Thursday, March 28, 2013

11 Absurd Lies Most Conservative are Using to Brainwash America's School Kids

John Atherton: "The Bible is a history textbook and a scientific document.
“Texas passed a law in 2007 pushing schools to teach the Bible as history and literature in schools. Since that was already being done in most schools, the law was clearly just a backdoor way to sneak religious instruction into schools, and a report by the Texas Freedom Network (TFN) demonstrates that many of them have taken full advantage. One district treats the Bible stories like history by “listing biblical events side by side with historical developments from around the globe.” Many other schools are teaching that the Bible "proves" that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. The Earth is actually over 4 billion years old.”
11 Most Absurd Lies Conservatives Are Using to Brainwash America's School Kids
AlterNet / By Amanda Marcotte
March 11, 2013 |
When you can't win, indoctrinate.


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