Thursday, October 1, 2015

10 dead, 7 injured in shootng at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg: gunman dead

10 dead, 7 injured in shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg; gunman dead | Local | Eugene, Oregon

Please check the comments that were left by the Islamophobic, hateful, racist Barry Sommer on the R.G. today regading the shooting in Roseburg Oregon!!  

"All of you are focusing on the unimportant point here. You focus on guns when the real tragedy is that this is most likely a jihad attack. Did you know Alex Skarlota, one of three American military on a train in France back in August who subdued a jihadi who was ready to try and murder over 500 people for Allah, was on UCC campus practicing for "Dancing with the Stars?" This is most likely revenge for that foiled jihad. If this is not jihad I will apologize for getting it wrong, but for now the signs point to Islam and jihad."


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