Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mary Rizzo: I Don't Believe You - Salem-News.Com

Mary Rizzo: I Don't Believe You - Salem-News.Com

A voice from one of my special students, Huda. The future of Palestine:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FByLk7wReVg
The following is a response to Mary Rizzo's amateur blog post located here: http://wewritewhatwelike.com/2012/06/25/smearing-and-inflated-egos-at-it-again-god-save-the-free-palestine-movement/
(Warning: Mary Rizzo, Kimberly Amatullah, and team have a nasty habit of taken down screenshots of my evidence so please ask me for it if you desire. All of the screenshots below and more have already been sent to various sources so they have access to all of them. More have not been released in an effort to allow Mary and Kim and team to "put their foot in their mouths" They have done a good job so far ;)
Mary said,
"Here we go again, just when one thinks that the insanity of the personalization of the PALESTINIAN CAUSE is finally running its course, long, long overdue, I add… I find that a blog called Shoah.org that purports to be very popular and pro-Palestinian, though featuring almost no Palestinians at all among those it publishes, has decided that acceptable content is bizarre personal vendettas becoming “our business and thus THEIR business”. The blog looks actually scarily similar to the National Inquirer. I have not had much opportunity to see the site in the past, but having seen the recent “popular” post I do worry about the state of activism and mostly, for what concerns this site, wonder if it is competing in the stakes of activism tabloids.


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