Thursday, August 4, 2011

Singled out

Singled out

Springfield Police has hunted me by blatant Racial Profiling!
The officer showed up from a different direction off the highway, to terrorize, screamed, and almost struck me! Asking me more than 20 times who I was?

In May 10th-11, I had my court appointment to fight the citation that was giving to me by fraud! -The court date was supposed to be on March 17th-11. But I got a notification telling me “Due TO THE OFFICER BEING UNAVALABLE ON 3/17/11, YOUR COURT DATE HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE NEW DATE LISTED BELOW May 10, 2011”-

To my surprise, the Springfield police department had sent another officer to impersonate & pretended; that he was the officer who ticketed me back in Jan. 7-11. Officer Matt Bohman rewrote a new ticket by committing a crime of forgery and fraud.

Each time I file a complaint, Secretary of state, ACLU, NAACP, SPLC, HUD, BOLI, EEOC demise my complaint!


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