Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Girl Assaulted In Springfield Seeks Answers |

This is what our KKK Lane County mentality. Where is the outrage!! if this happened to a member of the Jewish Community in Lane County, YOU would see the whole Nation stood up & scream ANTI-SEMITIC!!!

Look to what is happening to all of us colored/minorities people in Lane County!!

I've lost my fully paid Condo to the previous A.G. Dave Frohnmayer!!  Been arrested & beaten by the EPD & thrown in jail. had a criminal record for more than 11 years. That was fabricated by the criminal officials of Lane County, to cover up for Dave Frohnmayer's crime. Every members of Lane County government is complicit with Frohnmayer. Now Dave Frohmayer is working with Harrang  D.A to avoid any prosecution of his crime.

In 2011, I was terrorized by Springfield police who almost pulled his gun on me! The only reason was 'Racial profiling of Arabs'  got a ticket with $375.00 . Then the Springfield police committed a crime by sending another officer to the court to impersonate the real officer who terrorized me.  The officer was blog, obese! He rewrote a different ticket and signed it by his name I have the original ticket I got in the first place!!

Girl Assaulted In Springfield Seeks Answers |


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