Friday, September 11, 2015

It's Time to delive my Petition to Gov. Brow!!

Many thanks to all who supported me by signing my petition! 

— more than 1000+! — I’m going to deliver my petition to Gov. Kate Brown this coming Monday Sept. 14. 2015!  I’ll be going to Salem!

That means that NOW is the best time to share this campaign with your friends and family through emails, Facebook, Twitter, whatever! The more signatures and comments I receive, the more that I can deliver. Thank you all so much for your support!

Oregon former A.G. Dave Frohnmayer had my SS# blocked & prevented me from getting employed, made me homeless and jobeless!
He was the one who started & initiated the fraud of taking over our homes!! His bank robber Rep. Bob Ackerman hired Scarlett Lee/Barnhart Associated, forged my family's signature, sold our fully paid Condo, without my signature!! I ran five times for public offices! Voter Fraud & Sedition by Lane County government to protect & cover up for the two criminals Frohnmayer & Ackerman!! Oregon government is complicit with their crimes!! Please sign petition.


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