Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bibi and Me at the Peace Talks

Bibi and Me at the Peace Talks

It’s so nice of the State Department to send Imam Abdul Rauf, the “Ground Zero Imam” on a taxpayer paid goodwill tour through the Middle East. No doubt it’s money well spent. Speaking in the capital of that country, Manama, Rauf loudly proclaimed that he’s out to “Americanize Islam,” What he exactly meant by this wasn’t clarified. Some skeptics might say he was momentarily confused and meant to say his goal was to “Islamize America.” While fund raising for the Ground Zero Mosque; oops did I say that? I meant while he was spreading goodwill, the Imam’s wife, Daisy Kahn, weighed in on the Mosque issue with the following statement: “Dropping the Plan is definitely not an option at all.” She went on to say, that organizers were in consultation with leaders of the American Muslim community and they will ultimately do what’s best for the “larger good of the larger Muslim community.” That’s a pretty telling statement.


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