Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Americans Must March And Rally July 1 in Washington D.C

On July 1st, 2012 Muslims will assemble and march to Capitol Hill in Washington DC where we will demand an end to the illegal wars and global genocide called war on terrorism. To date, more than 5 million innocent Muslims, women and children have been killed in these illegal wars and called collateral damage. The reality is that the war on terrorism is a war of attrition and as former President George W.  Bush stated, it is also a crusade, mounted by countries in the West and their secular Arab stooges to wipe out believing Muslims and to demonize and vilify Islam to the extent that Muslims would turn their backs and walk away from Islam. This assault on Muslims and Islam began before 9/11 but it did not find the widespread and enthusiastic support that allowed the world's largest and most powerful military to move unilaterally to go to war with people, everyday civilians, based purely upon what they believe and not anything they have done, until 9/11. . 

The following video is an invitation to every American who understands what is happening, and who is tired of the silence and the carnage to come and be with us as we take this historic walk to Capitol Hill in Washington DC to say simply, "NO MORE!".No more night raids where entire faniies are being slaughtered while sleeping. No more illegal drone attacks that kill entire families while celebrating at weddings, or mourning at funerals. . No more torture, no more lies, no more trillion dollar deficits and snatching the food from the mouths of the poor in the US to fund and carry out this criminal genocide!. No more sacrifice of American children, mostly the poor who sign up to fight these wars thinking they will escape poverty and get a free college education. They return home to worse poverty, insanity and suicide.  We say, "No More." 

It is time for us to end the wars, to admit our errors, to hold those accountable who have perpetrated this horrible hoax on the entire world and who caused the unjust deaths of countless numbers of innocent women and children. Please join us,and march and rally with us July 1st, believing that together, we can change our world. The first step to redemption for our country, is to stop the wars.


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