Sunday, January 27, 2013

Islamists Want no Peace with Israel!!

Here is a letter from one of the Zionists of Eugene! Using the word Islamists!!

Islamists want no peace with Israel

Jack Dresser’s Jan. 19 diatribe against Israel revealed a disturbing acceptance of radical Islamist ideology, the goal of which is to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel. His support of that exterminationist outcome led him to resort to despicable rhetoric, such as comparing the “Israeli occupation” of land won by Israel in its defensive war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1967 to the Nazi assault on the Warsaw ghetto during World War II.

The death toll of Jewish inhabitants in the Warsaw ghetto was at least 300,000, many of whom were deported to the Nazi death camps. The U.S. State Department has weighed in on “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis,” saying it’s anti-Semitic.

Dresser defended Hamas — a misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-Western terrorist organization — for its resistance to the Israeli occupation. The problem is, Hamas and other radical Islamist groups consider all of Israel to be “occupied territory.” Their goal is the de-Zionizing and de-Judaizing of Israel. They reject peace under any condition and vow to use violence to establish an Islamic state in all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel remains a vibrant democracy with a free press and independent judiciary and is a place where freedom of worship is protected for all, including Jews, Muslims and Christians. It’s those values that underlie the special relationship between the United States and Israel that so frustrates local Israel haters.



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