Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Jewish Values"

Anna O'Leary: "I've seen your "Jewish values." Babies with shrapnel in their heads. Grandmothers with broken bones. Crushing poverty in refugee camps. The worship and love of the new Nazi state. I've seen your "Jewish values." The perpetuation of racist absurdity. Chauvinistic, ignorant tribalism. You've tried to erase Jewish anti-Zionism from the history books just as hard as you've tried to eras
e Palestine off the face of the earth. I've seen enough, had enough, of your "Jewish values." Your children are not being systematically abused in Israeli prisons, therefore, your opinion is invalid, your victimhood a myth. You're either advocating for today's victims of state violence, or you're not. You're either trying to protect your beloved Judeo-Nazi state, or you're not. Your "Jewish values" don't mean anything to me unless they are valuing non-Jewish life." - Nicole Mia Kopelow
Proud to have a courageous friend like Nicole


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