Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ken O'Keefe

Anna O'Leary
Ken O'Keefe shared the following link and had this to say about it:

Brother Hassan Safadi is to be released at the end of October. Let there be no mistake that Israel would have let him rot forever and the only reason they are releasing him is because courage and a bit of support can be the Israeli monster. Now there are 3 brothers instead of 4 who we must do everything we can to save.
Ken O'Keefe shared the following link and had this to say about it:

Brother Hassan Safadi is to be released at the end of October. Let there be no mistake that Israel would have let him rot forever and the only reason they are releasing him is because courage and a bit of support can be the Israeli monster. Now there are 3 brothers instead of 4 who we must do everything we can to save.


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