Saturday, January 5, 2013

Islam: OpEd Media Urged to Drop Term Islamist In New Year

I think CAIR/Ibrahim hits the nail on the head!! 
I think was one of the very first person who objected on the 'Islamist' term right after 9-11. I was at a meeting with the 'FOR' Fellowship of Reconciliation group in Eugene, Oregon! I was sitting among very much a group of Zionists & Zionist apologist. When my turn came to speak. I brought up this invented term 'ISLAMIST' for Muslim to add more hate against us!! One of the members was totally in agreement with me, this term of degrading Muslims must be dismissed from the Media immediately! 

Sadly, this term has flourished and glamorized by the Media & everyone's who is inciting hate agains us Muslim/Arab Americans


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