Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Israel criticised by Britain over West Bank university


The only way to answer the countless slew of the Israelis Anguish, anger, tears is by more closely examining the who the Nazis were and what the Nazis did....  hey they brought it up !

Look at the basic facts:

The Nazis demonized Jews. Zionists demonize Palestinians.
The Nazis were a well armed powerful military. So is Zionist Israel.

Nazis wanted to get rid of Jews:  Millions of Jews- and others- died in concentration camps. Zionist Israel wants to get rid of non-Jews: Millions of Palestinian refugees are trapped by Israeli racism in crowded camps.   
The Palestinians are the ones who have been punitively discriminated against, insulted, harassed, cruelly persecuted and harshly impoverished by sovereign Israel's institutionalized bigotry and extensive state sponsored terror.

And it is in everyone's best interests to do all we can to keep Israel from becoming every bit as monstrous as Germany once was.
If indeed symbolize something profound in the Jewish character, an abiding faith in the fundamental decency of human beings, then Israel will realize the vital importance of respecting the basic human worth and dignity of the indigenous population of the Holy Land and Israel will realize that the real key to a just and lasting peace is full implementation of U.N Resolution 194 from 1948- the Palestinian refugees inalienable right of return.
Nadia Sindi


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