Sunday, June 10, 2012

EDITORIAL: Eugene’s voting clusters | Mayor Kitty Piercy won in all but a few places

Take a look at the blatant Sedition and Voters Fraud by Piercy & Company and Farr with his .32% DUE arrest record in 2006!

I just got 10% only from my precinct where I live in Goodpasture, Cal Yang, Harlow Rd Neighborhoods   etc... etc.. This the largest neighborhood of N. Eugene.  I lived in this Neighborhood for more than 32 years!! I walked this neighborhood. Every 200 house I found one person who said voted for Farr!!

Noone voted for me from Handy's Rive Road Neighborhood, or Farr's Bethel Neighborhood!  

First of all we had two Forums at Handy's River Road Neighborhoods. The Fist one was the RRC Form! When Handy lost respect of himself by degrading me.  Handy stated in his opening intro. that Nadia is "NO BODY, JUST IGNORE HER"

The other one was the City Club & LWV!  Greg Bolt of R.G. wrote a wonderful review about me. I got an A+++  from that Review!

Candidates spar over timber, jobs and money

A few sparks fly over the incumbent’s attempt to label a challenger as an “ultra-conservative”

BY GREG BOLT The Register-Guard Midnight, April 13:

To say that I didn't get not one 1% voted for me it's way beyond treason. I have more Friends & Arab Americans living in River Road & have business & Restaurant there!!

Second blatant fraudulent statement is Farr's Neighborhoods. didn't vote for me either! We had our last Forum at Willamette High School. I've many many friends who live there too! Arab Americans live there too. I worked at the Hospital and do my grocery shopping Weekly at WINCO! 

People know me by my first name Nadia. I've walked that neighborhood more than once. Some neighbors were complaining to me that Farr leaves his Yard Signs without asking them!!       

(Friday, Apr 13, 2012 05:01AM)

I was camping our every day at Vally River, CostCo and WINCO, and in the Weekend at Saturday Market!!! 
Talking to constituents


At June 10, 2012 at 8:07 PM , Blogger Nadia Sindi said...

I don't how Piercy can look at her self in the Mirror!!! She's the most hated woman in Eugene! She had no moral value or ethics.

Yesterday, I attended S.E.H Graduations Ceremony! Most People I saw they approached me by telling me that they can't stand this woman!

Lots of nasty messages are being left on her website...

Still R.G is trying to show that Piercy won fair & square!!!!


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