Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oregon Shooter was raised to be a Trump Supporter? NY Times

OREGON SHOOTER WAS RAISED TO BE A TRUMP SUPPORTER? NY Times: Oregon Killer’s Mother Wrote of Troubled Son and Gun Rights. Laurel Harper, the alleged mother of the alleged "college shooter" of Roseburg, Oregon: "An online posting from six years ago included the unlikely revelation that she used to read to her son a book by Donald J. Trump, the real estate mogul now running for president ---- 'Fact: Before my son was even born, I was reading out loud to him from Donald Trump’s ‘The Art of the Deal,’ she wrote." So, the "killer", while still in fetal form, was already being weaned on an in utero diet of Donald Trumpisms? Seriously? How conveeeenient! Next thing you know the CIA-Slimes complex will be telling us that Christopher Harper-Mercer was also a fan of Vladimir Putin!


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