Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Campaign Stop: Muslim Swing Vote


At April 4, 2012 at 1:28 AM , Blogger Nadia Sindi said...

CALC, the Peace Movement..etc..etc...are making sure to SILENCE me or any voice coming from the Muslim or Arab Communities!!!

I'd like to share this statement I wrote for Monday's, April 2nd Rally, in Eugene, Oregon!!

Sadly as usual the Organizers are Anti-Muslims & Arabs, didn't let me speak!!

Here is what Clair from the ACLU sated: Not a word acknowledging the Muslim Iraqi woman who was truly killed by hate motivated murderer!!

"Claire Syrett, of the Oregon chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, addressed the crowd, saying the organization was not there to “pass judgment” on Zimmerman because he had not been charged with a crime. Zimmerman, like other Americans, should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise, she said.

But, Syrett said, discrimination is common and “ordinary Americans are routinely singled out based on their actual or perceived racial identity.”

Americans should question their assumptions about race as a step toward ending racial profiling, Syrett said.

To do that, people should “believe our friends of color” when they tell of being racially profiled, Syrett said.

At April 4, 2012 at 1:30 AM , Blogger Nadia Sindi said...

I'd like to share this statement I wrote for Monday's Rally, in Eugene, Oregon!!

Sadly as usual the Organizers are Anti-Muslims & Arabs, didn't let me speak!!

"American society is a melting pot of immigrants who came to this country for a better life for themselves and their children. They came because they believed in the values that have made the United States a symbol of opportunity and freedom to all people, regardless of race or religion. The shooting death of Trayvon Martin and the recent beating death of an Iraqi woman in California are symptoms that our society is plagued by division, anger, and desperation. The mega-corporations and the politicians who are under their sway, through their greed and lack of any sense of responsibility, have made life much more difficult for all but the wealthiest one percent of our country. By inciting such desperation these groups have also exacerbated the prejudice and violence that so often is taken out on minorities, who serve as convenient scapegoats for our own failures and frustrations. It is time that we as Americans, as human beings, come together and recognize that it is only through shared responsibility and accountability that we can honor and manifest values that we all cherish. None of us are blessed unless all of us are all blessed. To those who ignore the well being of their fellow man, whose greed is more important than human life, we say that enough is enough. Understand that you must take responsibility for your behavior and dedicate yourselves to creating and supporting policies that benefit not just a tiny privileged minority at the expense of the vast majority, but all of us. Understand that unless you act with integrity our society will continue its downward spiral into more poverty and hopelessness and that we will hold you accountable.


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