Friday, July 31, 2015

Police Remove Activists From Portland Bridge After They Blocked Shell Ship Friday, 31 July 2015 00:00

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Finalist #1 for GCVP: Kenya Mann Faulkner 07/30/2015

University of Cincinnati Officer Indicted in Shooting Death of Samuel Dubose

American police’s bloody, vengeful delusions: How a “chicken-crap” traffic stop ends in cold-blooded murder

American police’s bloody, vengeful delusions: How a “chicken-crap” traffic stop ends in cold-blooded murder

20 days after request, Doug Park produces Burnside AAEO contract 07/30/2015

20 days after request, Doug Park produces Burnside AAEO contract

Do pharmaceutical payments compromise physician integrity? Part II

Do pharmaceutical payments compromise physician integrity? Part I

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Prosecutor and Trustee says university police force should be disbanded 07/29/2015

City of Eugene, Oregon spent $419,000 losing to environmental activist in federal court | Register Guard

ADDITIONAL RETRACTION of claim Coltrane got Rudnick to rewrite Walkup’s report on Archives release. 04/20/2015

Rogue archivist terrorizes legislature 07/27/2015

Bargaining session XVII: Administration still lowballing faculty 07/28/2015

Bargaining session XVII: Administration still lowballing faculty

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Former UO DPS employees give support for “bowl of dicks” complainant 08/23/2014

Eugene 4J school board holds closed meeting about open meetings law violation records 05/07/2015

5/7/2015 update: Edward Russo has the latest on HLGR’s accidental transparency here, complete with this classic quote:
“We deeply regret that appearance of a lack of transparency,” board member Beth Gerot said.
It’s a little difficult for me to wrap my head around the idea that 4J is still paying HLGR after the events described below – shouldn’t they be suing them for malpractice and a refund of the $21K in billable hours?
4/29/2015: Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick way too transparent with potentially incriminating public records
Bill Gary, Sharon Rudnick, and Randy Geller of UO’s HLGR law firm must be shitting their pants. I’m no lawyer, but sending a dump of emails that potentially incriminate your clients to the local newspaper, by mistake, seems unlikely to bring in the billable hours.

Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick loses 1/3 of its attorneys 06/19/2015

Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick loses 1/3 of its attorneys

This is sad news. HLGR’s noted big-tobacco litigator Sharon Rudnick was a gift to the UO faculty union – her bargaining stunts must have increased membership by 10%:
And I’m guessing few of UO’s GTF’s will soon forget negotiating sick-leave policies with HLGR’s zoning law expert Jeff Matthews.
How did HLGR end up with the bulk of UO’s legal business? I don’t know, but my speculation is that it had a lot to do with former UO President Dave Frohnmayer, who famously used his 2009-10 retirement sabbatical to restart his legal career at HLGR (Audits Division report here) just before the Oregon Legislature passed SB 242, which removed responsibility for state universities legal matters from the Oregon DOJ and let UO contract out the work.
In 2011, in response to SB 242, UO GC Randy Geller put out an RFP for outside legal help. Harrang, Long, Gary and Rudnick responded with this proposal, which emphasized the fact that Frohnmayer was now working for them:

Georgia claims that publishing its state laws for free online is 'terrorism'

Monday, July 27, 2015

Oregon grad student admits to faking data in four neuroscience papers 07/27/2015

Will “Around the O” retract claims re Senate Salary White Paper? 07/27/2015

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Heavily subsidized Duck coach has 10 year plan to break even 07/26/2015

Faculty union and CAS Dean Marcus criticize UO’s spending priorities 07/26/2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Michael Francke Murder Mystery Solved (Part One) John Atkins for No murder weapon was ever found. There were no bloody clothes, ever, on Frank Gable, in Frank's house, or anywhere else. No fingerprints. No hair or blood belonging to Frank. Nothing.

This is happened during former Oregon A.G. Dave Frohnmyer!!

The Oregonian's Sense of 'News Judgment' - Deaf, Dumb and Indifferent to Racism Tim King Except it is far worse than that.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Duck Athletic Department threats: Price elasticity, NCAA, and professors? 07/24/2015

1% for UO, 5.5% for UC. Bargaining session XVII: Tuesday 7/28, 9AM. 07/24/2015

Has President Schill found a replacement for Doug Park? 07/23/2015

In One Minute, NY Conservative Manages To Call Black Leaders N*ggers EIGHT Times (Video)

In One Minute, NY Conservative Manages To Call Black Leaders N*ggers EIGHT Times (Video)

Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Waller County prosecutor: No evidence Sandra Bland’s death was a homicide Bethania Palma Markus

It sounds like our Lane County D.A. office!!!!

VSU pays $900K for violating student’s 1st Amendment right to mock Univ. President 07/23/2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Watch CNN Panelist Get Destroyed After He Blames Sandra Bland’s Arrogance For Her Death (VIDEO)

Watch CNN Panelist Get Destroyed After He Blames Sandra Bland’s Arrogance For Her Death (VIDEO)

Shocking case of racist cabbie abuse in Calgary caught on video

Why are so many people in U.S. prisons? Key findings from the National Research Council

Why are so many people in U.S. prisons? Key findings from the National Research Council - See more at:

Discover paying $18.5M over student loan violations

"Between the World and Me": Ta-Nehisi Coates Extended Interview on Being Black in America

University offers faculty 3% ATB and 2% merit, spread over two years 07/22/2015

UO President Michael Schill is the one person who can make it happen 07/21/2015

The American Nightmare: The Tyranny Of The Criminal Justice System

Retired US General Admits Military’s Role in Creating ISIS

Reputation For Rent Once-secret testimony reveals Dave Frohnmayer was a paid witness for big tobacco against the state of Oregon.

"Frohnmayer now works for the Eugene law firm of Harrang Long Gary Rudnick, which has represented Philip Morris in the past. He bills as much as $550 an hour (but declined to say how much tobacco companies paid him to testify). In addition, he gets a $257,000 annual pension from the Public Employees Retirement System and $101,000 a year as a part-time law professor at UO. (Harrang Long is also UO’s law firm, billing $647,000 since March 2012.)
Greed; plain and simple.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Court tosses Ex-Gov. Blagojevich conviction over Obama's Senate seat

Monday, July 20, 2015

Firefighter's whistleblower and retaliation charges reinstated

President Schill makes yet another sensible decision 07/20/2015

UO Foundation releases some good fundraising data 07/20/2015

Sandra Bland

Details Of Unreleased Dash Cam Video In ‪#‎SandraBland‬ Case Revealed ‪#‎NewsOneNow‬ ‪#‎WhatHappenedToSandraBland‬

Why Exactly Is the US at War in Yemen?

Murdoch's Wall Street Journal, Fox News Channel Face Off In War Over Trump

World Health Education Initiative

Saturday, July 18, 2015

These Islamophobic Chattanooga Tweets Prove Racism Is More Than Just Black & White

University fund-raising hits record despite mediocre athletics program 07/17/2015

Bargaining XVI: Union responds to admin’s real wage cut proposal 07/17/2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Israel Wants US compensation for Iranian deal

Israel wants US compensation for Iranian deal

Why the Iran Deal Makes Obama's Critics So Angry

Channel 4 News “We trust ourselves to defend ourselves and we will defend our national security in the way we know how.”

“We trust ourselves to defend ourselves and we will defend our national security in the way we know how.”

Dr Uri Resnick from Israel’s Foreign Ministry is uncompromising in the face of the Iran deal.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bill Clinton expresses regret about criminal justice law he signed Read more:

Mayor won’t resign over ‘Gorilla face’ Michelle Obama rant because ‘that’s admitting I’m racist’

Disarming the Trojan Horse of the UAAA and SPARTA: How America Should Reform its Sports Agent Laws to Conform with True Agency Principles

Video: CAIR Offers Reward for Info on NY Attack Targeting Md. Muslim Woman

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CIA says ISIS has 30000 Fighters. Turkey, Germany Won’t Join in USA-led Bombing.

Ellen Rosenblum, Oregon Attorney General Who or what has inspired you to run for office?

I ran five time for public offices!! The criminals psychopath Frohnmayer & his bank robber with a brief case Bob Ackerman blocked me each time!! And the rest of Lane County government are complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.

RG columnist raises questions about UO graduate student 07/14/2015

University to bring all faculty to market salary, by rank and discipline 07/14/2015

Lawyers rake in NCAA bucks 07/13/2015

New UO President Mike Schill is “wading through honey” 07/13/2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

PAC-12 gives athletes $3K post-grad scholarships 07/13/2015

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Legislature passes problematic bill to subsidize community college tuition 07/12/2015

Oregon government is the most corrupted government!!

Stealing our homes and children too!! NO one is holding these criminal officials accountable!!

The late former Oregon A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had committed the most heinous crimes of the century, stealing our homes, stealing money from the UO etc.etc..

The Lane County D.A. had NO JURISDICTION on Frohnmayer! He ran away with murder and no one held him accountable!!

The whole Oregon's government is complicit with Frohnmayer and his bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman!!

Retired OHSU psychologist Joseph Matarazzo helped CIA with torture 07/11/2015

UO could save $3M a year by shutting down basketball, mothballing Knight Arena 07/11/2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Since 1976, the FBI hasn’t counted more than 460 fatal police shootings in a year. We’ve counted 462 already in 2015

Hollywood Producer Nathan Folks Says Boston Bombing was False-Flag Fakery

Alex Gardner, Lane County District Attorney, cites county staff cuts in taking job with Oregon State Police | Local | The Register-Guard | Eugene, Oregon

Alex Gardner, Lane County District Attorney, cites county staff cuts in taking job with Oregon State Police | Local | The Register-Guard | Eugene, Oregon

Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL"

He'd better stick to that teleprompter! President Obama admits the U.S. is training ISIL (ISIS/Al Qaeda/any Muslim group that will kill other Muslims)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Farid Fata Gets 45 Years in Prison for Scamming Hundreds of Cancer Patients

I hope some of the doctors in Eugene, Oregon will face the same thing for prescribing too much drugs to their patients !!

Secret Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD in Iraq | Opinion | teleSUR English

Secret Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD in Iraq | Opinion | teleSUR English

Should they call it “Dana’s Law” or “The Altman Act”? 07/10/2015

VPFA Jamie Moffitt discovers that faculty union increased faculty pay 07/09/2015

Oregonian’s Higher Ed Reporter Rich Read on Grateful Dead’s last show 07/09/2015

Harbaugh worth $1M a year to Nike 07/09/2015

Investigator asks UO employees for info on affirmative action problems 07/09/2015

Story on Jane Doe’s lawyers John Clune and Baine Kerr 07/09/2015

TEAR IT DOWN? 12 other American flags worth reconsidering by John Walker

College admissions experts on Chinese cheating 07/09/2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States | Immigration Policy Center

Canzano: 16 years after Oregon State football gang-rape allegation, Brenda Tracy steps from the shadows

Legislature refills the well, and gives UO a unicorn too 07/08/2015

Muslims gather money to rebuild burnt Black churches

No Jail Term for Threats Against a Muslim Man

It sounds like what had happened to by the criminals late former Oregon A.G. Dave Frohnmayer & his bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman NO JAIL!!

Please sign petition.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Marijuana, scandal and the 'Gang of 8': Top stories, quotes from 2015 Legislature

KKK Was Terrorizing America Decades Before Islamic State Appeared

Faculty union bargaining resumes Friday at 9AM 07/07/2015

UO’s Board of Trustees had no problem coming up with millions to give raises to the football coaches, the athletic director, and our new president. But now the well is dry. Funny how that works.
The administration’s most recent offer to the faculty was a cut in real pay. Our last raises were on July 1, 2014. The admin proposal is that we wait 18 months for this:
Jan 1 2016, 1% overall:
1% ATB
0% Merit
0% Equity
And then wait another 12 months for this:
Jan 1 2017, 1.5% overall:
0% ATB
1.5% Merit pool by unit (But up to 20% held back at Dean’s discretion.)
0% Equity
With raises at our comparators running at around 3.5% a year, the union pretty much ignored this offer. So the administration will be back with another try on Friday.
I’ll do my best to live-blog it, but it’s best to show up in person, to see just how embarrassed the administration’s bargaining team is by having to try and justify these offers.

The 3.2 milion first-time students who enrolled in fall 2008 transferred 2.4 million times through 2014

The 3.2 milion first-time students who enrolled in fall 2008 transferred 2.4 million times through 2014

Johnson Hall will need new scapegoat for Presidential Archives mess 07/07/2015

Oregonian explains what this year’s legislative session did 07/07/2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tape of Jailhouse Confession Passes Legal, Not Moral, Challenge

Shoacking Revelation About Morgge Modifacations: Your Bank Still Foreclose

Shocking Revelation About Mortgage Modifications: Your Bank Might Still Foreclose (VIDEO)

New UO President speaks out on Board of Trustees, trust and transparency 07/06/2015

Internet Independence

Internet Independence

Welcome President Schill UO

Oregon editorial on Phil Knight’s “retirement” 07/05/2015

U of Chicago adjunct law professor accuses Chief Justice Roberts of bigotry, discrimination

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Duck’s Mark Helfrich reports colleges are paying HS coaches, instead of players 07/05/2015

The 51-Day Genocide | Let's Try Democracy

The 51-Day Genocide | Let's Try Democracy


Aangirfan: ISIS IS RUN BY SIMON ELLIOT, A MOSSAD AGENT: Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi, son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent. According to Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the boss of ISIL (...

Saturday, July 4, 2015

UO has no public records on earthquake certifications of buildings? 07/04/2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

No search to replace Interim VPR Brad Shelton yet, but new Assoc VPRs appointed 07/03/2015

Thursday, July 2, 2015

If Islamic State Had Burned Down Four Churches It Would Have Been Headline News!!

Fox Host: Eliminating The Gender Pay Inequality Isn’t Fair To Men (VIDEO)

UO gets short end of legislature’s bond money, but new CAS offices will be funded 07/02/2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

FIRE free speech lawsuits producing results 07/01/2015

“But swear words as a terminable offense? You have got to be fucking kidding.” 07/01/2015

Former Provost John Moseley agrees with Harbaugh on athletics funding 07/01/2015

JH drops $1.3M on legal and consulting payments in May and June 07/01/2015

The Oregonian's Sense of 'News Judgment' - Deaf, Dumb and Indifferent to Racism Tim King