Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Handy sues county for release of documents | QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey

Handy sues county for release of documents | QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey QuickRead goes herey

It's Time for Handy, his buddies, and supporters to be held accountable and pay for their CRIMES!!

As I stated at our County Forum for the City Club & LWV. R.G. April 13-12http://special.registerguard.com/web/newslocalnews/27905910-41/county-farr-handy-candidates-board.html.csp"WE HAVE A CRISS IN ETHICS" Sindi Said 

We are governed by Anarchists NOT by government that follows rules & regulations!!

Please read the comments. This is the one who supposedly won in 2008!! I walk the same neighborhood. Most of the constituents didn't like Handy or VOTED for him as he claimed with his cronies!! I was getting phone calls asking me to give them my Yard Sings!!

Destroy All Morons! • The more you cry as you bleed, Rob, the bigger the smile on the face of cosmic justice!
I hope you get exactly what you deserve from life, and I would consider myself a blessed individual should I get the good fortune to eyewitness a fraction of the earned suffering you are due from the universe.


At May 29, 2012 at 11:55 PM , Blogger Nadia Sindi said...

Please read the comments. This is the one who supposedly won in 2008!! I walk the same neighborhood. Most of the constituents didn't like Handy or VOTED for him as he claimed with his cronies!! I was getting phone calls asking me to give them my Yard Sings!!
Destroy All Morons! • The more you cry as you bleed, Rob, the bigger the smile on the face of cosmic justice!
I hope you get exactly what you deserve from life, and I would consider myself a blessed individual should I get the good fortune to eyewitness a fraction of the earned suffering you are due from the universe.


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