Wednesday, October 27, 2010

9/11: The Media Ignores Evidence of WTC Explosives | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

9/11: The Media Ignores Evidence of WTC Explosives | Rebel News - Dissident News and Analysis

"Persuasive evidence exists (see Christopher Ketcham's "High-Fivers and Art Student Spies") that Israeli intelligence was aware of the 9/11 plot well in advance. Not only were Israeli agents found to be tracking alleged Muslim plotters, there was "intense political pressure apparently ... brought to bear" to release the five Israeli spies caught filming the event, without any acknowledgment of foreknowledge on their part. Congress never investigated the incident. Nor was there an investigation of the Israeli art students, trained in military intelligence, who allegedly "attempted to form friendships with [New York] federal employees, photograph their offices, tap their phone lines and infiltrate their databases" in 2001, as reported by Nathan Guttman of Ha'aretz.

None of these issues was mentioned in the official 9/11 Commission report.

There was also a great deal of pressure on the media not to discuss these events:

A former ABC News employee high up in the network newsroom told [Ketcham] that when ABC News ran its June 2002 exposé on the celebratory New Jersey Israelis, "Enormous pressure was brought to bear by pro-Israeli organizations"-and this pressure began months before the piece was even close to airing."


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