Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holy Roman Empire Rules Today Posted by luggnutz on July 11, 2010 at 9:09am

Dave Newhouse: Ramadan brings Muslims peace - San Jose Mercury News

Dave Newhouse: Ramadan brings Muslims peace - San Jose Mercury News


Stone In My Hand for May15

Stone In My Hand for May15

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Student tasered for wearing a baseball cap

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Video: Muslims Critical of Rep. King's Anti-Muslim 'Vendetta' (CAIR)

Syrian "shabeha" shoot and torture a child 7-27-2011

Anne Boufadene
This is the most scary thing I have seen.. so distrubing, but have to share as to show the brutality in Syria.. A child has been tortured as to find the whereabouts of his father.. There is no need to watch , but how can George Galloway support Assad when you find this is happening? Patrick Mac Manus Ahmed Zack Freedom To You Citizen Smart

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

McCain erupts: Conservatives are lying to America By Greg Sargent

Did Anti-Muslim Extremists in the US Influence Anders Breivik?

MinnPost - Devin Henry: Ellison denied request to testify at Al-Shabaab hearing

MinnPost - Devin Henry: Ellison denied request to testify at Al-Shabaab hearing

Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland | The House Committee on Homeland Security

Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland | The House Committee on Homeland Security

Al Shabaab: Recruitment and Radicalization within the Muslim American Community and the Threat to the Homeland

Why did Bachmann Listen to A Right-Wing Extremist Who Wants to Criminalize Islam?

FBI ‘Islam 101′ Guide Depicted Muslims as 7th-Century Simpletons

Civil Rights Advocates Call on Congress to Investigate FBI’s New Intelligence Rules

Samuel Ansari, Muslim prayer leader and baker, dies at 62

Samuel Ansari, Muslim prayer leader and baker, dies at 62

'Counter-Jihad' Blog Calls for More Europeans to Emulate Breivik's Attacks

'Counter-Jihad' Blog Calls for More Europeans to Emulate Breivik's Attacks

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pat Robertson Responds To Norway Terrorism With Attack On Islam

Pat Robertson Responds To Norway Terrorism With Attack On Islam

Monday, July 25, 2011

Occupation 101 - Official Movie (1 of 7) in High-Definition - New Digita...

The Oslo Attacks: Comment and Analysis

The Oslo Attacks: Comment and Analysis

Sunday, July 24, 2011 The Obama's Mother and Geithner's Father Connectio... The Obama's Mother and Geithner's Father Connectio...: "I have mentioned the connection, between Barack Obama's mother and Treasury Secretary Geithner's father, before. I have a bit more informa..."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Welcome O Ramadan

Oslo, Norway, Bombing and Camp Shooting by illuminati.wmv

Fox Juxtaposes Norwegian Terrorist Attack, NYC Islamic Center

Fox Juxtaposes Norwegian Terrorist Attack, NYC Islamic Center

Anti-Muslim rightwinger suspected in Norway carnage

Anti-Muslim rightwinger suspected in Norway carnage

Norwegian massacre gunman was a right-wing extremist who hated Muslims Read more:

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Insanity of Christian Zionism!

Bobby Sands - The Rhythm Of Time

Netanyahu: US, Israel one and the same

Warts and all portrait of artist Lucian Freud -

Warts and all portrait of artist Lucian Freud -

How Obama could win the GOP primaries - The Week

How Obama could win the GOP primaries - The Week

Unbelievable Cruelty to Children

Oregon's Lawmakers are covering up for Mr. Bob Ackerman's crime against me! Rep. Ackerman had forged my sister's signature hired Barnhart Associates to sell our Condo by the cheapest price to one his buddy at University of Oregon!

The Lane County lawmakers entrapped me in a criminal records for more than 10 years!!!

Every time I apply for a job; I get dismissed or if I get hired I'll be fired right away! Each time I file for a complaint it gets dismissed by the Secretary of the State, BOLI, HUD, ACLU, OSB, NAACP, SPLC, EEOC..etc..

CALC is the handler for the lawmakers! Our peace movement is a liberal Klan! Every time I ran for Public office I was paraded, by the media, CALC, & the unscrupulous officials handers, hate messages on my website, Blogs. Telephone harassment, stalking, smearing, demonizing, racial slur, and blocking any Muslim/Arab member to have any voting power.

I ran four 4 Times foo Public offices. Each time I was cheated "Voter Fraud"! The last office I ran for was on 2010 for city Council. Mayor Piercy had treated me with contempt, disdain; by humiliating me, right in front of a big crowd at the Million Mom's March as a Sand N...!! The city of Eugene is the Capital City for Lynching Arab/Muslim Americans!!

Unbelievable Cruelty to Children

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Herman Cain's ever-shifting Muslim position,0,3277736.story

Muslim woman testifies in Abercrombie & Fitch headscarf lawsuit Read more from this Tulsa World article at

New Hampshire Union Leader swats Herman Cain's mosque stance Read more:

Dis[Locating] Culture: Contemporary Islamic Art in America samples its themes, but not coherently.


Planet of The Arabs

Planet of The Arabs

PA says Israel''s "war crimes" push the leadership to come to the UN

Austria releases massacre suspect

OIC/Palestine: OIC Secretary General condemns Israel’s seizure of the ship Dignite-Al Karama destined for Gaza Strip

Austria releases massacre suspect

OIC/Palestine: OIC Secretary General condemns Israel’s seizure of the ship Dignite-Al Karama destined for Gaza Strip

OIC/Palestine: OIC Secretary General condemns Israel’s seizure of the ship Dignite-Al Karama destined for Gaza Strip

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Video: GOP Presidential Candidate Promotes Islamophobia (CAIR)

The state of Oregon's Lawmakers are covering up for Mr. Bob Ackerman's crime against me! Rep. Ackerman had forged my sister's signature hired Barn hart Associates to sell our Condo by the cheapest price to one his buddy at University of Oregon! The Lane County lawmakers entrapped me in a criminal records for more than 10 years!!! Every time I apply for a job; I get dismissed or if I get hired I'll be fired right away! Each time I file for a complaint it gets dismissed by the Secretary of the State, BOLI, HUD, ACLU, OSB, NAACP, SPLC, EEOC..etc.. CALC "KKKALC" IS the handler for the lawmakers is smearing, demonizing me, and blocking any Muslim/Arab member to have any voting power I ran four 4 Times fro Public offices. Each time I was cheated my name wan NOT on the ballot! The last office I ran for was on 2010 for city Council. Mayor Piercy had treated my disdain; humiliated me right in front of a big crow at the Million Mom's March as a Sand N...!! The city of Eugene is the Capital City for Lynching Arab/Muslim Americans!!

Video: CAIR Rep Comments on Herman Cain's Mosque Remarks (CNN)

Israel's 'equality under law' doesn't apply to Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel's 'equality under law' doesn't apply to Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Michael Cheverie Dewey4

Monday, July 18, 2011

Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

US Zionists under Christian cover?

Terrorists control The White House

Al Jazeera Incident Shows Xenophobia Alive in America

Al Jazeera Incident Shows Xenophobia Alive in America

The state of Oregon's Lawmakers are covering up for Mr. Bob Ackerman's crime against me! Rep. Ackerman had forged my sister's signature hired Barn hart Associates to sell our Condo by the cheapest price to one his buddy at University of Oregon! The Lane County lawmakers entrapped me in a criminal records for more than 10 years!!! Every time I apply for a job; I get dismissed or if I get hired I'll be fired right away!I ran four 4 Times fro Public offices. Each time I was cheated my name wan NOT on the ballot! The last office I ran for was on 2010 for city Council. Mayor Piercy had treated my disdain; humiliated me right in front of a big crow at the Million Mom's March as a Sand N...!! The city of Eugene is the Capital City for Lynching Arab/Muslim Americans!!

Herman Cain: Americans Can Stop Mosques

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Israeli crimes do not represent Jewish people

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Video the US Military doesn't want you to see

Rage against Israel rises in EU as activists urge export embargo

EXCLUSIVE: As Ralph Reed Steers ‘GOP Israel Primary,’ Documents Reveal Right-Wing Israeli Group Is Paying Him

EXCLUSIVE: As Ralph Reed Steers ‘GOP Israel Primary,’ Documents Reveal Right-Wing Israeli Group Is Paying Him: "pHawkish pro-Israel positions have become a litmus test for Republican candidates, particularly in the 2012 presidential campaign. And one of the political operatives driving this phenomenon is none other than Ralph Reed, the disgraced lobbyist who left the Christian Coalition to form Century Strategies. Reed’s newest group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, has actively encouraged [...]/p"

"Creativity, Dissidence and Women" - Dr. Nawal El Saadawi

Video: CNN Exposes Walid Shoebat's Terror Training Scam (CAIR) - Part 2

Friday, July 15, 2011

Naeim Giladi - 11-07-94 Original air date

Confirmed Government employing Internet Trolls Shills and Agents for Fac...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Flight of Return

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: Strategic Actions for Justice

What Are We Capable Of?

What Sharia Is – and Isn’t: Examining the Anti-Sharia movement in America

Obama storming out of a tense debt-limits talks was 'serious'

Defense Against the Psychopath (Full length Version)

US & China: Two Paths to the Future

Peace Works 2011 Blog

Petition to tackle the rise of Islamophobia Petition

Petition to tackle the rise of Islamophobia Petition

Muslim weightlifter finally reaches national competition  |

Muslim weightlifter finally reaches national competition  |

Victim Sues to Stop Murderer's Execution

Courthouse News Service

Courthouse News Service

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nation & World | Israel gives go-ahead to museum opposed by Muslims | Seattle Times Newspaper

Nation & World | Israel gives go-ahead to museum opposed by Muslims | Seattle Times Newspaper

Christian accepts Islam after challenging Zakir Naik at an Islamic Confe...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

David Cole & Mark Weber on the Montel Williams Show Part 1

Ziggy Marley & The Chieftains - Redemption Song

Finkelstein - Bruce Lee

The Truth about Facebook!

Webster: If We Cut Aid To Israel, We Lose 'God's Hand' On America

Monday, July 11, 2011

U.S cameraman has proof 911 was a lie2.avi

Woman says she was fired from Duane Reade for wearing a hijab -

Woman says she was fired from Duane Reade for wearing a hijab -

فيديو كليب ماض كالسيف _ أبو علي _ روووعة

War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Israel)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Blue State Post


Bill Maher: If you're a working-class American who still votes Republican ... you're stupid

Bill Maher: If you're a working-class American who still votes Republican ... you're stupid

'Fly In' Activists on Mass Deportation from Israel


BDS Action - Sylvia Park, Auckland New Zealand 9 July 2011

Sad story of Shuhada Street

Anti-Islam group finds fertile ground in Nashville Act! for America's local chapter is the nation's larges

My Mormon sister's big fat Turkish Muslim wedding

Israel blocks lawyers access to detained Gaza Flytilla activists

SodaStream grows in popularity

SodaStream article

Dear Friends

See an article about SodaStream in the SF Chronicle today - long review, all pure publicity, no mention of the fact that all these devices are made in an illegal Israeli settlement:\

SodaStream is an Israeli company, whose main production site is in Mishor Edomim, a settlement industrial zone in the occupied West Bank, on confiscated Palestinian land, using exploited Palestinian labor. To read more about SodaStream's involvement in the occupation:

During the last two years, SodaStream has expanded int business into the US, went out on NASDAQ, and started an aggressive marketing campaign in partnership with its US distributors, including Bed Bath and Beyond and Macy's. In a recent interview, the company's CEO has claimed that the company enjoys unprecedented growth, and that it does not expect any problems in the US (such as the boycotts that it had been encountering in Europe), which is the company's main expansion market.

Please send responses to the newspaper and to its website, and send around this request.



End the Blockade of Gaza!
Tear down the Apartheid Walls!
End the Israeli collective punishment on the Palestinian people!
End the illegal Israeli Occupation of all of Palestine!
Free Palestine!

Support the Free Gaza Movement, US Boat to Gaza, Freedom Flotilla 2 - Stay Human Break the Siege on Gaza!

Support ISM volunteers in West Bank and Gaza Strip!

Donna Wallach
Skype: palestinewillbe
Twitter: @PalestineWillBe
(h) 408-293-4774

Saturday, July 9, 2011


A Palestinian State Redeems the U.N.’s Historic Nakba (Catastrophe) 09. JUL, 2011

'Palestine must get own state, deadline September'


Brother Leader Muammar Qadhafi's Speech to Million March on July 1, 2011

Obama's secret plan to spin his Libyan misadventure

Phil Boehmke

Forget the debt crisis, the budget, the failing economy and millions of unemployed Americans. What Obama needs is a way to reverse his bad poll numbers and shut up the critics of the humanitarian intervention (unauthorized war) in Libya.
The poll bounce after OBL was killed should have lasted longer, in his view. The greatest and most heroic action by any U.S. President since Abraham Lincoln should have lasted until November 2012. A white president would still be riding high. How about taking out Gaddafi?

Without putting boots on the ground in Libya, it will be impossible to assassinate Gaddafi and get full credit for the heroic mission. Besides, since Admiral Locklear blabbed about NATO's plan to kill the Libyan leader, it just wouldn't look right. Even if he is "accidentally killed" in an air strike, Obama wouldn't be able to claim credit because the U.S. is acting only in a limited support role, despite what those loud-mouths at Air Force Times reported last week.

Air Force and Navy aircraft are still flying hundreds of strike missions over Libya despite the Obama administration's claim that American forces are playing only a limited support role in the NATO operation.

An Africa Command (AFRICOM) spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday that since NATO's Operation Unified Protector (OUP) took over from the American-led Operation Odyssey Dawn on March 31, the U.S. military has flown hundreds of strike sorties. Previously, Washington had claimed that it was mostly providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and tanker support to NATO forces operating over Libya.

There must be some other way to get a poll bounce out of Libya. Hey, how about capturing the Lockerbie Bomber? He's still living in Libya and after he was released from prison (on compassionate medical grounds) the American people were really angry. Since some critics felt that OBL should have been captured and put on trial, maybe the Lockerbie Bomber could be captured and brought to America for a show trial. Talk about a poll bounce!

How to capture Abdel Baset al-Megrahi without putting boots on the ground? Maybe a deal can be struck with al-Qaeda (a.k.a. the freedom fighting, pro-democracy rebel forces) to capture al Megrahi and turn him over to U.S. special-forces. Now, the challenge will be to keep this plot from leaking out.

Another leak, say it ain't so! The UK Daily Mail reports:

Senior Congressional sources in Washington have disclosed to The Mail on Sunday that President Obama has told the Libyan rebels through intermediaries that a condition of continued support from the US is that they must hand over Megrahi if they enter Tripoli.

The mission would involve Megrahi being flown to a neutral Arab country by US Special Forces once he is handed over by the rebels, and then on to America to face trial. British SAS soldiers are unlikely to be directly involved in the operation [...]

The plan to capture the bomber came after US Senators Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez met Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder last week to demand the US 'continue working to return Abdelbaset Al Megrahi to prison'.

By now nobody could possibly remember that Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Holder were consulted by the Scottish government prior to the release of the infamous Lockerbie Bomber. That was way back in 2009 and even then nobody important read the Q&A article.

Q: So how was the decision made to release him?

A: Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill considered a Libyan government request to transfer al Megrahi to Libya to serve out his sentence there.

He talked to families of British and U.S. victims, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, British authorities, Libyan officials, and al Megrahi himself, declassified Scottish government records show.

The MSM never picked up the story, so Eric and Hillary should be in the clear on this one. This could be the solution to the Libya problem and give BHO a badly needed bounce in the polls. If only they can keep it a don't tell anyone.

Posted at 10:55 AM | Email | Permalink | 3 Comments | Share

3. Thanks to EON, we learn more from these 5 videos of one session in San Francisco than we have learned from our own government. Please look at all 5 videos, starting with Part One here:

Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction.


Will News Corp Survive the Scandal?

Gaza: what the world forgot - English

Gaza: what the world forgot - English

Friday, July 8, 2011

Another Tack: Memo to kibitzers and kvetchers By SARAH HONIG


Flotilla 2 Deserves Our Applause By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Hasner mining for fear - St. Petersburg Times

Hasner mining for fear - St. Petersburg Times

Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Jews United against Zionism- Face to Face-07-06-2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thank you for your support | Amnesty International

Thank you for your support | Amnesty International

Planet of The Arabs

Video: Muslim Woman Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Retailer (CAIR)

Freedom flotilla II-News Analysis-07-06-2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Checkpoint Part 1

This Palestinian Life Part One

MIDEAST: Children Find an Island of Near Normalcy - IPS

MIDEAST: Children Find an Island of Near Normalcy - IPS

Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - WAFA Monitors Incitement and Racism in Israeli Media

Palestine News & Info Agency - WAFA - WAFA Monitors Incitement and Racism in Israeli Media

Inside Story - Outsourcing the Gaza blockade

Deir Yassin Massacre Documentary - English Subtitles_ Le Massacre

Sabotage is Name of Israeli Game

BBC takes on 'Life of Muhammad'

"Can a biography of the prophet of Islam, be told without controversy or cliches? It would appear not.

This month, just ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in August, state-run TV in Britain will show a three-part documentary, The Life of Muhammad, commissioned by its first Muslim head of BBC religion programming, Aaquil Ahmed, and narrated by Rageh Omar, a correspondent for Al-Jazeera English"

Israel crimes at Jenin- English Subtitles

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

dr. jack shaheen to co-host tcm’s arab images on film series

Chicago protesters rally against Syria's government,0,1413960.story

Your State Can’t Afford It

Oakland Tribune My Word: Despite the bullying, the flotilla will sail

Resheq: Tamimi would not succumb to Israeli threats

Remember Palestine

Monday, July 4, 2011

this land is your land with lyrics

UWO Students Demand Answers

UWO Students Demand Answers

War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Israel)

A baby in prison

A baby in prison

Children of Shatila

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Interview with Richard Forer - Israel-Palestine Conflict Part 4 of 4.mpg

Interview with Richard Forer - Israel-Palestine Conflict Part 2 of 4.mpg

Let's keep the heat on Washington!

Action Alert Update
July 3, 2011

Eight of the passengers and organizers of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have begun a hunger strike in Athens. They, and dozens of others, are sleeping on the sidewalk in front of the U.S. Embassy tonight. This action is being taken because the captain of The Audacity of Hope, John Klusmire, remains in Greek custody in terrible conditions.

Throughout this country people have responded to our call to contact the U.S. State Department to demand that they take the steps necessary to ensure that the Greek authorities immediately release the captain and let our boat sail to Gaza. In fact, there has been such a strong response that we are hearing their voice mailboxes are full! That's great, but of course frustrating for those of you trying to make those calls.

Here are some other numbers and email addresses to try:

State Department general number: 202-647-4000 - ask for the Overseas U.S. Citizen Services Duty Officer and you'll get a live State Dept. official who has to hear you out.

The voicemail for Kim Richter - also at the State Dept. - says she's out of the office for several days, and that callers with urgent issues should contact a colleague at 202-647-4578 .

You can email the U.S. Embassy in Athens at: or you can send an email to them at:

If you can place an international phone call, the number for the U.S. Embassy in Athens is 011-30-210-721-2951.

Please also try to call, fax or email your members of Congress as well.

More information is on our website:

Help us keep the pressure up!!

End the Blockade of Gaza!
Tear down the Apartheid Walls!
End the Israeli collective punishment on the Palestinian people!
End the illegal Israeli Occupation of all of Palestine!
Free Palestine!

Support the Free Gaza Movement, US Boat to Gaza, Freedom Flotilla 2 - Stay Human Break the Siege on Gaza!
Let's keep the heat on Washington!

Gaza Flotilla: The Media Battle in Israel

Gaza Flotilla: The Media Battle in Israel

Interview with Richard Forer - Israel-Palestine Conflict Part 1 of 4.mpg

Thom Hartmann: The 10 DAY manhunt for a known terrorist ignored by MSM

Saturday, July 2, 2011

US BOAT TO GAZA: The Audacity To Love

Audacity Stopped at Sea 01:07:2011.m4v

انتصار بلعين على الجدار.wmv

HUGE PRO GADDAFI RALLY in Tripoli - Raw Footage

Audacity Stopped at Sea 01:07:2011.m4v

Friday, July 1, 2011

شام فضائيات CNN أندرسون كوبر يكشف الحقيقة

Free Radio Berkeley: Building a Low-Power FM Broadcast Station (Complete)

Yonatan Shapira, U.S. Boat to Gaza Crew

Petition - Shared Sacrifice: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

Petition - Shared Sacrifice: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)