Thursday, July 12, 2012

KLCC Eugene Oregon NPR-Commissioner Rob Handy is Locked Out

KLCC Eugene Oregon NPR-Commissioner Rob Handy is Locked Out

What kind of joke is this Rob Handy!?! "We're seeing those in power at Lane County doing things because they want to and they can."

Isn't it the same way you treated & cheated me time & time again, by the help of Piercy Mayor for all corruptions and the rest of the progressive officials with CALC, WAND, Million Mom March, Betsy, Ruth D, Amy Pincus Marwin, 1000 friends who endorsed you, Environmental, Fire Fighters Local 851, OLC, etc..etc.. and the rest of the Peace Movement!!

How dose it feel now Commish. Handy, when the shoe is on the other foot !?! :))


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