Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bogus Yemen bomb plot shows terror no longer drives fear, what's next? S...

Flashmob Says Israel Is Buying HP So We're Not

UPS Yemen Bomb Scare is a Hoax BBC Confirms NO Explosives

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dr. Alan Sabrosky Traitors in our Government Allegiance to Israel 3-15-2010

Racial slur on store crawl sign :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

Racial slur on store crawl sign :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

'A message using a racial slur to call for the death of Muslims and African Americans appeared this week on an electronic sign in the window of a business in Oak Park.
Oak Park Deputy Police Chief Anthony Ambrose said a village employee spotted the sign Thursday night in the front window of a business on the 6500 block of North Avenue.'

Friday, October 29, 2010

Philly BDS Flashdance!

US Government lies to the US-citizens all the time

Obama, the Dude?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mahmoud Abbas Caves In: Recognizes the US as a Jewish State [Satire] | Sabbah Report

Mahmoud Abbas Caves In: Recognizes the US as a Jewish State [Satire] | Sabbah Report
'1. In a major breakthrough engineered by the great man of change and hope and who has blocked access to all documents that tell us anything about him, Israeli Vice President for American Affairs (IVPAA), Barrack Hussein Obama, the Israeli Vice President for Palestinian Affairs (IVPPA), Mahmoud Abbas, has made a major compromise. In a press conference in Herzeliyya, Abbas has offered Netanyahu a huge concession. Both the House and Senate in the US are ready to vote on it as soon as Netanyahu gives the go ahead, the bill having been drafted by AIPAC, as usual. Abbas' statement is included in the photo- op image below.'

A Worse Record Than Saddam's | Sabbah Report

A Worse Record Than Saddam's | Sabbah Report

'Bad boy Julian Assange, the pretty, blondish founder of the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks was hugely admired when he uncovered oppressors and political chicanery in places like China and Kenya, but now he takes on Western duplicity and crimes. Can't have that. This spawn of Beelzebub, say our masters, a traitor whose insolence is a crime against the secretive states of the US and UK. Disregard the pique and dyspepsia of officialdom. It is a distraction, smoke from fires deliberately started to stop us seeing what lies before us.'

Israel is Relieved Not to be The Only War Criminal | Sabbah Report

Israel is Relieved Not to be The Only War Criminal | Sabbah Report

'The voice of joy, the voice of rejoicing is heard in Israel: The Americans and British have also committed for war crimes, not only us. WikiLeaks' revelations have inflamed all our noisy propagandists: Where is Goldstone, they rejoiced, and what would he have said? They were relieved. If the Americans are allowed to do it, so are we.Indeed, the Americans are not allowed, and neither are we. When the traffic police stop a driver for speeding, the argument that "others do it" will not help him. When Richard Goldstone exposes war crimes in Gaza, the claim that "everyone does it" will not help us. Not everyone does it, and when they do, they should be excoriated and penalized.'

The Art of Corporate Mind Control

AddThis - The #1 Bookmarking & Sharing Service

AddThis - The #1 Bookmarking & Sharing Service

'Last week, I got a crazy email from “Joan” (who has hijacked an email list I’m on for animal rescue to send around her political opinions) arguing that Obama should be impeached because he is a Muslim (complete with a promo promising free guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”)

9/11: The Media Ignores Evidence of WTC Explosives | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

9/11: The Media Ignores Evidence of WTC Explosives | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

"Persuasive evidence exists (see Christopher Ketcham's "High-Fivers and Art Student Spies") that Israeli intelligence was aware of the 9/11 plot well in advance. Not only were Israeli agents found to be tracking alleged Muslim plotters, there was "intense political pressure apparently ... brought to bear" to release the five Israeli spies caught filming the event, without any acknowledgment of foreknowledge on their part. Congress never investigated the incident. Nor was there an investigation of the Israeli art students, trained in military intelligence, who allegedly "attempted to form friendships with [New York] federal employees, photograph their offices, tap their phone lines and infiltrate their databases" in 2001, as reported by Nathan Guttman of Ha'aretz.

None of these issues was mentioned in the official 9/11 Commission report.

There was also a great deal of pressure on the media not to discuss these events:

A former ABC News employee high up in the network newsroom told [Ketcham] that when ABC News ran its June 2002 exposé on the celebratory New Jersey Israelis, "Enormous pressure was brought to bear by pro-Israeli organizations"-and this pressure began months before the piece was even close to airing."

"Kourosh Ziabari: In your article “The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions”, you elaborately explore the dominance of Israeli lobby over the U.S. administration and cite good examples of the influence of well-off Zionists on the multinational companies and mainstream media in America. My question is that, what are the root causes of this enormous power and immense wealth which the Zionists have possessed?

How did the Jews take over the vast resources of power and money that has made them capable of framing, modifying and overturning the political equations in the United States?

Jeffrey Blankfort: That question requires a long and complicated answer. In short, an important, well organized segment of the American Jewish community emerged after World War II that has been dedicated to the establishment and prospering of a Jewish state in historic Palestine in which the lives and well being of the indigenous Palestinian Arabs were of no consequence.


Calling Shaul Eisenberg | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

Calling Shaul Eisenberg | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Major rabbi says all we non-Jews are donkeys, created to serve Jews | Sabbah Report

Major rabbi says all we non-Jews are donkeys, created to serve Jews | Sabbah Report

Israel's US propaganda machine at work | Sabbah Report

Israel's US propaganda machine at work | Sabbah Report

Anti-Defamation League Demagoguery and Islamophobia | Sabbah Report

Anti-Defamation League Demagoguery and Islamophobia | Sabbah Report

CAIR Video: Proposed Ban on Islamic Law in Okla. Courts Sparks Debate

CAIR Video: Proposed Ban on Islamic Law in Okla. Courts Sparks Debate

Monday, October 25, 2010

Israel Calls To Attack America | Sabbah Report

Israel Calls To Attack America | Sabbah Report

""Israeli terrorist "clones" are responsible for most hard line rhetoric, threats and, if we investigated closely, have actually recruited terrorists and directly inspired, if not planned and executed, attacks on Americans…Gadahn is part of it, so is Wikileaks"

A call to arms, demanding Muslims in America and elsewhere begin a terror campaign, was spread around the world. The message, we are told, was found on a "secret website" by an Israeli company who put it in a press release."

The Real Bloomers of Palestine | Sabbah Report

The Real Bloomers of Palestine | Sabbah Report

"1948 Lest We Forget has obtained a copy of the full Survey of Palestine (Including the map survey) for its records. The following outline extracts shed more light on the Zionist lies about Palestine being "a land without people…." We recommend that Survey to all our Supporters.

In December 1945 and January 1946, the British Mandate authorities carried out an extensive survey of Palestine , in support of the work of the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. The results were published in the Survey of Palestine, which has been scanned and made available online by Palestine Remembered; all 1300 pages can be read here"

Iran cash: Afghan president says Iran makes cash payments -

Iran cash: Afghan president says Iran makes cash payments -

"Afghanistan PresidentHamid Karzai on Monday acknowledged that his office regularly received large cash sums from Iranian officials but insisted there was nothing untoward about the payments.

The New York Times, in an article in Monday's editions, described the periodic transfer of bulging sacks of currency to a senior Karzai aide and strongly suggested that the money was meant to curry favor on behalf of the Tehran government in policy matters."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life in Palestinian Refugee Camps | Sabbah Report

Life in Palestinian Refugee Camps | Sabbah Report

Lauren Booth reverts LIVE at the GPU

Hatred, Superiority And The Israeli Mindset - Arabisto

Hatred, Superiority And The Israeli Mindset - Arabisto

"Hatred and a feeling of superiority are two core elements that prevent a solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. After 62 years of mutually inflicted atrocities against each other, the Israelis and Palestinians are seething with hatred. During these decades of authoritative rule over the Palestinians, Israelis have acquired a feeling of superiority. Getting beyond these attributes will take time and much healing before there will truly be a feeling of trust and cooperation even after the ever eluding peace finally arrives."

Castro warns of nuclear war

Israel Soldier _Palestine Girl

George H.W. Bush Gets Heckled In A Restaurant


Steven Emerson has 3,390,000 reasons to fear Muslims.
That's how many dollars Emerson's for-profit company — Washington-based SAE Productions — collected in 2008 for researching alleged ties between American Muslims and overseas terrorism. The payment came from the Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation, a nonprofit charity Emerson also founded, which solicits money by telling donors they're in imminent danger from Muslims."

Flippant Comment Upsets Local Muslim Community « CBS Philly – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of Philadelphia

Flippant Comment Upsets Local Muslim Community « CBS Philly – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of Philadelphia

WikiLeaks Iraq War Logs: Torture, civilian death toll revealed in latest...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Explaining xenophobia and racism: A critical review of current research approaches - Ethnic and Racial Studies

Explaining xenophobia and racism: A critical review of current research approaches - Ethnic and Racial Studies

"On Friday October 22nd WikiLeaks released the "Iraq War Logs," in what they are calling “the largest classified military leak in history” with 391,832 reports. The logsdocument the war and occupation in Iraq between 2004-2009 “as told by soldiers in the United States Army.” ZNet is featuring our coverage of this event and so far we have a number of items on the site. These include articles and video by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Josh Stieber who was deployed in Iraq, and whose Infantry Company was shown in the Wikileaks’ “Collateral Murder” video released April this year, and finally, by legendary whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the secret history of the Vietnam War in 1971.

Here are a few items that we have published so far:

Julian Assange: Explaining the Logs (Video)

Assange: Defending the Logs (Video)
Josh Stieber: Responding to the Leak (Article)
Daniel Ellsberg: Logs Released (Video and Article)

Exhibit documents Muslims shielding Jews from the Holocaust

Exhibit documents Muslims shielding Jews from the Holocaust

"In 2003, Norman Gershman was looking for some of the righteous.

What he found astonished the investment banker-turned photographer and led him toward a project that is on display in a St. Louis synagogue.

The Righteous Among Nations are gentile rescuers who make up "a small minority who mustered extraordinary courage to uphold human values," according to Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial museum. "The few who helped Jews in the darkest time in their history.""

Hate-filled Israeli rabbis incite violence against non-Jews | Sabbah Report

Hate-filled Israeli rabbis incite violence against non-Jews | Sabbah Report

"Israel appears to be awash with Jewish hate preachers. In the past, rabbis who issued racist edicts or offensive remarks about Palestinians or non-Jews were generally dismissed as radicals and extremists who were no more than a trifling annoyance to be ignored in the hope that they would simply go away. However, it is now clear that ignoring this problem has only made it worse. In the current climate in Israel, extremist hate preaching has apparently become the norm and it is being embraced, not just on the extreme political right but also by a disturbing number of Israelis in general, be they preachers, politicians, settlers or simply ordinary citizens. Hate-filled Israelis have become emboldened over the years by the knowledge that they can say and do almost anything without fear, knowing that they will not be condemned or, if they are, that nothing will come of it. That is due to the widespread support for their views across Israeli society as well as their religious leaders and the political elite."

Press TV's Arash Zahedi talks to James Morris on US-Saudi Arms Deal

Bill Maher's republican commercial


"Ousted NPR news analyst Juan Williams is having quite a week. On Wednesday evening, he was fired from NPR for saying on The O’Reilly Factor that people in “Muslim garb” make him “nervous” and “worried.” Today, Williams has a new $2 million contract with Fox News, and his past of making sexually inappropriate comments to female colleagues has come back to haunt him.

Raw Story dredged up a 1991 investigation from the Washington Post that found Williams had made “hostile” and “sexually explicit” comments to female Poststaffers on multiple occasions, over a period of several years. The comments themselves were not disclosed, but one staffer went so far as to say, “[Williams] was obsessed with my sex life and that’s all he wanted to talk to me about …. I raised my voice at him and said, ‘Just don’t talk to me again.’ ”

Friday, October 22, 2010

Somali Women Assaulted In Possible Hate Crime

" Two women of Somali descent were the victims of an assault on Saturday in Tukwila that is now being investigated as a hate crime, police said.

The victims were attempting to buy gas at an AM/PM station on the corner of Tukwila International and Southcenter boulevards on Saturday evening, police said. While the victims were trying to resolve the issue, the suspect, a 37-year-old Burien woman, made disparaging remarks to them referring to what she perceived their race and religion to be.

Video: CBS News Quotes CAIR Rep on Juan Williams Firing

"Cries of bigotry as an Oklahoma ballot measure strikes a nerve. In less than two weeks, Oklahomans will vote on State Question 755, which aims to keep Islamic law out of Oklahoma courtrooms. Fox 23’s Douglas Clark has the story.

The group pushing for this referendum cites a New Jersey ruling, where a judge condoned a case of sexual abuse because he said the suspect was acting according to his Muslim faith. Now one Oklahoma lawmaker wants to make sure that doesn’t happen here.",b=facebook

‎"Sadly for you (and this is also why you shouldn't be working for a real news organization like NPR), Shahzad never said that. If you were a real journalist, you would have quoted him accurately. What he actually said was that he was the "first droplet of the flood," not blood. But I know how easy it is to mishear things when scary Muslims are talking. And I guess it's not a huge difference anyway."

UPDATE: "Juan, you probably remember in 1986 when the Washington Post Magazine ran a Richard Cohen column defending jewelry store owners who wouldn't buzz in young black men. It caused such a big controversy that the New Republic ran a bunch of responses to it, including one by you. You might find it interesting to go back and read what you wrote then -- for instance, "Racism is a lazy man's substitute for using good judgment ... Common sense becomes racism when skin color becomes a formula for figuring out who is a danger to me."

CAIR-WA Video: Hate Crime Charges Filed in Attack on Muslim Women

"At last somebody has said it in the most explicit way possible. The somebody also said: "The problem is Zionism and the solution is dismantling the Zionist framework and instituting a secular democracy that does not discriminate between Israelis and Palestinians."

The somebody was Miko Peled, a Jewish peace activist who was born in Israel and lives in America.

He is the son of an Israeli war hero, Matti Peled, who was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967. After that war, General Peled signalled his own commitment to truth by rubbishing Zionism's version of events. He did so with the statement that there was not a threat to Israel's existence and that it was a war of Israeli choice (i.e. aggression not self-defense). General Peled was also one of a number of prominent Jews who called soon after the 1967 war for the immediate establishment of a Palestinian state on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip."


"There are three major branches of Judaism that exist today,Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Over the past few years we have seen the evolvement of yet another branch, Satanic Judaism. Not yet in the mainstream, it manifests itself mainly through the verses written by so-called rabbis living n Israel.

Earlier in the year one of them wrote a book justifying the killing of non-Jews.
A related video can be seen here…."

"J Street fundamentally misreads the politics of America’s Middle Eastern policies, and as a result it is essentially irrelevant to the real debates that will decide what America will do in the region. Glob, one of the most common (and idiotic) assumptions about American foreign policy is that “the Jews” control it. Virtually everyone in the Middle East, a deeply depressing number of Europeans (who cling to anti-Semitic myths about Jewish power and clannishness even while claiming to be completely free of prejudice), and even a handful of misguided Americans think that American gentiles are so weak and so foolish that a handful of clever, rich and unscrupulous Jews have led us around for decades with rings through our noses when it comes to the Middle East. The allegedly awesome mindbending power of Jews in the media and the allegedly irresistible power of Jewish money (through AIPAC and other organizations) bribed politicians and bamboozled the public. How else, these theorists of occult Jewish power ask, to explain America’s stubborn and stupid support of the Jewish state?"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams Responds to His Firing From NPR

Juan Williams Takes On the Race Baiters!

Palestine Solidarity Activists Protest Zionist Propaganda 1 of 2

"Signs reading “Stop Israeli Terrorism” and “No Occupation = No Rockets” could be seen outside Garrison Hall on Monday as about two dozen protesters showed up to voice their disapproval of an on-campus talk bypro-Israeli speaker Noam Bedein.

Pace Davis, co-chair of the Palestine Solidarity Committee, the organization that held the protest, said that this was another episode in a trend of framing responsive actions of Palestinians as unprovoked violence.

“These presentations garner uncritical support of Israel,” Davis said. “We want to draw attention to the narrative of the suffering in Gaza and other Palestinian territories; suffering that is often ignored.”"

Viva Palestina arrives in Gaza

FOX News Cuts Off President Obama's QA With GOP

Glenn Beck Caught Lying and Smearing Again

"King County prosecutors are charging a Burien woman with a hate crime after she allegedly kicked one Muslim woman, slammed a car door on another and yelled racial epithets at both of them Saturday at a gas station in Tukwila.
Shortly before 6 p.m. that day, the two Muslim women stopped for gas at the Arco AM PM gas station and minimart at 15252 Tukwila International Boulevard. The pump didn't appear to be working."

Fox Attacks: Black America

Bill Clinton confronted at USF about 9/11 & the NWO!

Bill Clinton confronted at USF about 9/11 & the NWO!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joel Burns tells gay teens "it gets better"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gazans await arrival of Viva Palestina aid convoy غزة تنتظر شريان الحياة ٥

Monday, October 18, 2010

The World's First Bionic Burger

Director Julia Bacha Talks About "Budrus" with Levantine Center

Sunday, October 17, 2010

WTC 7: Sound Evidence for Explosions

Turn OFF your TV NOW ! ! 2012 - It is Time for a Change

Saturday, October 16, 2010


CBS Report 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

CBS Report On 9/11:
Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

"Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has
emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse
of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to
preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives."

Firemen Explosion Testimony

CBC Archives: Malcolm X on Front Page Challenge, 1965

WitnessGAZA - Join us live as a witness in Gaza

WitnessGAZA - Join us live as a witness in Gaza

Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11

9/11 Coincidences (9/19)

9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses

WTC Owner Larry Silverstein gave order to "pull" Building 7

Re: Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911

Friday, October 15, 2010

Procès BDS: victoire pour Alima et Omar

Thursday, October 14, 2010

John Pilger - Obama Is A Corporate Marketing Creation

FRONTLINE Season Premiere | "Death By Fire" Preview | PBS

The View: Whoopi & Joy Behar Walk Off Stage During O'Reilly Interview

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pro-Palestinian banner during the Greece - Israel Euro 2012 football ma...

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

JFK telling us the 911 truth

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

trip like i do.mp4

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Israeli fascism and US political party tribalism have to end

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The dismantled Al Aqsa Brigades didn

The dismantled Al Aqsa Brigades didn

Mavi Marmara ship creates a Tsunami like wave in Avsa

Freeda Peeple


Ex AIPAC Richard Forer Exposes Israel and Zionist 6-21-10

Ground Zero Mosque 1 Jon Stewart Daily Show - Islamophobia

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Israeli Soldier Speaks on BBC

Israeli settler hits Palestinian kids, runs | Sabbah Report

Israeli settler hits Palestinian kids, runs | Sabbah Report

▪ Yahya's blog on life, politics, religion, culture, etc ▪: Are U.S. Fighter Jets an Incentive to Renew Settle...

▪ Yahya's blog on life, politics, religion, culture, etc ▪: Are U.S. Fighter Jets an Incentive to Renew Settle...: "Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Contact: October 9, 2010 The Obama administration is offering “incentives”..."

Israel's Wages WAR on YOUR MIND

Friday, October 8, 2010

I am the Resistance

BBC now admits al qaeda never existed

Torture of a bound Palestinian by israeli soldiers

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ad targets Democrat’s Arab roots

Ad targets Democrat’s Arab roots: "A Republican group in the US is running an advertisement trying to link a Democratic congressman to President Barack Obama, emphasising the congressman’s Arab-American heritage."

Everything is OK: Dancing Obama spreading 9/11 Truth

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Will Hezbollah defeat Israel (again!) in the coming war? | Sabbah Report

Will Hezbollah defeat Israel (again!) in the coming war? | Sabbah Report

Qiresh Family Eviction: 1948 Ethnic Cleansing Continues [must see] | Sabbah Report

Qiresh Family Eviction: 1948 Ethnic Cleansing Continues [must see] | Sabbah Report

The zionists started to lose the grip in the media warfare?

Israeli Action Against Gaza Flotilla 'Unlawful' -UN Human Rights Council Panel - Salem-News.Com

Israeli Action Against Gaza Flotilla 'Unlawful' -UN Human Rights Council Panel - Salem-News.Com

Speaker criticizes lies behind U.S. helping Israel - Kansas State Collegian - News

Speaker criticizes lies behind U.S. helping Israel - Kansas State Collegian - News

Video: CAIR-Chicago Rep Debates Pam Geller on Fox

How would you answer this question?

Rap group bids to present positive image of Islam

Brisbane BDS Action October 2 2010

Emergency Response Teams sent to New York the night before 9/11

Monday, October 4, 2010

israeli soldier catch arab terrorist(he dance on haer)funny

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: The case of the Sudanese Doctor in Lebanon: where ...

The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: The case of the Sudanese Doctor in Lebanon: where ...: "Comrade Ali Latifa Fakhry (a Lebanese activist and eye witness to story below) wrote this: (I cite with his permission): 'After the racist ..."

Good Answer To A Question From A Christian Lady

Friday, October 1, 2010

You get the truth only from 'former' officials' | Sabbah Report

You get the truth only from 'former' officials' | Sabbah Report