Hamas-controlled Gaza) are by their very nature relations of war: sometimes cold war, sometimes hot war.

But the events of recent weeks also show a significant difference. Hezbollah is connected to an Iran-led regional alliance, none of whose members have anything resembling normal relations with either Israel or the West.

Hamas, by contrast, is now a junior member in an alliance led by a country that has relations with Israel and that is economically dependent on the West – Egypt.

The conflict of the past week became necessary because during the course of 2012 Hamas ceased to exercise any level of control over organizations launching rockets into Israel and began to openly engage in attacks of its own. This culminated in the attack on an IDF patrol on November 10, which began the deterioration toward conflict.

The key question at that point was how Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt would react. This was a test case; the first confrontation between Israel and Hamas-Gaza since the downfall of the Mubarak regime.

The ideological preferences of the new Egyptian regime were obvious. These were on plain view when Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil visited Gaza during the fighting. In language, style and appearance, Kandil was basically indistinguishable from his Hamas hosts. The Egyptian prime minister kissed a dead baby alongside Ismail Haniyeh and tearfully declared his support for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

But whatever their natural inclinations, the Muslim Brotherhood leaders of Egypt were not in a position to simply back up their ideological confreres in Gaza.

President Mohamed Morsi restricted himself to terming Israel’s actions as “unacceptable aggression” and recalling his ambassador from Tel Aviv. At the same time, he enlisted the help of the leaders of Egypt and Qatar to bring the conflict to a swift end.

Hamas’s external leader, Khaled Mashaal, was also brought to Cairo to represent his movement.

The rise of the Brotherhood to power in Egypt gave Hamas an enormous boost. As a result, the movement was able to extricate itself from its impossible position as a guest of a Syrian regime engaged in the slaughter of Hamas’s fellow Muslim Brothers.

The movement’s effort to rewrite the rules vis-a-vis Gaza’s conflict with Israel derived from this boost of confidence. Hamas, according to reports, did not consult with Egypt prior to its escalation. It appears to have expected greater militancy from its more powerful sibling.

But while the rulers of Egypt share Hamas’s ideology, they also need Western support. Morsi rules over 85 million Egyptians and a wrecked and dysfunctional economy.

An absence of this support would mean the real prospect of hunger for the poorest parts of the population.

An upcoming grant from the EU of $6.3 billion and an IMF loan of $4.5 billion, along with ongoing US financial support, prevented the overt support for Hamas military efforts that would have been Cairo’s natural preference.

As Saudi analyst Tariq al- Homayed expressed in Sharq al- Awsat this week, “No military front has been opened, nor have relations with Tel Aviv been suspended, rather Egypt’s efforts and solutions have all been political. This is because Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi does not have many options, he truly wants a cease-fire.”

The result is an Egyptian-guaranteed cease-fire which returns the status quo ante, in which a Hamas decision to escalate will result in a corresponding escalation from Israel.

In the meantime, Israel demonstrated that it could inflict significant harm on Hamas’s human and physical infrastructures, at relatively little cost.

So while the cease-fire settles nothing between Israel and Hamas, it does settle one important point: for the moment, at least, and entirely for pragmatic reasons, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt is prepared to play a mediator’s role, in cooperation with the West.

In retrospect, Hamas’s 2007 coup against Gaza may be said to have been the first herald of the “Islamist Spring” which has now brought Sunni Islamists to power in Egypt and Tunisia, and perhaps soon in Syria. In all cases, decrepit nationalist regimes – of Fatah, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak and Bashar Assad – were challenged by popular Islamist movements.

The main result of Operation Pillar of Defense was to make clear that the relations between Israel and the Palestinian representative of this new bloc – Hamas – constitute the most significant front of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Ramallah-led West Bank Palestinian Authority was a largely invisible irrelevance over the past weeks.

The natural relations between Israel and the Sunni Islamist bloc are of conflict. The evidence resulting from Operation Pillar of Defense suggests, however, that at least for the moment this conflict can be managed – for as long as Israel remains the militarily dominant side and Egypt remains economically dependent on Western aid.

Gazans Were Ostracized as An Appendage of Iran Even Though the Gazans Are SUNNIES

Gazans were ostracized as an appendage of Iran even though the Gazans are SUNNIES.
In this Global confrontations what is at stake is not the Shias nor the Sunnies - But ISLAM.
There was a time when western imperialism successfully divided a
nd ruled. But the game
has changed as much as the rules. Now it is divide and KILL. If we fail to breach this
Sunni - Shia divide it will be Islam that will be victim.
Gaza confrontation showcases new Sunni bloc.

ed note–readers of this website will recall that since the beginning of the ‘Arab Spring’ we here at TUT predicted that one of the long-term goals in the various ‘regime change’ scenarios in the region was removing Iran’s central role in opposing Israel and replacing her with players such as Turkey and Egypt, which are nothing but controlled opposition and therefore not opposition at all.

Operation Pillar of Defense and the means by which it was concluded have showcased the arrival of a new player in Middle East strategy and diplomacy: an alliance of Sunni Islamist states and movements, including Hamas, in which Egypt plays the central role. The birth of this Sunni Islamist bloc is the main product of the changes that swept the Arab world in 2011.

If the details which have leaked from the Egyptian- brokered cease-fire agreement that ended the current operation are correct, then the deal settles nothing. It appears, in essence, to be a cease-fire in place. An Israeli agreement to cease incursions into Gaza and assassinations will be predicated on a 100-percent Hamas application of an end to rocket fire. This, it may be said with near certainty, will not happen.

Hence, the agreement is a starting pistol for a recommencement of the low-intensity conflict that has existed between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza since the latter came into being in 2007.

It will remain to be seen whether Israel’s military actions over the past week have constituted a sufficiently harsh learning experience for the movement to adopt a more cautious policy regarding allowing rocket fire into Israel, of the type that immediately followed Cast Lead in 2008 to 2009.

Relations between Israel and the two Islamist-controlled entities that have emerged on its borders (Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon and Hamas-controlled Gaza) are by their very nature relations of war: sometimes cold war, sometimes hot war.

But the events of recent weeks also show a significant difference. Hezbollah is connected to an Iran-led regional alliance, none of whose members have anything resembling normal relations with either Israel or the West.

Hamas, by contrast, is now a junior member in an alliance led by a country that has relations with Israel and that is economically dependent on the West – Egypt.

The conflict of the past week became necessary because during the course of 2012 Hamas ceased to exercise any level of control over organizations launching rockets into Israel and began to openly engage in attacks of its own. This culminated in the attack on an IDF patrol on November 10, which began the deterioration toward conflict.

The key question at that point was how Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt would react. This was a test case; the first confrontation between Israel and Hamas-Gaza since the downfall of the Mubarak regime.

The ideological preferences of the new Egyptian regime were obvious. These were on plain view when Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil visited Gaza during the fighting. In language, style and appearance, Kandil was basically indistinguishable from his Hamas hosts. The Egyptian prime minister kissed a dead baby alongside Ismail Haniyeh and tearfully declared his support for a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

But whatever their natural inclinations, the Muslim Brotherhood leaders of Egypt were not in a position to simply back up their ideological confreres in Gaza.

President Mohamed Morsi restricted himself to terming Israel’s actions as “unacceptable aggression” and recalling his ambassador from Tel Aviv. At the same time, he enlisted the help of the leaders of Egypt and Qatar to bring the conflict to a swift end.

Hamas’s external leader, Khaled Mashaal, was also brought to Cairo to represent his movement.

The rise of the Brotherhood to power in Egypt gave Hamas an enormous boost. As a result, the movement was able to extricate itself from its impossible position as a guest of a Syrian regime engaged in the slaughter of Hamas’s fellow Muslim Brothers.

The movement’s effort to rewrite the rules vis-a-vis Gaza’s conflict with Israel derived from this boost of confidence. Hamas, according to reports, did not consult with Egypt prior to its escalation. It appears to have expected greater militancy from its more powerful sibling.

But while the rulers of Egypt share Hamas’s ideology, they also need Western support. Morsi rules over 85 million Egyptians and a wrecked and dysfunctional economy.

An absence of this support would mean the real prospect of hunger for the poorest parts of the population.

An upcoming grant from the EU of $6.3 billion and an IMF loan of $4.5 billion, along with ongoing US financial support, prevented the overt support for Hamas military efforts that would have been Cairo’s natural preference.

As Saudi analyst Tariq al- Homayed expressed in Sharq al- Awsat this week, “No military front has been opened, nor have relations with Tel Aviv been suspended, rather Egypt’s efforts and solutions have all been political. This is because Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi does not have many options, he truly wants a cease-fire.”

The result is an Egyptian-guaranteed cease-fire which returns the status quo ante, in which a Hamas decision to escalate will result in a corresponding escalation from Israel.

In the meantime, Israel demonstrated that it could inflict significant harm on Hamas’s human and physical infrastructures, at relatively little cost.

So while the cease-fire settles nothing between Israel and Hamas, it does settle one important point: for the moment, at least, and entirely for pragmatic reasons, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt is prepared to play a mediator’s role, in cooperation with the West.

In retrospect, Hamas’s 2007 coup against Gaza may be said to have been the first herald of the “Islamist Spring” which has now brought Sunni Islamists to power in Egypt and Tunisia, and perhaps soon in Syria. In all cases, decrepit nationalist regimes – of Fatah, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarak and Bashar Assad – were challenged by popular Islamist movements.

The main result of Operation Pillar of Defense was to make clear that the relations between Israel and the Palestinian representative of this new bloc – Hamas – constitute the most significant front of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Ramallah-led West Bank Palestinian Authority was a largely invisible irrelevance over the past weeks.

The natural relations between Israel and the Sunni Islamist bloc are of conflict. The evidence resulting from Operation Pillar of Defense suggests, however, that at least for the moment this conflict can be managed – for as long as Israel remains the militarily dominant side and Egypt remains economically dependent on Western aid.

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US Troops To Sinai Next Week

US troops to Sinai next week
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

November 23, 2012
Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire for halting the eight-day Israeli Gaza operation Wednesday night, Nov. 21, after President Barack Obama personally pledged to start deploying US troops in Egyptian Sinai next week, debkafile reports.

The conversation, which finally tipped the scales for a ceasefire, took place on a secure line Wednesday morning, just hours before it was announced in Cairo.

The US and Israeli leaders spoke at around the time that a terrorist was blowing up a Tel Aviv bus, injuring 27 people.

Obama’s pledge addressed Israel’s most pressing demand in every negotiating forum on Gaza : Operation Pillar of Cloud’s main goal was a total stoppage of the flow of Iranian arms and missiles to the Gaza Strip...They were smuggled in from Sudan and Libya through southern Egypt and Sinai...Hostilities would continue, said the prime minister, until this object was achieved.

Earlier, US officials tried unsuccessfully to persuade Israel to accept Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s personal guarantee to start launching effective operations against the smugglers before the end of the month.

The trio running Israel’s Gaza campaign, Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Avigdor Lieberman, were willing to take Morsi at his word, except that Israeli security and intelligence chiefs assured them that Egypt has nothing near the security and intelligence capabilities necessary for conducting such operations.

News for US troops to Sinai next week

Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel's nod for ceasefire

DEBKA file - 8 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire for halting the eight-day Israeli Gaza operation Wednesday night, Nov.
Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week ... - Prison’s-pledge-of-us-troops-to-sinai-...
3 hours ago – 21, after President Barack Obama personally pledged to start deploying US troops in Egyptian Sinai next week, DEBKAfile reports.

Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in ...
4 hours ago – Go to main page USA News Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in Sinai next week? Follow @RT_com · Google+ ...

The Coming Crisis: Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week ...
5 hours ago – ...

Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel's nod ... › Forums › In The News › World News
3 posts - 2 authors - 22 minutes ago
Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel's nod for ceasefire World News.

Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won ... - I4U News - United States
7 hours ago – Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel's nod for ceasefire. Read the Latest Trending News and Topics for Geeks ...

Netanyahu agreed to ceasefire after Obama promised US troops in ...
2 hours ago – Let's hope this is Debka file disinfo! Israel and Palestine are momentarily at a ceasefire, but the potential reasoning behind the recess could ...

Obama's pledge of US troops to Sinai next week won Israel's nod for ...
7 hours ago – Obama on the phone to Netanyahu with key pledge Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire for halting the eight-day ...

US troops to Sinai next week - Review-Journal eForum › ... › News & Issues › National News
2 posts - 1 author - 13 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to a ceasefire for halting the eight-day Israeli Gaza operation Wednesday night, Nov.

When Hillary Clinton arrived in Jerusalem from Bangkok Tuesday, she tried assuring Netanyahu that President Obama had decided to accelerate the construction of an elaborate US system of electronic security fences along the Suez Canal and northern Sinai.

It would also cork up the Philadelphi route through which arms are smuggled into the Gaza Strip.

US security and civilian units will need to be deployed in Egyptian Sinai to man the fence system and operate it as an active counter-measure for obstructing the smuggling of Iranian weapons supplies.

The prime minister said he welcomed the president’s proposal to expedite the fence project, but it would take months to obtain Egyptian clearance...Meanwhile, the Palestinians would have plenty of time to replenish their weapons stocks after Israel’s Gaza campaign...It was therefore too soon to stop the campaign at this point or hold back a ground incursion.

Clinton was sympathetic to this argument...Soon after, President Obama was on the phone to Netanyahu with an assurance that US troops would be in place in Sinai next week, after he had obtained President Morsi’s consent for them to go into immediate action against Iranian smuggling networks.

Netanyahu responded by agreeing to a ceasefire being announced in Cairo that night by Clinton and the Egyptian foreign minister, and to holding back the thousands of Israeli reservists on standby on the Gaza border.

debkafile’s military sources report that the first air transports carrying US special forces are due to land at Sharm el Sheikh military airfield in southern Sinai in the next 48 hours and go into action against the arms smugglers without delay.

This development is strategically significant for three reasons :

1. Once the missile and arms consignments depart Iranian ports or Libyan arms bazaars, Tehran has no direct control of their transit from point to point through Egypt until they reach Sinai and their Gaza destination...

All the same, a US special forces operation against the Sinai segment of the Iranian smuggling route would count as the first overt American military strike against an Iranian military interest.

2. President Morsi, by opening the Sinai door to an American troop deployment for Israel’s defense, recognizes that the US force also insures Israel against Cairo revoking or failing to honor the peace treaty Egypt signed with Israel in 1979.

3. In the face of this US-Israel-Egyptian understanding, Hamas cannot credibly claim to have won its latest passage of arms with Israel or that it obtained guarantees to force Israel to end the Gaza blockade.

Indeed, Gaza’s Hamas rulers will be forced to watch as US troops in Sinai, just across its border, break up the smuggling rings filling their arsenals and most likely laying hands on the reserve stocks they maintain under the smugglers’ guard in northern Sinai, out of reach of the Israel army...This means that the blockade on Gaza has been extended and the focus of combat has switched from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula.

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ملخص ما جاء في الخبر (في جريدة يو أس نيوز
نتنياهو وافق على وقف اطلاق النار بعد أن أبلغه أوباما أن القوات الأمريكية ستكون في سيناء الأسبوع المقبل لتتولى مراقبة قناة السويس من الشرق ومصر تراقبها من الغرب لمنع تهريب السلاح الإيراني إلى غزة