Thursday, November 22, 2012

MIDDLE EAST: Israel has inalienable right to self-defense

MIDDLE EAST: Israel has inalienable right to self-defense

John Jones  9 hours ago
Hey Weiner, I think your Hamas rockets figures are grossly exaggerated, but that practically incidental considering that Hamas rockets do little damage and fall mostly on Palestinian land that international law acknowledges was stolen by Zionist Israel. And I guess you forgot to mention the number of Israeli civilians actually killed by Hamas rockets, or that Israel illegally occupies Gaza. When the cancerous, illegal, illegitimate "state" of Israel uses it's military forces to murder Palestinian civilians that seems to be okay with you. When Palestinians fight back, that's "terrorism"???? The world is increasingly aware that Israel is a pariah state and the greatest threat to world peace. There is no "negotiated solution to the conflict". Israel has NEVER wanted piece. All Israel has ever wanted was every "piece" of Palestine. Israel has ZERO desire to avoid killing civilians in Gaza ... or any desire to destroy essential infrastructure in Gaza. What Israel has not already stolen, it will try to destroy ... including actual history based on truth. You are a conspicuous Zionist hasbarist. You can use no truth to legitimize what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for 64 years. You have to rely on fabrication .... revisionism. You (Weiner) should not be allowed to use any words containing the word "moral". Morality is not even in the Zionist vocabulary. Who doesn't realize that the perpetual "victims" have become the victimizers and the perpetually "oppressed" have become the oppressors??? Shame on Israel. Israel is its own worst enemy and it brings contempt upon Jews (including me) around the world.


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