Tuesday, April 24, 2012




At April 24, 2012 at 10:49 PM , Blogger Nadia Sindi said...

Kent Ebner:" Second only to AARP, this PAC is the most powerful on Captiol Hill. AIPAC an unregistered foreign PAC with only one agenda/issue and one client - Israel. AIPAC brags that it has 80 US Senators in its pocket that will vote for any issue proposed by Netanyahu and Israel. It also controls 75% of the US House. AIPAC and the appx. 150 pro-Israel PACs give at least 50% of all PAC money in every election to elect and re-elect candidates who pledge their 100% loyalty to Israel - a foreign country. Many Senators (especially 4 who voted for the AWAC planes to Saudi Arabia) have been targeted and defeated by AIPAC. AIPAC openly bragged about defeating these 4 incumbent Senators. AIPAC and its many pro-Israel PACs under its umbrella have targeted Rep. Ron Paul every two years, funneling millions of dollars into the coffers of whoever ran against him. Why? He was labeled an anti-Semitic because he voted against foreign aid of which Israel receives the largest percentage. RP is the only incumbent they have not been able to defeat in the last 20 years. To me it is a crime that an unregistered foreign PAC totally controls our Government. Whatever, Israel wants, it gets. As Ariel "the Butcher of Beirut" Sharon said: "Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it."


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