Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pat Farr

‎"It got a little sharper when Handy provided The Register-Guard with court records showing that Farr was cited for drunken driving in 2006, when he wasn’t in public office and was executive director at FOOD for Lane County.

Lane County Circuit Court records show that Farr pleaded guilty.

In an interview, Farr acknowledged the violation, saying he took a short drive to a market when he should have known better. According to the Oregon State Police citation, he had a blood alcohol level of 0.32 percent, four times the legal limit for drunken driving.

Farr entered a diversion program, completed it successfully and the charge was dismissed. He said it had a huge effect on his life, prompting him to give up alcohol entirely and reach out to friends who still drink and urge them to act responsibly.

“Because of that, today I’m educating people on not making bad decisions,” he said.

“If my taillights hadn’t been out I’d have been OK and I’d have gotten away with it. But I didn’t get away with it and it’s not OK.”


Age: 57

Occupation: Consultant, Lindholm Co.

Experience: Eugene city councilor, Bethel School Board member, state legislator

Education: Attended Lane Community College and the University of Oregon


Fundraising: Since Jan. 1, Farr has raised $72,989 and has $15,272 on hand

Top donors include: Wildish family businesses: $8,000; John Murphy and his Murphy Plywood Division: $5,500; Market research company Lindholm Co., $4,940 in in-kind contributions; Delta Sand & Gravel, Gonyea Management Co., $3,000 each; Rosboro wood products company, Hamilton Construction, $2,500 each"

Pat Farr has told me just last Thursday April 26 at our last Forum with the LCYAH that "HE DOES NOT WORK OR HAVE ANY THING TO DO WITH LINDHOLM CO."!! LOOOL

Now I know for sure the man is totally pathetic and Pathological lier!!


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