Sunday, July 14, 2013

George Zimmerman Prosecution Petition Overwhelms NAACP Website - ABC News

George Zimmerman Prosecution Petition Overwhelms NAACP Website - ABC News

This verdict is the same as in Lane County Oregon! We the minorities WILL NOT have justice in the liberal klan's land of Oregon!!

Our former D.A Doug Harcleroad framed me by a grand jury to have two felonies in my records for more than ten years!!

Former A.G. Dave Frohnmayer is above the law, white privileged criminal, anarchist has committed crime after crimes, time & time again and noone can sue him!!

Noone can sue this criminal cabal! Frohnmayer has secured both the D.A. and the City Attorney by providing Harrag Long to be in charge of these two offices

The judiciary in Oregon is very much on his side (see Rounds v. University of Oregon, about 20 years ago.)


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