Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Arriving at the Truth: The Holocaust Industry

Arriving at the Truth: The Holocaust Industry

Just like with government, when we acknowledge that it has become a perpetual, cunning, deceiving, self-serving liar that is managed by the Jewish ruling class; so is the mass media which is also controlled by these very same Zionists. This includes most newspapers, most text books, most bestsellers, most non-bestsellers, most magazines, other periodicals, most radio stations, nearly all television programming, nearly all theatrical films, most documentaries, and many websites.

This means that essentially all the information that we absorb originates from Jews who are on a worldwide program to prime us and indoctrinate us to become easily herded mindless sheep who serve them with blind unquestioned loyalty. It works so well that most people outright reject the mountain of evidence or dismiss enlightened thinkers as "conspiracy theorists" or "antisemitic" even though all major events throughout history were initiated as conspiracies. However such doubters usually carry the default position of believing the state or the mass media even when no evidence is presented. By ignoring the norm the public essentially becomes Manchurian citizens who defend their masters.

Jews tend to spew fantastic stories about their treatment during Third Reich Germany without any proof and they get away with this because they control the mass media. They were even behind the tall tales which claimed soap and lampshades were made of human material originating with Jews held in concentration camps. Such allegations have since been proven to be false by DNA testing. It has even been proven that some images of prisoners held at concentration camps were tampered with to stretch or manufacture evidence.

But why would Jews promote (as in many movies), stretch, or fabricate the truth about the holocaust? It is what Jewish scholar and former professor of political science, Norman Finkelstein, calls The Holocaust Industry (also title of his bestseller). They do this to generate a guilt complex and empathy among gentiles to maneuver them to support their underlying, hidden, self-serving agendas. Such motives include defending the apartheid state of Israel and the Kosher tax on nearly all food that the public consumes.

They are also on a global campaign to place all nations under the umbrella of a New World Order which would promote the Jewish ruling class as the "master race" and reduce all other people as second class citizens. This is worldwide apartheid, enslavement, collectivism, and fascism.

I do not believe that the holocaust did not occur. But I do question the many details that were accepted without hard evidence including the figure of 6 million Jews having been murdered or deliberately worked and starved to death. It is for such reasons that I am always open to independent investigations by modern historians who painstakingly scrutinize the finer details to arrive at the truth. Such investigations are always labeled "antisemitic" by Jewish watchdog groups in order to suppress the truth. This is one such film.



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