Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lest We Forget…

Congressman: Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Fetuses With No Brain Function

Congressman: Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Fetuses With No Brain Function

Congressman: Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Fetuses With No Brain Function

Congressman: Women Should Be Forced To Give Birth To Fetuses With No Brain Function: pAt a congressional committee hearing to discuss a proposed measure to criminalize abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, a Texas lawmaker told a woman who made the difficult choice to terminate a non-viable pregnancy that she should have carried the fetus to term anyway — even though an MRI had already revealed that he was [...]/p

Obama in South Africa: “Hero’s Welcome”

Obama in South Africa: “Hero’s Welcome”

Brzeinski: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, their western allies orchestrated Syria crisis

Researchers Aiming To Suppress Therapy Resistance In Brain Cancer

Researchers Aiming To Suppress Therapy Resistance In Brain Cancer

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bring Him Out

Californ- LA: Calif. Muslim to Detail No-Fly List 'Nightmare'

CAIR-LA: Calif. Muslim to Detail No-Fly List 'Nightmare' 

COP charged with Second degree MURDER,after beating a Mentally-ill homel...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Over $30M spent last year on lobbying to keep GMOs hidden in foods

Over $30M spent last year on lobbying to keep GMOs hidden in foods

Texas Troopers forcibly arrest 72-year-old woman during Wendy Davis filibuster

Irrefutable Truth. U.S. Military intentionally poisoning us with Biologi...


Free to Vote

Free to Vote

We Will Not Obey: Palestinian and Israeli Women Defy Israel and Visit the Sea

Morsy admits to mistakes as Egypt braces for protests

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Egypt’s Fateful Day » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Egypt’s Fateful Day » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

FBI’s bus ads taken down over Muslim/terrorist stereotyping | Local News | The Seattle Times

FBI’s bus ads taken down over Muslim/terrorist stereotyping | Local News | The Seattle Times

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Colbert Report

Natural Cures Not Medicine: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Natural Cures Not Medicine: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Anti-Zionist rabbi says immigrant assaulted him in Amsterdam, blames Israel - Jewish World News - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Anti-Zionist rabbi says immigrant assaulted him in Amsterdam, blames Israel - Jewish World News - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Natural Cures Not Medicine: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Natural Cures Not Medicine: How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

17 Companies You Didn't Realize Are Christian

A Storm Of Peace Is Coming: Here’s A ‘Yatra’ By A ‘Peace Mom’ Worth Looking Out For

Bizarre Images and comments by the mother and father just after he raped their baby to death

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tony Adams guns for role with Arsenal

Tony Adams guns for role with Arsenal

Rape culture punishes boys too

Rape culture punishes boys too

Obama Prepares to Wage Offensive, First-strike Strategic Nuclear Warfare against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria

Obama Prepares to Wage Offensive, First-strike Strategic Nuclear Warfare against Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria

Mohammed Assaf, My Palestinian Idol, Is More Popular Than His President

Exactly How the NSA Is Getting Away with Spying on US Citizens

Exactly How the NSA Is Getting Away With Spying on US Citizens

Former Isreali Ambassador: "North Korea Needs To Be Wiped Off the Map" ...

Join CAIR this week to Commemorate Torture Awareness Month at Two Washington D.C. Event

Join CAIR this Week to Commemorate Torture Awareness Month at Two Washington, D.C. Events

Latest Updates on Snowden’s Asylum Pursuit

What Happens In Your Brain When You Get Mad, And How To Control It

Feeding The Homeless BANNED In Major Cities All Over America

The stage is set for WW3! 20,000 Troops Advance Toward Aleppo Syria!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ed Snowden beware: U.S. State Dept. has confirmed history of running covert abductions of Americans in Ecuador

Ed Snowden beware: U.S. State Dept. has confirmed history of running covert abductions of Americans in Ecuador

Makki VS pipes: West creating Frankenstein by arming Syria militants

Makki VS pipes: West creating Frankenstein by arming Syria militants

مشكلتي مع البخاري !

مشكلتي مع البخاري !

Obama Called "War Criminal" & "Hypocrite of the Century" in Irish Parliament Clare Daly, TD (Ind.) Dublin North

Obama Called "War Criminal" &
"Hypocrite of the Century" in Irish Parliament
Clare Daly, TD (Ind.) Dublin North

Amazing courage.  Absolutely unreal.

Rabbi Sexual Abuse victims May have consented

A man allegedly takes firearms and explosives to kill and harm 500 worshipers inside a Mosque and this is nowhere on the news. Why is this not

                                       TO THE MAINLINE MEDIA THIS DOES NOT MAKE A NEWS.
                                                             TO BE IN THE NEWS IT HAS TO BE A MUSLIM.

A man allegedly takes firearms and explosives to kill and harm 500
worshipers inside a Mosque and this is nowhere on the news. Why is this not
classed as Terrorism Talk about double standards.

Ven GalagodaAththe Gnanasara Thero Derana 360 full

Ven GalagodaAththe Gnanasara Thero Derana 360 full

Mahmoud Sarsak exposed as a terrorist at SOAS university infront of his ...

IDF Using JiHawg Bullets?

IDF Using JiHawg Bullets?

Cairo Egypt's Jon Stewart Hosts Daily Shows

The FBI’s License to Kill: Agents Have Been Deemed "Justified" in Every Shooting Since 1993

The FBI’s License to Kill: Agents Have Been Deemed "Justified" in Every Shooting Since 1993

Saturday, June 22, 2013


US to Leave 700 Troops in Jordan in Sign of Deepening Involvement in Syrian Crisis

US to Leave 700 Troops in Jordan in Sign of Deepening Involvement in Syrian Crisis

Q&A: Honour killings explained

Darul Arqam - Blaine City Council - CAIR-Minnesota

لقاء إدوارد سنودن مفجر فضيحة التجسس الأمريكية - مترجم

"Guns, Kids and Tea Teams"

New: Middle East: Honor Killings

What would you do:Muslim harassment

Washington is Insane — Paul Craig Roberts

Washington is Insane — Paul Craig Roberts

Friday, June 21, 2013

[Info Inside 06] (3Sat) Noam Chomsky Interview about Revolutions, Politi...

Salem-News Newsic Revolution Promo & My Life Preview

CIA and the US military operatives train rebels in Turkey and Jordan – report

AIPAC Intensify Sanctions until Iran stops enrichment

Paula Deen Food Newtwork Not renewing Apology N. World

Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent

Shalit Splits Canada

Shalit Splits Canada

"Helmut" is a nickname given to IDF soldiers who are considered clumsy....

Noam Chomsky funny - How to talk to women

'Worse than NSA': UK Spy Agency Amasses 'World's Communication' | Common Dreams

'Worse than NSA': UK Spy Agency Amasses 'World's Communication' | Common Dreams


Ralph Nader


Israel is waiting for its Holocaust survivors to die There are three different days committed to remembering the Holocaust, but during the rest of the year, the Israeli government only thinks of Holocaust survivors as a financial burden.

The NASA War Document (Your Silence Is Your Permission)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Cruel and Unusual Justice Thomas

The Cruel and Unusual Justice Thomas

Motorola's password in a pill and electronic tattoo

6 money lessons from 'The Sopranos'

6 money lessons from 'The Sopranos'

Jon Stewart to appear on Bassem Youssef's show

US diplomats spied on UN leadership • Diplomats ordered to gather intelligence on Ban Ki-moon • Secret directives sent to more than 30 US embassies • Call for DNA data, computer passwords and terrorist links

Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines

Skynet rising: Google acquires 512-qubit quantum computer; NSA surveillance to be turned over to AI machines

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Increasing Rate of Mental Health Disorder in Children

The Increasing Rate of Mental Health Disorder in Children


Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic

Former GMO Engineer Drops Biotech and Goes Organic

If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

Hairy Stockings: Latest, Wacky, Wrongheaded Product that Won't Solve Rape Culture

'3 settlers assault Palestinian woman in Jerusalem'

The F.B.I. Deemed Agents Faultless in 150 Shootings

70 Percent of Americans 'Emotionally Disconnected' at Work: Shocking Poll Reveals Workforce Zombieland

If your name is Ahmed or Fatima, you live in fear of NSA surveillance

Abercrombie Headscarf Hani Khan Hijab Lawsuit


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guantanamo Prisoner Al-Nashiri's Case Demonstrates Unfairness of Military Commissions

Guantanamo Prisoner Al-Nashiri's Case Demonstrates Unfairness of Military Commissions

Why are there so many Muslim Women upset with FEMEN?

Chandler City Council denies Muslim-oriented townhouse development

The New Generation of American Patriots Are the Whistlebowers Who Came of Age After 9/11

Are the Young People That Shrinks Label as Disruptive Really Anarchists with a Healthy Resistance to Oppressive Authority?

Negotiating for Dummies - foreword by Frohnmayer

ACLU Sues NYPD over Unconstitutional Muslim Surveillance Program

ACLU Sues NYPD Over Unconstitutional Muslim Surveillance Program

The Cylvia Files A firm owned by the governor’s companion got a $60,000 contract it didn’t deserve.

Noone can sue this criminal cabal! Frohnmayer has secured both the D.A. and the City Attorney by providing Harrag Long to be in charge of these two offices

The judiciary in Oregon is very much on his side (see Rounds v. University of Oregon, about 20 years ago.)

Montreal’s interim mayor arrested on fraud charges

French court orders Twitter to ID anti-Semites

Sunni fighters blow up Shiite mosque in Syria

German Parliament Passes Anti-Semitism Measure

ضرب الزوجة في الإسلام مع الشيخ الدكتور محمد العريفي

Drugs Currently Prescribed For Other Indications May Influence The Onset And Progression Of Alzheimer's Disease

Drugs Currently Prescribed For Other Indications May Influence The Onset And Progression Of Alzheimer's Disease

Monday, June 17, 2013

UO Matters: Gottfredson's homework is 4 weeks late, still does...

UO Matters: Gottfredson's homework is 4 weeks late, still does...: 6/17/2013: Today I got this email: From: President Gottfredson Subject: RE: Protect and Preserve Shared Governance at UO Date: June 17, 2...

Sign and Support

Please sign and support..

Rush Holt addresses American Arabs in Washington DC

The Victory Hour June 17, 2013

Nike's Knight rips PSU Trustees

UO Matters: Frohnmayer's latest ethics problem

UO Matters: Frohnmayer's latest ethics problem: 6/15/2012 update: I'm no legal ethics professor, but this doesn't look good for Frohnmayer: The full letter is here . The Bar&#...

Poll finds Egyptians divided, many disappointed


Reuters Photojournalism

Our day's top images, in-depth photo essays and offbeat slices of life. See the best of Reuters photography. See more | Photo caption 

Waters of Nicaragua

Nicaragua has granted a Hong Kong company the right to build a $40 billion interoceanic canal.  Slideshow 

Paris Air Show

The latest from the 50th annual Paris Air Show.  Slideshow 

Poll finds Egyptians divided, many disappointed

American Jews fund $2.2 million gym for Israel’s Mossad

Video: University of Central Florida Professor Spews Anti-Islam Hate

Israel has forgotten its moral courage - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Israel has forgotten its moral courage - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Saudi women get jail terms for trying to help Canadian woman get divorce

Video: CAIR News Update, November 30, 2012

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rape case of a Muslim girl in Nalgonda – Demand for CBI investigation–-demand-cbi-investigation

Mask of Zion Report LIVE 5 pm eastern

Sleep Paralysis

The Brian Craig Show Online Radio by The Brian Craig Show | Blog Talk Radio

The Brian Craig Show Online Radio by The Brian Craig Show | Blog Talk Radio

Catholic activist killed for saving Jews set for sainthood

Egypt’s Perilous Drift

In times of greatest need, our friends in Egypt need us most. We must not turn our back on this new democracy. From conversations I've had today with both friends and foes of the Morsi government, this NY Times editorial appears to describe best the poverty of this movement for democracy and freedom. ~ Sam (in Cairo) 

The Brian Craig Show Online Radio by The Brian Craig Show | Blog Talk Radio

The Brian Craig Show Online Radio by The Brian Craig Show | Blog Talk Radio

Fighting Unwanted Cat Calls, One Poster At A Time

The British child brides: Muslim mosque leaders agree to marry girl of 12... so long as parents don't tell anyone Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Linah Alsaafin on Social Media and Palestine

Linah Alsaafin on Social Media and Palestine

Rape of Iraqi Women by US Forces as Weapon of War: Photos and Data Emerge

Witness of a Rape

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Palestinian forced to drink alcohol at gun-point by terrorist IDF

Friday, June 14, 2013

Manal al-Sharif: A Saudi woman who dared to drive

Ralph Nader: 'Has There Been a Bigger Con Man in the White House Than Barack Obama?' Read more:

Queensland MP Peter Wellington wants courts to get power to remove face veils

Cops Plead Guilty to Helping Plant Drugs on Woman Sexually Harassed by Judge

Lawrence Lessig on Government Spying

Lawrence Lessig on Government Spying

Bill and John: More Than Ever

Restrictions on Palestinians living in Israel with spouses now in its 10th year

Full Show: Big Brother’s Prying Eyes’s-prying-eyes/

Immigration Cost to Countries Is Overstated, Study Finds

The Israel Lobby (Marije Meerman, VPRO Backlight 2007)

Iran election deadline extended for 4th time to 2300 local time

ADL Spies

Hecklers Cheer Burning Of Tennessee Mosque At Muslim Outreach Forum

Hecklers Cheer Burning Of Tennessee Mosque At Muslim Outreach Forum: pAn anti-Muslim group of hecklers last week broke out into cheers at the mention of a local mosque being burned to the ground, completely missing the point of the community outreach forum they were disrupting. Tennessee’s Muslim community was deeply concerned when a local county commissioner posted an anti-Muslim picture on his Facebook page, which [...]/p

Ambassador Susan Rice Is Financially Tied To Keystone Pipeline Company

Improve your athletic performance naturally with beets: Research

Improve your athletic performance naturally with beets: Research

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Edward Snowden To South China Morning Post: Let Hong Kong 'Decide My Fate'

The Art of Airing Dirty Laundry: A Deeper Look at the Muslims for White Ribbon Campaign

Americans Tell Their Stories About Guns, Violence And The Aftermath (AUDIO)

Bloomberg targets political donations in latest gun-control push

Lawsuit: Police accused woman of making up rape claim about serial rapist

Facebook Page Reveals FAU Advisor Fears Muslim Law, Gay Rights, Has Extreme Right-Wing Views (UPDATED)

EEOC Says Some Companies Exclude Job Applicants With Criminal Records Too Broadly « CBS Philly

EEOC Says Some Companies Exclude Job Applicants With Criminal Records Too Broadly « CBS Philly

Fox Host Tells Anti-Islam Leader ‘We’ve Got Your Back’ Read more at

Racial Profiling 2013: Muslim Americans Sue Government Over Harassment at U.S.-Canada Border

After Tahrir: New Poll on Egyptian Attitudes Toward the Muslim Brotherhood

Dunkin Donuts employee to be honored n

Florida Dunkin' Donuts Employee Called "Little F....Sand N...."

Florida Dunkin’ Donuts Employee Called "little f----- sand n-----" (VIDEO)

Women of Action

Saudi royal family intervenes over preacher released despite raping and killing daughter

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Women’s Movement in Morocco: Bridging the Progressive-Islamic Feminist Binary

Kuwaiti Scholar Jassem Al-Mutawa: Wife Beating in Islam Treats Women Suf...

Saudi Arabia's new anti-domestic violence campaign on Twitter

Natural Headache Remdies

Maine GOP Leader Boasts That His ‘Man’s Brain’ Makes Him Think More Rationally About Costs

Maine GOP Leader Boasts That His ‘Man’s Brain’ Makes Him Think More Rationally About Costs: pA top Maine Republican took to the House floor Wednesday to explain how his “man’s brain” can’t get behind Obamacare’s federal funding for Medicaid expansion because he is concerned about costs. House Minority Leader Ken Fredette (R-ME) invoked the classic gender-stereotyping book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus to explain how he is [...]/p

Maine GOP Leader Boasts That His ‘Man’s Brain’ Makes Him Think More Rationally About Costs

Maine GOP Leader Boasts That His ‘Man’s Brain’ Makes Him Think More Rationally About Costs

Senator Russ Feingold Correctly Predicted How The Patriot Act Would Be Abused; Too Bad He Got Voted Out Of Office

Senator Russ Feingold Correctly Predicted How The Patriot Act Would Be Abused; Too Bad He Got Voted Out Of Office

Senator Russ Feingold Correctly Predicted How The Patriot Act Would Be Abused; Too Bad He Got Voted Out Of Office

CODEPINK Delegation to Yemen-Day 1

CODEPINK Delegation to Yemen- Day 1

Manchester, Tenn., meeting displays hatred of Muslims, malleability of masses (Kay Campbell)

Saudi Arabia, France agree Qusayr scenario can’t be repeated in Aleppo

Diplomatic Doings: Arab League Ambassador Speaks, Washington Report Honored at Model Arab League

Diplomatic Doings: Arab League Ambassador Speaks, Washington Report Honored at Model Arab League: June-July 2012, Page 65 Diplomatic Doings Arab League Ambassador Speaks, Washington Report Honored at Model Arab League The National Council on U. S. -Arab Relations (NCUSAR) presented awards to Ambas

Noone can sue this criminal cabal! Frohnmayer has secured both the D.A. and the City Attorney by providing Harrag Long to be in charge of these two offices

The judiciary in Oregon is very much on his side (see Rounds v. University of Oregon, about 20 years ago.)

Rounding up the guns... from little kids?

Guantánamo Bay: Developments

GOP Congressman: American Muslim Leaders Are ‘Potentially Complicit’ In Terrorist Acts

GOP Congressman: American Muslim Leaders Are ‘Potentially Complicit’ In Terrorist Acts: pA Republican congressman claimed on the House floor on Tuesday that members of Muslim communities in the United States have not condemned acts of Islamic extremist terrorism against the U.S. and therefore are complicit in those and any future attacks. Noting that it has been two months since the Boston Marathon bombing, Rep. Mike Pompeo [...]/p

President Jimmy Carter writes about women and religion

President Jimmy Carter writes about women and religion

Toddlers Killed More Americans Than Terrorists Did This Year

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Female genital mutilation in Egypt

An Al-Nusra leader rapes another Al Jazeera reporter

Kuwaiti woman jailed for 'insulting' emir tweets

U of U prof. files Bar complaint in Long v.Kroger case!

Noone can sue this criminal cabal! Frohnmayer has secured both the D.A. and the City Attorney by providing Harrag Long to be in charge of these two offices

The judiciary in Oregon is very much on his side (see Rounds v. University of Oregon, about 20 years ago.)

Jafar M. Ramini: Lifting the veil

Monday, June 10, 2013

Are You a Transgenic Organism? (Documentary)

Looking for an authentic Muslim woman's voice? - The Commentator

Looking for an authentic Muslim woman's voice? - The Commentator

the American Columnist who live in America

Anti-Islam graffiti scrawled outside West Watford school

Cosby all should be Muslims

U of O Prof. Files Bar Complaint in Long v. Kroger Case Complaint results from long-running DOJ investigation

turmeric produces remarkable recovery Alzheimers Patients

Women’s Group Adopting Pro-Israel Agenda Has A History Of Anti-Islam Activism

Women’s Group Adopting Pro-Israel Agenda Has A History Of Anti-Islam Activism

Woman Reject Chemo, Overcomes Ovarian Cancer with Nutrition

Woman Rejects Chemo, Overcomes Ovarian Cancer With Nutrition

A Rape Victim’s Story | OPEN Magazine

A Rape Victim’s Story | OPEN Magazine

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Intelligence Committee Leaders Defend NSA Surveillance

Intelligence Committee Leaders Defend NSA Surveillance

Saudi Arabia’s big elephant in the room

How to Tell When You're Being Followed (and Get Away Safely)

How to Tell When You’re Being Followed (and Get Away Safely)


Seeds Of Death - Full Movie

9/11 Israel's Masterpiece

Naveed Khan forget all that, read this (no one wants to touch this):

USS Liberty Cover-up (playlist)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

What's happening in Turkey right now will blow you away

Miss World Beauty Pageant Sheds Bikini Portion Out Of Respect For Muslim Country Host Indonesia

Bikini ban at Miss World pageant

A Muslimah’s Story – I Chose to Have an Abortion (Part One)

A Muslimah’s Story – I Chose to Have an Abortion (Part One)

Feds drop charges against Saudi arrested with pressure cooker at Metro Airport

Obama: Gov't records sweep not targeting Americans

Muslim women Conference

the sex life of the birds and why its' important

Code Pink

Battered women Justice's project

Political Evangelical Calls For ‘War’ Against ‘Pagan Onslaught Imposing Homosexual Marriage’ | The New Civil Rights Movement

Political Evangelical Calls For ‘War’ Against ‘Pagan Onslaught Imposing Homosexual Marriage’ | The New Civil Rights Movement

Video by Ryan Dawson

John Jones: "Intentional Starvation [perhaps by sanctions] should be considered a war crime.

Video by Ryan Dawson