Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When you have Officials, and Community leaders who are turning a blind eye to us Muslims/Arab. Collaborate and Complicit with Criminals Officials, such as -Mr. Bob Ackerman, and others- who commit hate crimes against us. Never stand by us, when our Mosque gets vandalize by hate mongers! We are not invited to be part of the government body or participating on government Boards, Commissions, and be part of the American democracy!

Let alone, what happen to me, every time I ran for pubic office, I get slaughtered, crucified, demonized, defrauded "Voter Fraud" and call by all kinds of slurs names etc..

Mayor Piercy, and the rest of the “progressive” Officials, intentionally treat me shabby, with disdained, incite hate against me, never acknowledge my Candidacy or even look at me with respect! What do you expect form other people to do!


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