Thursday, December 17, 2015

Berry Sommer!!!

Please check the comments that were left by the Islamophobic, hateful, racist Barry Sommer on the R.G. today regading the shooting in Roseburg Oregon!! Barry Sommer • "All of you are focusing on the unimportant point here. You focus on guns when the real tragedy is that this is most likely a jihad attack. Did you know Alex Skarlota, one of three American military on a train in France back in August who subdued a jihadi who was ready to try and murder over 500 people for Allah, was on UCC campus practicing for "Dancing with the Stars?" This is most likely revenge for that foiled jihad. If this is not jihad I will apologize for getting it wrong, but for now the signs point to Islam and jihad." Visit Barry Sommer's profile Barry Sommer "Ah, I see you are using Hamas-linked CIR as your credible source. Makes one wonder where your loyalties lie. Islamophobia, really now. That phrase was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood specifically to shut down any conversation seen as insulting, demeaning or questioning Islam or its texts and teachings, but facts don't matter to a rabid anti-semite and Jew hater such as yourself. There has never been a :Palestinian"people or a country called "Palestine" yet you continue to perpetuate the lie so as to have fuel for your hatred of Israel. FBI stats for 2013 show religious discrimination against Jews to be 6 times higher than against Muslims, thus reducing your claim of "Islamophobia" to so much smoke and mirrors. Nadia, just be quiet until you can speak the truth ins tead of spewing lies and hatred against Israel and Jews. Long live Israel! Down with Islam!" 12:41 a.m., Saturday Oct. 3 | Other comments by Barry Sommer

Islam Today Oregon Presents: This Is Islam: Jihad in Oregon: 13 dead at Umpqua Community Colle...: Jihad hits Oregon with tragic consequences. 13 dead, over 20 injured, some critically and so far, authorities say they have no motive. Le… Sommer has already declared the shooting to be Islamic Jihad on his group's website: He just makes up evidence, rationalizes to get the desired results. Sommer always does this, it is his m.o. Barry Sommer - president of local chapter of a hate group against Islam, has officially declared this was an act of Islamic Jihad terrorism, despite all the evidence to the contrary, such as shooter hated all organized religion. Sommer also claimed shooting took place in Roseburg as revenge for Roseburg being the home of the Train Hero. This is also false as shooter has lived in Roseburg for 2-3 years. Sommer has a one track mind and it runs off a cliff.


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