Sunday, June 24, 2012

As Bush Descends Into Hell, Will the Democratic Party Find its Soul?

"In my last post, I mentioned an issue about which I have written for some 10 years! This article is not quite so venerable but dates to MARCH 14, 2006! I scolded Democrats for their 1) eager to play ball with crooks i.e, the GOP; 2) timidity 3) a worrisome tendency to placate when the opposite course is called for! The GOP should have been OPPOSED VIGOROUSLY from their inception.

An excerpt: "Let's be blunt: the Democrats have failed to gain a single point from Bush's numerous and assorted calamities because they've offered no real alternative. Americans are ahead of all politicians on this point. Meanwhile, Sen. Joseph Biden's message is of the form "...but we could have fought the war better!" What war? The war on terror or the war against the people of Iraq? What Biden doesn't understand is that the one war was never fought —and the other should never have been fought! I am still awaiting the Democrat who will state flat out that the war was a crime!"


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