Friday, December 7, 2012

David Rovics Concert

Our David Rovics concert is this Saturday at 4pm in San Anselmo. See details attached and below.
Normally I spend the two weeks before an event putting up fliers and advertising it everywhere I can. However, this time I have done almost nothing, and am appealing to you all to help. As several of you know already, I had a stroke just after Thanksgiving, and another last weekend. Having spent 8 of the last 10 days at the hospital, I have had little time for anything else. However, I am optimistic. I managed to put on the Ann Wright event 8 days after having my first stroke 2 years ago, so am keeping my fingers crossed for this time.
If you can help put up fliers tomorrow, or even Saturday morning, that would be great. Thanks Edie, Esther, Meg, Kathy, David and Marsha for offering to do some.
I have fliers here, or you can print off your own.

Irrespective of whether I am there or not, I would, of course, like this concert to go ahead, to raise money forGaza’s Ark.
The Palestinians need our support badly.

Thanks everyone who has volunteered to help on the day. We may need a few more volunteers.
My main concern is to get a good audience. As we discovered when we did our two market research surveys in 2008, by far the most effective way of getting a big audience is through word of mouth. Please consider bringing a bunch of friends. Here are a couple of samples to get them interested:  


Should be a great event. I am hoping to be there!
Thank you for your continuing support.
Jane Jewell

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