Wednesday, February 27, 2013

New Hampshire Republican Don't Punish Domestic Violence Because People are Always Free to Leave

‎"The reality is that women (and, less often, men) in an abusive relationship are trapped. The method of entrapment can be financial abuse (Where can I go? I don’t have any money of my own) Emotional abuse (I can’t leave. No one will ever love me. I’m dirt without him) Physical abuse (If I try to leave, he’ll hurt me) Fear (He’ll find me if I leave) or any combination of factors. The abused can’t just leave and they certainly don’t “like being in abusive relationship.” Those are the words of a man who truly believes that domestic abuse is a victimless crime; that the woman (men can never be abused by a woman in GOP world, you see) wants or deserves to be beaten. We find the same attitude prevalent among Republicans in regards to rape. The deep-seated animosity towards, and lack of respect for women, on display is disturbing."


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