Sunday, December 6, 2015

YouTube: Calif

Junaid Javed CAIR look into the family pictures of the shooter at 18:00 in the video.
if the shooter was a devout Muslim or even a muslim why would he have all Hindus in his family pictures ?
it seems like his entire family was hindu just look into his family pictures that were taken by the media from his own house.

>>family pictures of the shooters show women wearing holly thread(necklace} around their necks it's called "mangal sutthar" it's a hindu thing.
>>it also shows hindu women wearing a a mark on their forehead between eyebrows called bindiya is again a hindu thing.
>>it also shows women wearing the saree which is also hindu women traditional dress.

you should ask his sister and brother in law the same questions they all need to be investigated nothing seems real.


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