Monday, August 1, 2011

Why We Revel In Others' 'Humiliation'

Living in Eugene, as Arab American; is a taunting mission. I've run 4 four times for public offices. Each time; I was demonized, smeared, called by all kinds of racial slurs such as "Sand Nigger"; and cheated by vote Fraud. My name was on the ballot!

In 2008 for my County Commissioner seat candidacy. At the primary night, the Fair Ground Manager kicked me out from the designated area for the candidates! She escorted me out by telling me that my name was not among the candidates list that was sent by the Election’s office!

All these things happened by the lawmakers & under Mayor Piercy watch, and the unscrupulous lawmakers!

Mayor Piercy had totally ignored, treated me with disdained and humiliated me time & time again every time I ran for Public office!

In 2008 at the Fair Ground the primary night. I was one of the Candidates that were running for County Commissioner Seat. I was kicked out of the designated area for all the candidates then, the Manager escorted out, by telling me my name was not among the candidates that she got from the Lane County Election office~~

In 2008 my campaign for Lane county commissioner seat. I'd attended the Million Moms March for Mother's day; Mayor Piercy humiliated me by not acknowledged my existence as a candidate. All the candidates who were running for offices had been invited to speak before the audience. But only me who was sitting nest to her husband David Piercy with my Yard sign in my hand. Then, again in 2010, my last Campaign for the City Council office. I was very humiliated by her and the rest of the community!

One woman was sitting by me; She couldn't take it. She told me she was not going to march with them. She'd left before they started to march. I followed her too!

Three weeks ago I took my car to Honda's dealer to have my flat tire change. They charged me $17.50. I filed a complaint. Then I decided to talk the sale's person who sold me the car. All of a sudden the Service dept. Manager came to almost striking me yelling & screaming at me talking down telling me he did me a favor! The he kicked me out and ask me not to come all that right in the show room at the Honda'. I was shaking. Then, I asked to talk to the manager the second time finally the Manager came with the same man who humiliated me!

Again Paul was screaming at me again by telling me He didn't me a favor! I told him I've never asked him to do me a favor!

I had to send a package to D.C the clerk at the post office was making fun of me and then another customer was telling me that he's a Veteran and served this country. I've told him I'm an American. I have two members of my family had served in Iraq war. The clerk informed that I was not American; Since I was not born in this Country. I have three generations who were born in this country. My family came to the USA in the 50th.

Yesterday, I was walking to go to a hardware store when I was faced by a very hostile angry man who kept staring at me all the time!!


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