Friday, March 6, 2015

Library Dean Adriene Lim wants $210.63 to produce archives docs 03/06/2015

Library Dean Adriene Lim wants $210.63 to produce archives docs

Dear Mr. Harbaugh:
The University of Oregon has received your public records request for “a) documents from external reviewers, consultants or advisors relating to UO’s Archives and Records Management procedures and resources, from 2009 to the present, and b) documents or emails sent or received by UO Library Dean Adriene Lim relating to UO’s Archives and Records Management procedures and resources, from the start of her employment at UO to the present”, on 02/26/2015, attached. The office has at least some documents responsive to your request. By this email, the office is providing you with an estimate to respond to your requests.
The office estimates the actual cost of responding to your request to be $210.63. Upon receipt of a check made payable to the University of Oregon for that amount, the office will proceed to locate, copy, and provide the records you have requested that are not exempt from disclosure. Your check may be sent to the attention of Office of Public Records, 6207 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-6207.
The university has received your request for a fee waiver for these records. The decision to waive or reduce fees is discretionary with the public body. After considering your request below, the office does not consider that the totality of the circumstances you presented meets the standard for a fee waiver. …
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