Monday, January 21, 2013

Occupation Soldiers Besiege/Attack Beit Iksa

Occupation soldiers besiege/attack Beit Iksa

Occupation soldiers “visit” Gate of Dignity (Bab AlKarama) early morning, then close checkpoint, confrontations now going on.
(media people and activists needed now on location and activists around the world can publicize)
It was too cold to sleep for most of us last night at the Gate of Dignity encampment and the army “visited” us early in the morning.  Yesterday we had to overcome the Israeli checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Iksa but today the occupation forces closed the checkpoint and are attacking peaceful demonstrators with tear gas and stun grenades ………  

Read more and see videos/pictures and important links at
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PHD
Chair, the Palestinain Center for Rapprochement Between People


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