Sunday, January 31, 2016

Oregon gets F grade in 2015 State Integrity Investigation Land of ethics, manners hurt by rare scandal

Austin Meek on the wierdness of big-time college football recruiting 01/31/2016

Lawsuit Takes LCC to Task for Not Stopping Stalker Student |

Lawsuit Takes LCC to Task for Not Stopping Stalker Student |

LCC has always been anti Arabs, Muslims, especially Muslim femaies, and minorities groups!!

Back in 2010 LCC hired a bigoted, Islamophobia, hatemonger Barry Sommer to teach an anti Islam class to incite hate & bigotry against Muslims and Arabs! 

Sommer is one of the members of Act For American: Brigitte Gabriel is the champion of anti-Muslims and Islam!

S.S. has been harassing, stalking, Nadia Raza and LCC has never taken this crime seriously!! 

I know S.S. too. He’s been stalking me for a long time! Every time I leave a comment on social media S.S. will attack me too!!

    Why It Matters That Obama Is Finally Visiting An American Mosque

    VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Has Known for Years Where Hillary Clinton’s True Loyalties Lie (from @Truthdig)

    VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Has Known for Years Where Hillary Clinton’s True Loyalties Lie (from @Truthdig): An old clip of the Massachusetts senator shows she’s known the truth about Hillary Clinton’s relationship with Wall Street for quite some time.
    - 2016/01/31

    Swastika Drawn On Donald Trump Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star (VIDEO)

    Saturday, January 30, 2016

    Hillary Clinton Says Chelsea Erased Servers During Postpartum Depression By Mark Donahue

    Read the Document: Two Powerful Lawyers Attack the Investigator in the Cylvia Hayes Probe

    Clinton supporter realizes truth about Hillary

    Hillary Clinton Still More Evil Than Exposed in This 2008 Banned From Th...

    14 Home Remedies For Arthritis And Joint Pain

    14 Home Remedies For Arthritis And Joint Pain

    Stephen Colbert Destroys Donald Trump!!

    No Nukes Is Good Nukes.wmv

    Friday, January 29, 2016

    Donald Trump Wanted Vets Kicked Off Fifth Avenue

    Oklahoma Republican wants to forbid suicidal LGBT kids from meeting gay-friendly therapists

    Oklahoma Republican wants to forbid suicidal LGBT kids from meeting gay-friendly therapists

    Lord Coe may be grilled by MPs AGAIN over 2017 bribery claims as IAAF president still 'has questions he needs to answer'

    Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Trolls Trump: 'I Bailed You Out Twice' The prince has offered to bail Trump out a third time, too. 01/29/2016 03:59 am ET

    The Kelly Beguiles A Saudi prince doesn't really "co-own" Fox News, and Fox political commentator Megyn Kelly didn't pose with him.

    Law School Dean Michael Moffitt resigns effective summer 2017 01/29/2016

    Harney County remains tense as FBI continues to negotiate with holdouts at Malheur refuge | Local | Eugene, Oregon

    Harney County remains tense as FBI continues to negotiate with holdouts at Malheur refuge | Local | Eugene, Oregon: BURNS — The waiting continues. As the FBI and Oregon State Police continue to negotiate with four remaining occupiers at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney County residents sit and listen and wonder what’s next. “I just wish the rest of these guys would come out before they get killed,” said Linda Gainer, who owns The Narrows, an RV park and cafe/general store that is 6 miles from the refuge headquarters.

    Stephen Colbert’s ‘Trump vs. Trump’ debate reveals just how meaningless but loud Trump actually is

    Stephen Colbert’s ‘Trump vs. Trump’ debate reveals just how meaningless but loud Trump actually is

    The Best Question Of The GOP Debate Came From A Muslim Beauty Vlogger

    Revenge of the Nerds? Maybe, but so far the Jocks are winning 01/28/2016

    Thursday, January 28, 2016

    Coe embroiled in new controversy after claim he did know about bribes during bid process for 2017 World Championships

    You'll Be Amazed By What They Discovered About Pomegranate Juice

    You'll Be Amazed By What They Discovered About Pomegranate Juice

    Economist is skeptical 01/27/2016

    Former UOPD Sergeant describes Chief McDermed’s mismanagement 01/27/2016

    National Review Against Donald Trump - Rebutted!

    Wednesday, January 27, 2016

    For More Than 50 Years, DuPont Concealed the Cancer-Causing Properties of Teflon @alternet

    For More Than 50 Years, DuPont Concealed the Cancer-Causing Properties of Teflon @alternet: Internal company reports have revealed that DuPont had for many years either known or suspected that Teflon contained a harmful ingredient.

    Detaining Dreams - Trailer

    "Hitler founded Israel" - 1933 The Transfer Agreement zionists & nazis (...

    Listen: What it's like to be Muslim in Minnesota

    Berserk militant promises ‘bloodbath’ as feds move in: ‘This is a free-for-all Armageddon’

    Berserk militant promises ‘bloodbath’ as feds move in: ‘This is a free-for-all Armageddon’

    Oregon gets an “F” for government accountability, transparency |

    Oregon gets an “F” for government accountability, transparency | The resignation of Gov. John Kitzhaber in February is cited in a recent report as a not-so-shining example of what’s wrong with Oregon’s safeguards against corruption.Oregon deserves an “F”

    Oregon gets an “F” for government accountability, transparency |

    Oregon gets an “F” for government accountability, transparency | The resignation of Gov. John Kitzhaber in February is cited in a recent report as a not-so-shining example of what’s wrong with Oregon’s safeguards against corruption.Oregon deserves an “F”

    UO Senate meets today on IT, ethics, diversity. 3PM in Knight Library 01/27/2016

    President Schill speaks on UO’s role in equal opportunity 01/26/2016

    Tuesday, January 26, 2016

    OSP, FBI statements: Seven arrests, shots fired, one killed, one injured

    OSP, FBI statements: Seven arrests, shots fired, one killed, one injured: Full text of Oregon State Police and FBI statements Tuesday evening announcing the arrest of seven people and one person shot and killed in the fourth week of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover.

    UO hires Penny Daugherty staffer and consultant as interim AVP/TIXC 01/26/2016

    UO wants ex-basketball player’s suit dismissed Lawsuit stems from rape allegations, dismissal from team

    UO lawyers use Stokes and Morlok’s OA award against them 01/26/2016


    New Ed School Dean Randy Kamphaus ends UO’s SEP pipeline program 01/24/2016

    Advocates of UO’s Summer Enrichment Program decry the university shutting it down after 35 years | Local | Eugene, Oregon

    Advocates of UO’s Summer Enrichment Program decry the university shutting it down after 35 years | Local | Eugene, Oregon: The program offered a haven for children who needed an intellectual challenge

    Law School buys Google ads to boost undergrad legal studies enrollment 01/24/2016

    War on Whistleblowers (ft. Edward Snowden & David Carr) 2015 • FULL DOCU...

    Video: Hillary Clinton Slams Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Rhetoric as ‘Sha...

    My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!!  Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals! We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!! Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless! He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!! His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family’s signature, sold our fully paid Condo to the thief Investor/Realtor Bob Ogle & his mom Karen Ogle, without my signature!! Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!! ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!! I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!! Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.

    Monday, January 25, 2016

    LCC Instructor Files Lawsuit for Harassment “JUSTICELAWYERS”

    Professor sues Lane Community College, charges lack of protection from stalker

    U.S. Homeland Security Secretary in Atlanta: Don’t vilify Muslims

    Speaker to address Islamic law at St. Cloud event

    UO Alert! 9.0 magnitude Cascadia quake forecast for 9PM Jan 26th 01/25/2016

    Incontrovertible - New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

    Sunday, January 24, 2016

    How the US Supreme Court Could Legalize Direct Bribery

    How the US Supreme Court Could Legalize Direct Bribery: A recent bribery conviction may lead to the U.S. Supreme Court further corrupting the U.S. political system.

    How the US Supreme Court Could Legalize Direct Bribery

    How the US Supreme Court Could Legalize Direct Bribery: A recent bribery conviction may lead to the U.S. Supreme Court further corrupting the U.S. political system.

    IAAF too dirty for Adidas – but Kate Brown, UO still on board for 2021? 01/24/2016

    New Ed School Dean Randy Kamphaus ends UO’s SEP pipeline program 01/24/2016

    The Daily Show - Birthers Target Ted Cruz

    New Documents Show Bush Administration Planned War In Iraq Well Before 9/11/2001

    New Documents Show Bush Administration Planned War In Iraq Well Before 9/11/2001

    UPDATE: 'Islam, Muslims and the West' discussion in Madison

    UPDATE: 'Islam, Muslims and the West' discussion in Madison: Police officials are also discussing how Muslims can stay safe in an environment of “Islamaphobia.”

    Ken Prehoda’s paper on slime-mold evolution causes stir 01/23/2016

    Saturday, January 23, 2016

    New documents reveal how Donald Trump’s racist dad inspired Woody Guthrie’s most bitter writings

    New documents reveal how Donald Trump’s racist dad inspired Woody Guthrie’s most bitter writings

    New documents reveal how Donald Trump’s racist dad inspired Woody Guthrie’s most bitter writings

    New documents reveal how Donald Trump’s racist dad inspired Woody Guthrie’s most bitter writings

    Substance In Ginger Found 10,000x As Effective as Chemo Against Breast Cancer Stem Cells

    Lawyer Says a Week of Fox News Drove hi Client to Threaten Muslims!!

    Interpol closes in on Eugene’s 2021 IAAF championship partners 01/23/2016

    CAS Dean Marcus cuts 5 positions from administration 01/22/2016

    Friday, January 22, 2016

    Glenn Frey’s Death: Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication Can Lead to ‘Disaster,’ Doctor Says

    Occupier leader in touch with FBI | Local | Eugene, Oregon

    Occupier leader in touch with FBI | Local | Eugene, Oregon: BURNS — The leader of an armed group that is occupying a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon has spoken with the FBI and there are plans to communicate again on Friday as the standoff over federal land policies nears the three-week mark. Standing outside the municipal airport in Burns, Ammon Bundy spoke by phone Thursday to an unnamed FBI negotiator. The federal agency has used the airport, about 30 miles from the refuge, as a staging ground during the occupation.

    Watch: Megyn Kelly Convenes ‘Conservatives Against Trump’

    Austin Meek: Mullens will be in spotlight on playoff selection committee | Sports | Eugene, Oregon

    Austin Meek: Mullens will be in spotlight on playoff selection committee | Sports | Eugene, Oregon: Rob Mullens doesn’t have a Twitter account, and as one of his senior staffers pointed out Thursday, that’s probably a good thing. By next December, fans of Team No. 5 will be telling Mullens and the other members of the College Football Playoff committee exactly where they went wrong and exactly why 13 people off the street are more qualified to pick the top four teams in college football.

    ‘My heart is so broken now’: Muslim man beaten for speaking Arabic on Philadelphia street

    ‘My heart is so broken now’: Muslim man beaten for speaking Arabic on Philadelphia street

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    On Leadership: Dr. Martin Luther King, Teaching, and Alpha Phi Alpha | Teach For America

    On Leadership: Dr. Martin Luther King, Teaching, and Alpha Phi Alpha | Teach For America: Today, as we reflect on Dr. King’s life and work, we’re taking heed of the call to leadership he made so many years ago. In this moment, we still need “leaders in love with justice…in love with humanity,” who can devote their immense talent and passion to the greatest problems of our time.

    LCC instructor sues college, claims it didn’t protect her from being harassed by student | Local | Eugene, Oregon

    LCC instructor sues college, claims it didn’t protect her from being harassed by student | Local | Eugene, Oregon: A tenured instructor at Lane Community College is suing the school, alleging administrators failed to seriously address her concerns about a male student who she says stalked her and made unsettling comments to other female teachers. Nadia Raza filed suit Thursday in U.S. District Court in Eugene.

    "A tenured instructor at Lane Community College is suing the school, alleging that administrators failed to seriously address her concerns about a male student who she says stalked her and made unsettling comments to other female teachers.
    Nadia Raza filed suit Thursday in U.S. District Court in Eugene. She accuses LCC officials of negligence, job and sex discrimination, and retaliation and of denying her constitutional right to equal protection under the law after she informed administrators of escalating problems with a student who enrolled in her Race and Ethnicity class in January 2014.
    “Lane’s response made a terrifying situation much worse,” Raza said Thursday in a news release issued by her attorney, Jennifer Middleton of Eugene.
    The lawsuit does not list a monetary amount being sought. But Raza — who now teaches only online classes after going on what the suit calls “forced leave” — claims to have suffered emotional distress as well as unspecified economic damages in the form of lost wages and benefits.
    LCC spokeswoman Joan Aschim declined to comment on the allegations, saying school policy prevents her from discussing pending litigation.
    Raza, the suit says, went to college administrators for help in early 2014 after the male student turned in an assignment in which he wrote that he was affiliated with neo-­Nazis, and then began asking her via email to meet with him off campus. Raza felt disturbed and threatened, and suspected that the student took “particular interest in her as a Pakistani-­(American) Muslim woman,” the suit asserts.
    Raza reported the student’s behavior to her department chair, and LCC public safety officials responded by citing the student for harassment in violation of student-­conduct rules, according to the lawsuit. 
    The suit does not use the student’s name, and identifies him only by the initials ‘S.S.’
    Raza said she became frustrated after LCC officials denied her request to participate in the student’s conduct violation case and refused to inform her of the investigation’s outcome.
    The student, meanwhile, continued sending Raza emails and in April 2014 emailed another LCC instructor, Caroline Lund­quist, to say that he had discovered that “a large corporation” was keeping him under surveillance, the suit asserts.
    After S.S. made similarly bizarre comments in Lundquist’s class — including one mentioning a belief that other students “were reading his thoughts and trying to keep him from murdering anyone” — public safety officers informed LCC officials that the student was a convicted felon who had several restraining orders filed against him, according to the lawsuit.
    LCC told the student to stay off campus but he sent more emails to Raza, one of which she felt contained a veiled threat, the suit asserts.
    Raza alleges that LCC officials complicated her efforts to file a restraining order petition in court against S.S. She also asserts that the school failed to do anything to promote her safety while on campus, and never tried to connect the student with mental health services. 
    According to the lawsuit, S.S. sent emails to three other female LCC instructors in April 2014.He asked one teacher to help him contact Raza and sent “disturbing and delusional” messages to the other two, the suit states.
    The student, according to the lawsuit, was arrested and charged with trespassing in May 2014 after he had shown up twice at a Eugene apartment building while looking for Raza.
    Raza at some point after spring 2014 ceased classroom instruction and began teaching online courses instead. In a meeting last year to discuss Raza’s possible return to campus, LCC declined several of the teacher’s safety-related requests, the suit states.
    Raza continues to teach online courses for LCC. She alleges in the lawsuit that college officials have denied her a full-time schedule and reduced her class enrollment in order to cut her pay.
    According to the suit, S.S. has continued to show up in Raza’s neighborhood, and Raza moved out of what at the time was her home because she feared that the student knew where she lived.
    In addition to unspecified monetary compensation, Raza is seeking a court order that requires LCC to provide her a safe work environment, and directs the school to create a comprehensive sexual harassment policy and update procedures related to student-conduct investigations.”

    This is what LCC does the BEST!! Ignoring all Arab/Muslim, femal, Americans, minorities!!

    LCC wouldn’t hire me, so they can protect the bank robber with a brief case Bob Ackerman! My first office I run for was LCC Board in 2003.

    I got 48.9% But because of the criminal official Ackerman! It was rigged election!!

    Never mind, LCC chose to hire a Hateful, Begoted, Islamophobic, Barry Sommer to teach anit-Islamic class back in 2010!

    My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!!

    Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals!

    We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!!

    Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless!

    He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!!

    His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family’s signature, sold our fully paid Condo to the thief Investor/Realtor Bob Ogle & his mom Karen Ogle, without my signature!!

    Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!!                                                                        

    ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!!

    I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!!

    Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!!

    Please sign petition.

    Shelly Taylor  Nadia Sindi

    Nadia Shindi is correct. Not only does LCC lack cultural/racial equity, they have not protected many people who belong to minority groups including Jewish people, Native Americans, GLBTQUI, and African Americans and Muslims. This includes students, staff and Instructors. In fact, the record will show that they have done just the opposite. Many Instructors and staff of color and other cultures have been discriminated against and have left or are still working there in fear because they know LCC will not protect them. Ms. Raza is not the first and because of their policies, it will continue. They do not take these issues seriously and often ostracize those who are the victims, and anyone who tries to help the victim. Their "professional investigators" in the past have been their own attorney or own HR consultants. Hardly objective investigators. You can't find evidence if you are refusing to look for it.

    Wednesday, January 20, 2016

    New report: 23% of Oregonians are 'working poor'

    New report: 23% of Oregonians are 'working poor': A new report released by the United Way classifies more than 20% of Oregonians as the “working poor.” The report identifies people which are asset limited, income constrained, and employed (ALICE),...

    Muslim says he was beat in Center City attack for speaking Arabic

    Muslim says he was beat in Center City attack for speaking Arabic: A Moroccan immigrant to Philadelphia was brutally attacked over the weekend in Center City just for speaking his native tongue, he claims.

    Sarah Palin blames her son’s domestic violence arrest on Obama

    Sarah Palin blames her son’s domestic violence arrest on Obama

    Professor Zack neither thrilled nor honored to get UO’s MLK award 01/20/2016

    A President’s Plan to Steer Out At-Risk Freshmen Incites a Campus Backlash By Katherine Mangan JANUARY 20, 2016

    Faculty delight as “inane and insulting” 160over90 branders chased off campus 01/20/2016

    Runners sue IAAF for reparations? Brown envelopes? Lord Coe triple-dips? 01/19/2016

    The State of Dis-Union

    Video: Man Who Threatened CAIR-San Diego Sentenced to Maximum Prison Term

    Tuesday, January 19, 2016

    Why my campus needs 'safe spaces': Washington Post opinion

    UC-Merced’s Chou Her declines job as UOPD Chief in waiting 01/19/2016

    U of Cincinnati to pay $4.85M for alleged murder by armed campus cop 01/19/2016

    Economics, à la Cart Predicting success or failure for Portland food vendors

    UO Foundation must write off Bongo’s $15M endowment promise 01/18/2016

    Iceland Sentences 26 Corrupt Bankers To 74 Years In Prison

    Iceland Sentences 26 Corrupt Bankers To 74 Years In Prison: By Grouch E Geezr for Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to prison for his part in the 2008 economic collapse. The charges ranged from breach of fiduciary duties to market ...

    If a Social Movement Falls Outside of the Media, Are Any Lives Improved? | Let's Try Democracy

    If a Social Movement Falls Outside of the Media, Are Any Lives Improved? | Let's Try Democracy

    "USS Liberty: Dead In The Water" (BBC Documentary 2002)

    Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Your Shit Up (2016 Edition)

    Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Your Shit Up (2016 Edition)

    Monday, January 18, 2016

    A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

    A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

    Here's The UK's Parliamentary Roast Of Donald Trump

    30 Years of MLK Day: What We’ve Gained and What We’ve Lost

    The Scale of the Slaughter: Passive Reporting vs Scientific Mortality Studies | War Is A Crime .org

    The Scale of the Slaughter: Passive Reporting vs Scientific Mortality Studies | War Is A Crime .org

    Dr. King, Donald Trump and The Drum Major Instinct

    Beyond 'Making a Murderer': 10 real-life injustices in Oregon history (photos)

    Martin Luther King and Malcolm X debate 01/18/2016

    Sunday, January 17, 2016

    Fact-checking the fourth Democratic debate | PBS NewsHour

    Fact-checking the fourth Democratic debate | PBS NewsHour: Here are some of the claims made by the Democratic presidential candidates and how they compare with the facts.

    ISIS commits massacre in village in Deir Ezzor, claiming the lives of 300 civilians

    UO Pres Mike Schill uses 160over90 ad firm to establish his “academic brand” 01/17/2016

    In Wichita, Muslims find hate, support (+videos)

    Video: CAIR Says Bomb 'Prank' Targeting D.C. Muslim Student is a Symptom...

    Saturday, January 16, 2016

    Pro Wrestling is now more credible than Lord Coe’s IAAF 01/16/2016

    Here's Why We Held The Story On The U.S.-Iranian Prisoner Exchange ... and why we're glad we did. 01/16/2016 11:21 am ET | Updated 1 hour ago

    How To Remove Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints

    How To Remove Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints

    Friday, January 15, 2016

    Great Minds: Ellen Brown - Did You Know Banks Can Take Your Money in A C...

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    My life in Liberal Klans Oregon!!  Arab/Muslim Americans are treated less than animals! We are being prosecuted in a daily basis! High tech lynching, institutionally racism! Especially for Arab women!! Oregon former late A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobless! He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!! His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlet Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family's signature, sold our fully paid Condo, without my signature!! Bob Ackerman had never responded to the Summon from the Court, and the sheriff never served him or arrested him either!! ThIs is what kind of criminal government we have in Oregon!! I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!! Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    WATCH: Oregon lawmaker opens can of whoop-ass on feds for ignoring ‘ultra-rightwing extremist’ Bundys

    Kicking the Can?

    University & Nike agree on $252M contract, includes academic scholarships 01/15/2016

    IAAF scandals make it tougher on TrackTown USA's Vin Lananna: Oregon track & field rundown

    Thursday, January 14, 2016

    4 comments IAAF scandals make it tougher on TrackTown USA's Vin Lananna: Oregon track & field rundown

    APA reports higher pay for faculty at unionized public universities 01/14/2016

    IAAF under attack as pressure grows on Lord Coe 01/14/2016

    Diane Dietz hunts, kills 160over90 branding deal, then writes its obituary 01/13/2016

    Doping report: Corruption was 'embedded' in IAAF By JOHN LEICESTER Jan. 14, 2016 3:37 PM EST

    Bill O’Reilly promises to ‘flee’ to Ireland if Bernie Sanders becomes president

    Bill O’Reilly promises to ‘flee’ to Ireland if Bernie Sanders becomes president

    Wednesday, January 13, 2016

    VIDEO: Kshama Sawant Delivers a Socialist Response to Obama’s State of the Union Speech (from @Truthdig)

    VIDEO: Kshama Sawant Delivers a Socialist Response to Obama’s State of the Union Speech (from @Truthdig): The Seattle City Councilwoman expressed optimism for the future based “not on big corporations or the prosperity of Wall Street and its billionaires” but on “the immense potential power of American workers.”
    - 2016/01/13

    Peoples Assembly 2 - Challenging White Supremacy

    The State of the Union for Muslim Americans

    The State of the Union for Muslim Americans

    No evidence UOPD sending dildos to Malhuer Militia 01/13/2016

    Tuesday, January 12, 2016

    IRS investigating Track Town? Lananna offers to spread IAAF pork 01/12/2016

    Track Town USA going to Legislature for lodging tax, not Hayward Field upgrades | Local | Eugene, Oregon

    Track Town USA going to Legislature for lodging tax, not Hayward Field upgrades | Local | Eugene, Oregon: Vin Lananna urges Oregon to “think big” to capitalize on 2021 championships

    Obama calls out politicians for race and religion-targeted rhetoric | PBS NewsHour

    Obama calls out politicians for race and religion-targeted rhetoric | PBS NewsHour: In his final State of the Union address, President Barack Obama called attention to recent rhetoric that targets people’s race or religion. “This isn’t a matter of political correctness” he said.

    My Stolen Condo by the bank robber Bob Ackerman was sold $ 164,288.00 last Nov. 6-15 Robert Ogle & his mom lived in 15 years!!

    My Condo that was stolen from me by the bank robber Bob Ackeraman who forged my family’s signature & gave it to Rober Ogle and his Mom by only $40.000.00!! Was sold last Nov. 6-15!!

    Now it was sold $164,288.00!! By the thief Ogle’s Real Estate company’s Trulia!! Ogle made over $124,288.00 profit after 16 years living freely in it!

    628 Wimbledon Ct, Eugene, OR 97401 | Trulia › OR › Eugene › 97401 › Autzen
    Nov 6, 2015 - 628 Wimbledon Ct This Condo located at 628 Wimbledon Court, Eugene, OR sold for $164,288on Nov 6, 2015. 628 Wimbledon Ct has 2 beds,

    More football, more rape & Emerald op-ed trashes Mariota Complex, subsidies 01/12/2016

    Schill and Coltrane at Senate on Wed., for Q&A on strategic plans 01/11/2016

    Schill and Coltrane at Senate on Wed., for Q&A on strategic plans

    Monday, January 11, 2016

    Webinar: Islamophobia Reaches a Violent Tipping Point with Professor Hat...

    UO will pay HLGR’s Bill Gary ~$500 an hour to argue Bowl of Dicks lawyers are overpaid: The Greeks had a word

    UO will pay Bill Gary ~$450/hour to argue Bowl of Dicks lawyers are overpaid 01/11/2016

    Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1

    Sunday, January 10, 2016

    The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History   :  Information Clearing House - ICH

    The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History   :  Information Clearing House - ICH

    Track Town trips over World Championship funding request

    Muslim Communities Confront Fear Mongering, Hate Speech, Suspicion

    Watch Trump: ‘I Don’t Feel Sorry for Hillary’ – ‘She TERRORIZED Bill’s Victims’ | Truth Uncensored

    Watch Trump: ‘I Don’t Feel Sorry for Hillary’ – ‘She TERRORIZED Bill’s Victims’ | Truth Uncensored

    Iraq’s military: Senior Daesh commander killed in Anbar

    Saturday, January 9, 2016

    Possible Title IX candidate aims to pull UO out of the ‘dark ages’ of sexual assault policy

    Egyptian-American scholar discusses Islamophobia on Daily Show

    Egyptian-American scholar discusses Islamophobia on Daily Show

    The Communist Jews Behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy

    The Communist Jews Behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy

    Friday, January 8, 2016

    Video: Muslim Woman Abused by Crowd, Kicked Out of Donald Trump Rally In...

    Oregon militants caught using government computer and Social Security number list

    Oregon militants caught using government computer and Social Security number list

    MacAllister releases blunt Ombuds report, Reynolds (Law) to be interim 01/08/2016

    High bar for track subsidy | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

    High bar for track subsidy | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

    New VP Kyle Henley takes branding bull back from 160over90 01/07/2016

    Dear Gov. Snyder: You Have to Go to Jail (from @Truthdig)

    Dear Gov. Snyder: You Have to Go to Jail (from @Truthdig)

    Thursday, January 7, 2016

    NEW PROOF Halliburton and Mossad Involved in 9.11.2001

    UO Faculty celebrate today January 7th as “Coach Helfrich Day” 01/07/2016

    High bar for track subsidy | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

    High bar for track subsidy | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

    Johnson Hall hides admin bloat data as it calls for faculty/staff/OA sacrifices 01/06/2016

    Ahmed Rehab speaks at Dr. Larycia Hawkins Press Conference

    Wednesday, January 6, 2016

    President Schill: Aligning our resources to achieve academic excellence 01/06/2016

    Nike Pledges $13.5 Million to Help Renovate University of Oregon Track Facilities Sportswear maker’s contribution supports school’s hosting of 2021 World Track & Field Championships

    Why the Government Owns So Much Land in the West By QUOCTRUNG BUI and MARGOT SANGER-KATZ JAN. 5, 2016

    Nike gave Kitzhaber $400K after he promised $40M subsidy to corrupt IAAF 01/05/2016

    Tuesday, January 5, 2016

    The World First University Was Founded by a Muslim Woman?

    Intercollegiate Athletics Committee to meet Wed, 2PM, 340 HEDCO 01/05/2016

    Phil Knight, Nike poured cash into Gov. Kitzhaber’s campaign coffers as he weighed request for state money for Eugene world track championship | Local | Eugene, Oregon

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    Friday, January 1, 2016

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    The coverup | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

    The coverup | Opinion | Eugene, Oregon

       LasLast week, three female religious leaders — a Jewish rabbi, an Episcopal vicar and a Unitarian reverend — and a male imam, or Muslim prayer leader, walked into the sacred space in front of the ornately-tiled minbar, or pulpit, at the Khadeeja Islamic Center in West Valley City, Utah. The women were smiling widely, their hair covered with swaths of bright scarves, to support “Wear a Hijab” day.
    For us, as mainstream Muslim women, born in Egypt and India, the spectacle at the mosque was a painful reminder of the well-financed effort by conservative Muslims to dominate modern Muslim societies. This modern-day movement spreads an ideology of political Islam, called “Islamism,” enlisting well-intentioned interfaith do-gooders and the media into promoting the idea that the hijab is a virtual “sixth pillar” of Islam, after the traditional “five pillars” of the proclamation of faith, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage.
    We reject this interpretation that the hijab is merely a symbol of modesty and dignity adopted by faithful female followers of Islam.
    This modern-day movement, codified by Iran, Saudi Arabia, Taliban Afghanistan and the Islamic State, has erroneously made the Arabic word hijab synonymous with “head-scarf.” This is misleading. “Hijab” literally means “curtain” in Arabic. It also means “hiding,” “obstructing” and “isolating” someone or something. It is never used in the Quran to mean head­scarf. In colloquial Arabic, the word for “headscarf” is tarha.
    Born in the 1960s into conservative but open-minded families (Hala in Egypt and Asra in India), we grew up without an edict that we had to cover our hair. But, following the 1979 Iranian revolution of the minority Shiite sect and the rise of well-funded Saudi clerics from the majority Sunni sect, we have been bullied in an attempt to get us to cover our hair.
    Women and girls, who are sometimes called “enforce-hers” and “Muslim mean girls,” take it a step further by even making fun of women whom they perceive as wearing the hijab inappropriately, referring to “hijabis” in skinny jeans as “ho-jabis,” using the indelicate term for “whores.”
    But in interpretations from the seventh century to today, theologians have clearly established that Muslim women are not required to cover their hair.
    To us, the hijab is a symbol of an interpretation of Islam we reject — an interpretation that believes that women are a sexual distraction to men, who are weak, and thus must not be tempted by the sight of our hair. We don’t buy it. This ideology promotes a social attitude that absolves men of sexually harassing women and puts the onus on the victim to protect herself by covering up.
    Unfortunately, the idea of hijab as a mandatory head­scarf is promulgated by naive efforts such as “World Hijab Day,” started in 2013 by Nazma Khan, the Bangladeshi-American owner of a Brooklyn headscarf company, and Ahlul Bayt, a Shiite-­proselytizing TV station. The TV station argues that wearing a hijab is necessary for women to avoid “unwanted attention.”
    Furthermore, Muslim special-­interest groups are feeding articles about “Muslim women in hijab” under siege. Staff members at the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which has pressed legal and PR complaints against U.S. companies that have barred employees from wearing hijabs on the job, has even called their organization “the hijab legal defense fund.”
    Today, in the 21st century, most mosques around the world, including in the United States, deny us, as Muslim women, our Islamic right to pray without a headscarf, discriminating against us by refusing us entry if we don’t cover our hair. Like the Catholic Church after the Vatican II reforms of 1965 removed a requirement that women enter churches with head covers, mosques should become headscarf-optional, if they truly want to make their places of worship women-friendly.
    Fortunately, we have those courageous enough to challenge these edicts. In early May 2014, an Iranian journalist, Masih Alinejad, started a brave new campaign, called #MyStealthyFreedom, to protest laws requiring women to wear hijabs that Iran’s theocracy put in place after it won control in 1979. The campaign’s slogan: “The right for individual Iranian women to choose whether they want hijab.”
    The mandate that women cover their hair relies on misinterpretations of Quranic verses. The most cited verse to defend the headscarf (33:59) states, “Oh, Prophet tell thy wives and thy daughters and the believer women to draw their jilbab close around them; this will be better so that they be recognized and not harmed and God is the most forgiving, most merciful.”
    According to Arabic dictionaries, jilbab means “long, overflowing gown” which was the traditional dress at the time. The verse does not instruct them to add a new garment but rather adjust an existing one. It also does not mean headscarf.
    Disturbingly, the government of Saudi Arabia twists its translation of the verse to impose face veils on women, allowing them even to see with just “one eye.” The government’s translation reads: “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed, and God is most forgiving, most merciful.”
    Looking at it in context, Islamic historians say this verse was revealed in the city of Medina, where the prophet Muhammad fled to escape persecution in Mecca, and was revealed to protect women. particularly slaves, from sexual aggression and harassment they faced on the streets of Medina. Today, we have criminal codes that make such crimes illegal.
    In 1919, Egyptian women marched on the streets demanding the right to vote; they took off their veils, imported as a cultural tradition from the Ottoman Empire, not a religious edict. The veil then became a relic of the past.
    Later, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel-Nasser said in a speech in the early 1960s that, when he sought reconciliation with members of the Muslim Brotherhood group for attempting to assassinate him in 1954, the Supreme Leader of the Brotherhood gave him a list of demands, including, “imposing hijab on Egyptian women.” The audience didn’t understand what the word hijab meant. When Nasser explained that the Brotherhood wanted Egyptian women to wear a headscarf, the audience members burst out laughing.
    As women who grew up in modern Muslim families with theologians, we are trying to reclaim our religion from the prongs of a strict interpretation. As in our youth, we are witnessing attempts to make this strict ideology the one and only face of Islam.
    As Americans, we believe in freedom of religion. But we need to clarify to those in universities, the media and discussion forums that in exploring the hijab, they are not exploring Islam, but rather the ideology of political Islam as practiced by the mullahs, or clerics, of Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Islamic State.
    In the name of “interfaith,” these well-intentioned Americans are getting duped by the agenda of Muslims who argue that a woman’s honor lies in her “chastity” and unwittingly pushing a platform to put a hijab on every woman.
    Please do this instead: Do not wear a headscarf in “solidarity” with the ideology that most silences us, equating our bodies with “honor.” Stand with us instead with moral courage against the ideology of Islamism that demands we cover our hair.