Thursday, February 26, 2015

UO drops counter-claim, still blames survivor for “damage to a good man’s reputation” 02/26/2015

UO drops counter-claim, still blames survivor for “damage to a good man’s reputation”

2/26/2015, 4:20PM: That’s the rumor, anyway. If true it will be a first for Johnson Hall: admitting a mistake. Baby steps. 
No news on when Coltrane will apologize for his prejudicial allegation of an “unlawful release” of UO Presidential Archives.
4:30: Now confirmed in part, by Josephine Woolington in the RG, here. It appears Coltrane got some lousy legal advice, either from UO attorneys Doug Park and Sam Hill, or UO’s hired Miller Nash Attorneys, Michelle Smigel and Michael Porter
Coltrane, however, criticized the online petition that characterized the UO as having filed a lawsuit against the victim, as opposed to responding to a lawsuit. He said he was advised by attorneys that it’s routine to counter a suit.
“Their suit would have us pay legal fees, and I was told it’s typical when you respond” to also file a counterclaim, he said.
UO’s revised response to the lawsuit is less intimidating, though no less offensive:
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