Friday, April 13, 2012

Candidates spar over timber, jobs and money | A few sparks fly over the incumbent’s attempt to label a challenger as an “ultra-conservative”

Candidates spar over timber, jobs and money | A few sparks fly over the incumbent’s attempt to label a challenger as an “ultra-conservative”

The third candidate, interpreter and community activist Nadia Sindi, stayed out of the fray and focused on her priorities of better government ethics, reduced corporate funding for candidates, universal health care and help for veterans and the homeless.
"Neither Farr nor Handy aimed any barbs at Sindi, who said she would be able to get along with the rest of the board and would work to bring “green” jobs to the county and find ways to improve public safety funding. She said the board needs to restore trust in government if it hopes to tackle the county’s serious budget problems.

“We have a crisis in ethics,” Sindi said. “We have lost trust in our government here in Lane County. We need to hold our so-called public officials accountable.”


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