Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Breakthrough:Transforming Fear Into Compassion


Breakthrough: Transforming Fear Into Compassion!

Rich has been interviewed a number of times including about his fact-finding trip to Israel and the West Bank this past summer. He is a former AIPAC member. His identical twin brother is ultra-Orthodox and far right wing. He has ultra-Orthodox relatives living in Israel. With that background his view on the Israel-Palestine issue was completely transformed as a result of a spiritual awakening in the summer of 2006. He has been constantly involved - full-time - in trying to make the public more aware of the reality of the subject since that time. He is the author of Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion - A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Breakthrough takes readers on a journey from prejudice and fear to compassion and clarity and to the revelation that, in truth, "we are all Palestinian and we are all Israeli". The obstruction to this awareness is the unexamined mind, which projects its suffering onto the world and then blames the world for the turmoil that results. Meticulously documented with Israeli sources, the book clarifies virtually all aspects of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, especially those that are used to justify oppression. Perhaps more than any book ever written on the subject, Breakthrough explains the internal and unconscious thought processes that lead to accusations of delegitimization of Israel, anti-Semitism and self-hatred. He believes this is a critical issue as his discussion, which includes his own internal but universal process, reduces these accusations to projection and scapegoating, which is what they actually are in all cases.

Noted Israeli historian Ilan Pappe says that the book is “written in the most accessible style, and yet covering an impressive factual and historiographical ground.”

Well-known human rights activist/author Anna Baltzer says “there has never been a book that takes on the daunting challenge of describing and deconstructing the unbelievably complex emotional and intellectual journey from prejudice to compassion on this issue… until now!”

One reader, in an unsolicited comment, said “I have been working in the Israel/Palestine arena for nearly 20 years. I believe that you and your book are an answer to our prayers over many years. May God speed it and may it be dispersed and read widely across the English speaking world.

Another reader, a member of an Israel-Palestine Project, working toward a common narrative of the two peoples, said: “Thank you for the gift of your book. Boy, am I ever glad that however you had your breakthrough, that you had it. This is a wonderful book. You examine your own projection, fear, anxiety, anger, whatever, the clear, open space opens up and you see that there is nothing there – just God or spirit or everything/nothing, whatever words you want to describe it. I love it!!!”

P.S: The book is available at Amazon.com at this link:

Thank you! Rich Forer

Thanks. www.richardforer.com


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