Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Chilling Out" about 9/11 With Sterling D Allan and Steven E. Jones

“Chilling Out” about 9/11 With Sterling D Allan and Steven E Jones

In early November 2012, I was honoured to be invited to the Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM) Conference in Hilversum, Netherlands, to give a talk entitled “Infinite Energy, But Not For the Masses”. A slightly different version of this talk was posted on my website some time ago.

In the presentation, I discuss how free energy technologies have been and are being covered up, using various methods. One method involves the way in which certain groups or individuals function – in that they give the appearance they are interested in helping to bring out free energy technologies but when the evidence pertaining to their activities is studied carefully, it becomes clear there is “something missing.” It seems that they are not helping people to understand the fullest picture of what has been discovered about free energy technology. It seems that in many cases, free energy researchers will not talk about the evidence that free energy technology has already been turned into a weapons system – and this weapons system was used on 9/11. Granted, some of these researchers are still not aware of Dr Judy Wood’s research, which proves this is the case. The cover up of this research has been quite successful – which is why I have been writing about it since 2007 - and my experiences in trying to raise awareness of same.

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