Sunday, February 24, 2013

Video: Six Million My Ass

Thanks John Jones: "Never underestimate the power of that timeless principle that states: "If you keep throwing shit on a wall, some of it will stick." The media manipulators have been throwing shit for a very long time. The incident (Holocaust) was despicable, but so were other incidents (some even greater). The figure has been disputed since it was first contrived. Dispute or challenge the figure (alone) and be called a "revisionist". The Zionazi bastards are the greatest revisionists ever. They have not only worked hard to manipulate, but they've worked hard to erase Palestinian history, Palestinian culture and Palestinian identity. Fuck the Zionazi bastards !!"

Thanks to Holly Elisia Niste for sharing this. J. Jones

Thanks to Holly Elisia Niste for sharing this


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