Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who Stole the American Dreams!!

PLEASE ...if you get a spare 30 minutes ...listen to this GREAT presentation by Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Hendrix Smith at the California Commonwealth Club today. The audio link may not be up yet but check back later. 
After listening to this I think we will KNOW who has the REAL power in this country and what needs to be done.

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist (NYT on Pentagon Papers) Hendrick Smith did a presentation today at the California Commonwealth Club on his new book "Who Stole the American Dream?" It answers a LOT of the questions about why we are in the economic state we are in and WHO controls our country. He said that unless the Middle Class gets seriously involved NOW we are done for. Problem is how do you get a Middle Class involved and on the right page when the MEDIA has us so divided? The AUDIO link to this great presentation will be up soon here:




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