Saturday, May 9, 2015


  • Iftikhar Ahmad FGM is a revolting, barbaric practice. So is child sexual abuse. Have you bothered to ruthlessly suppress hat and prosecute sexual predators? Or do you just let them get away with it for years because of their upstanding positions in society? The issue is on a fault line between a number of sensitivities, it's going to provoke emotional reactions. FGM is sexual assault and should be treated as such. The poor children are coaxed into this barbaric procedure by the people they most trust - unaware of the long-term mental and physical consequences. There is no place for 'cultural sensitivity' when addressing this matter - anyone found guilty should be named and shamed.

    Is this not child abuse by the parents? Is there not a procedure in place to deal with child abuse by parents? Sharia has nothing to do with FGM. FGM predates Islam. As it's open season on Muslims and Islam, especially open season on Muslim women in Europe, the proportion of women children at risk is equivalent to the number of Muslim girls in Europe. FGM in the UK is a classic case of a politically correct public sector bending over backwards to accommodate blatant abuses of the person in the name of cultural and religious traditions.To destroy a girl's clitoris is to ruin their sex life for ever. That is a crime and there are laws that are good enough to deal with this. What on earth are the police doing? Sitting on their ar*es no doubt.  
    FGM predates Islam. It was supposedly first started in Pharaoh Egypt. Perhaps earlier. Islam does NOT teach it or support it. The Prophet Muhammad had 4 daughters and 9 wives and not a single evidence or testimony suggests any of them underwent anything like FGM or that they supported it. Islam does not permit mutilation of the body for rituals or customs or traditions, like prohibiting tattoos. FGM is wrongly associated with Islam. But so are many things. Ironically, the British empire was instrumental at destroying the one institution with the moral, political, and spiritual authority to end destructive and barbaric practices like FGM. 
    Keith Vaz, the committee's Labour chairman, said victims had been badly let down. "FGM is an on going national scandal which is likely to have resulted in the preventable mutilation of thousands of girls to whom the state owed a duty of care," he said. "Successive governments, politicians, the police, health, education and social care sectors should all share responsibility for the failure in recent years to respond adequately to the growing prevalence of FGM in the UK."Right 'cos we couldn't possibly point the finger at the cultures that do this kind of thing and protect those who do it with a conspiracy of silence, could we? What proportion of children are at risk of FGM compared to the proportion of children at risk of abuse generally?
    Like · Reply · 31 mins


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