Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Action about the JNF's role in "greenwashing" the settler colonial project of Zionism and environmental racism

Please Join us for a Study to Action about the JNF's role in "greenwashing" the settler-colonial project of Zionism and environmental racism.
7-9 pm
The Crossroads Women's Center: 333 Valencia, San Francisco 
 Recommended readings (available here: http://stopthejnf.org/documents/JNFeBookVol4.pdf)
-  Introduction
-  Open Letter to the Environmental Movement by Eurig Scndrett
-  Orwell's Green Patrol and the Relentless Racialized Illogic of Ethnic Cleansing in the Name Environmentalism by   
   Jesse Benjamin
-  Tree Planting as Pedagogy' by Corey Balsam
-  Canda Park: Canadian Complicity in a War Crime'  by Ismail Zayid

Across the globe communities are organizing against so-called "green" corporations – both for profit and not-for-profit – that claim to protect the environment as a front for exploitation of land and resources and displacement of people and communities. The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is one of these corporations. 

The JNF was established in 1901 to colonize Palestine and has continued its work of 'greenwashing' the displacement of Palestinians and the theft and destruction of their land and villages to establish Jewish settlements and parks. Despite it's perpetration of ethnic cleansing and environmental racism, the JNF enjoys charity status in over 50 countries. In the United States is raises an average of $50 million per a year. 

In 2010 an international campaign was launched to stop the Jewish National Fund (www.stopthejnf.org). In the UK, where the campaign has enjoyed success, the JNF income has dropped by 49% over the last year. 

Come discuss how the JNF relies on environmental racism and 'greenwashing' and plan concrete steps in the Campaign to stop it.

This study-to-action is intended for EVERYONE against Zionism, settler colonialism, and environmental racism- you do not need to already know about the JNF, you certainly don't need to be Jewish.


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